
Pokemon: Superiority

Being Reborn in the Pokemon world, Sinbad Augustine will prove his superiority!!

LemonVenom · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Vacation Of Some Sorts

After making it to my house and going to sleep, I woke up to an unusual sight. My bed is floating and everything in my room is floating. I realized this might be my psychokinesis but as soon as I said that, it stopped. All of my room comes crashing down and I'm lucky the bed didn't crash through the floor.

After cleaning my room, my mind relived memories that will be a serious problem.Looking into the memories of the past Sinbad, I learned he never really liked Pokemon battles. Because of that, he never enrolled in trainer school.

It's bad because I'm 13 years old. Most trainers enroll at 10 and end at 15 years old. I have to make up 3 years I missed or else I will get left behind. I met my father and mother in the living room to talk about my new dreams. How will they take it I don't know.

"Mom, dad, I want to talk with you", I stated catching my parents attention.

"Oh Sinbad, We have something to talk about to you too", my dad responded.

I was silent for a few seconds before speaking."If it is okay with you, I would like to enroll in trainer school. Also, what did you want to ask me.".

Both my parents'eyes widened. None of them dare to say a word. Not until my father spoke up."This might not be the best time but changed your mind of Pokemon battles."

Damn, I didn't think this far. I tried to think of a reason before taking a poke ball out of my pocket. I clicked the button and Kubfu came out.

"Son, where did you get this Pokemon", my dad shrieked.

"When I was in the forest yesterday, I came across the poke ball. After realizing this Pokemon was abandoned by its trainer, I took it home with me", I retorted.

After talking to my parents about the situation with Kubfu and me wanting to enroll in trainer school, my parents finally brought up what they were going to say.

"We were planning to go take a trip to Aloha for a few months, but I guess we will have to stay for trainer school I suppose", My mom sadly muttered.

I felt guilty. I didn't want to ruin a family outing. I tried to say sorry but my dad spoke before me.

"Now honey, I'm sure there is a trainer school in aloha worth attending> I actually have a school in mind. ", My dad vocalized.

That's how I was enrolled in the Aloha' Melemele trainer school.