
Chapter - 18, the Award Ceremony

Referee: as Dragonite is unable to battle and Dragonite being the last Pokémon of trainer Drake the winner of this match is Ash Ketcham of Pallet Town. 

Announcer: and After a fierce battle, between Drake and his Dragonite the winner is Ash Ketchum and Charizard. 

A wave of cheers erupted from the spectators, celebrating the hard-fought victory of Ash and Charizard. The bond between trainer and Pokémon, the culmination of years of challenges and triumphs, shone brightly in that moment.

Ash approached Charizard with a triumphant smile, his hand extended in appreciation. Charizard roared in response, acknowledging the support of its trainer and the thrill of the battle. On the other end, Drake, with a nod of respect, recalled Dragonite with a sense of fulfilment of losing after many years and a resolve to train harder and battle Ash again and win. His pride wont allow him to simply rest after this match. 

As both trainers returned their Pokémon's, the audience went wild in the seating area. Many cheering, some crying, some happy, some depressed at the battle of their favourite trainer. 

Ash POV – 

After the battle, I went to the Pokémon centre and gave my Pokémon's to nurse Joy. And after a quick congratulations on my victory, I met up with Mom, Brock, Tracey, Misty and Professor Oak and they congratulated me and how awesome the battle was and Professor Oak informed me that tomorrow will be the day I get the award for winning the orange island championship. After that, I went to my room for some rest and at night I met with mister Goodshow and Drake to ask for permission for my plans for tomorrow's award ceremony. And after listening to my plans both had given me the ok. Later I met up with Kadabra and told him what to do and inform others about it. 

Next day, I was back at the stadium, with a platform along with my Pokémon's that competed with me in the battle with Drake and after getting our impression of one of our hand, Paw or hoof, on a huge stone tablet and later will be placed in a museum with 20 other trainers that have won the orange cup. During the award ceremony, I had been awarded 3 set of every evolutionary stones, 10 million Poke-dollars and instead of me choosing the Pokémon. The orange island committee had chosen 3 Pokémon for me and I had already given them a type preference, i was told to collect the 3 Pokémon from nurse Joy and when I was given the trophy I nodded to drake and signalled Kadabra to do as planned. Kadabra was behind mom and then Teleported her next to me. 

Mom: Huh, what's happening?

Mom asked in a confused voice as one moment she was in the stands and the next she was next to her son. 

Delia POV – 

As I watching my son winning the orange island cup, I was very happy. My son, so little had done so much, in just almost 2 years in his journey. I couldn't be prouder. As I watch him wining against a dragon master of all. I wish Ash's father was here with us to watch his son. As I was thinking that, I was suddenly right next to my son. With Dragon master Drake front of us. 

Mom: Huh, what's happening?

Ash: mom, today I want to just listen to me and stay be my side as I give my thank you speech. 

Mom: ash what are… 

But before I could ask what he was talking about, ash had begun to talk in his mike. 

Ash: Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and viewers tuning in from around the world.

Today, I stand before you with a heart full of gratitude, humility, and an overwhelming sense of appreciation for the incredible woman who has shaped my life in ways words can only begin to convey. It is both an honour and a privilege to share this moment with all of you as I express my deep gratitude to the person who means the world to me—my mother, Delia Ketchum. She was a pillar of my strength and she allowed me to express myself and reach height I today was able to achieve even just witing 2 years of my journey, and win the esteem orange cup. 

As I stand here on this stage, bathed in the glow of live television cameras and surrounded by the energy of thousands, I am reminded of the journey that brought me to this moment. A journey that would not have been possible without the unwavering love and support of an extraordinary woman, my mother.

Mom, you are the embodiment of strength and resilience. Being a single mother is no small feat, and yet you tackled it with grace and unwavering determination. You embraced the challenges with a spirit that left me in awe, and I am forever grateful for the sacrifices you made to ensure that I had a childhood filled with love and stability.

Your support has been my anchor, grounding me in times of uncertainty and lifting me to new heights in moments of triumph. You have been my guiding star, illuminating the path ahead with wisdom and encouragement. Your belief in me has been a constant source of inspiration, propelling me to dream beyond boundaries and explore the vastness of the world.

One of the greatest gifts you've given me, Mom, is the freedom to spread my wings and traverse the globe. Your trust and encouragement allowed me to embark on adventures, learn from different cultures, and discover the richness of our diverse world. Through every twist and turn, your guidance has been my compass, ensuring that I navigate life with purpose and intention.

But beyond all the achievements and worldly experiences, what truly makes you extraordinary is your role as a mother. Your love has been a constant, an unwavering force that has shaped my character and moulded me into the person standing before you today. You've been there through thick and thin, a source of comfort in times of sorrow and a beacon of joy in moments of celebration.

In the eyes of the world, you may be an amazing woman, but to me, you are simply Mom—the most wonderful mother a son could ever hope for.

So, to you, Mom, I express my deepest gratitude for everything you've done, for the sacrifices you've made, and for the love you've showered upon me. Today, in front of this live television audience and the thousands watching from afar, I want the world to know that I am who I am because of you. Thank you for being my rock, my guide, and my inspiration. I love you more than words can convey.

Thank you, everyone, for sharing in this moment of appreciation and love.

As ash finished speaking I had tears rolling form my eyes as my baby told me about his love for me and before I could think of anything else, he placed his hands on my cheeks and away my tears. 

Ash: mom, don't cry. Today is a celebration. 

I just couldn't I hugged him. 

3rd person POV – 

Ash's heartfelt speech resonated with the audience as he expressed his profound gratitude towards his mother, Delia. In front of a live television audience and thousands of people, Ash spoke with sincerity and emotion, acknowledging the incredible role his mother played in his life.

He began by expressing his deep appreciation for Delia's unwavering support as a single mother. Despite the challenges, she managed to raise him with love and dedication. Ash recognized the sacrifices she made to ensure he had a stable and nurturing upbringing.

Ash went on to highlight Delia's role as a source of inspiration, emphasizing how she allowed him to explore the world and discover his own path. Her guidance became a beacon for him, shaping his character and instilling values that he carried with him on his journeys.

The gratitude in Ash's voice was evident as he spoke about his mother's constant presence and support. Delia had been there through thick and thin, providing a strong foundation for him to build upon. Ash acknowledged the countless moments of love and care, emphasizing Delia's role as a wonderful mother.

In concluding his speech, Ash expressed not just thanks but a deep sense of love and admiration for Delia. The audience was moved by the genuine connection between mother and son, making Ash's words a touching tribute to the woman who had played such a pivotal role in his life. 

As ash finished his speech, many had moved to tears and many cried elders cried remembering their own mother and while some mother also showed some amount of envy towards Delia for having such a good son and also telling their sons or daughters about ash. While they could just nod while listening to the winner of the orange cup. 

After that Drake handed the cup to Ash and congratulated Delia on having an amazing son. Ash then raised the cup with his mother and went back to the poke-centre. 

Unknown to others some people decided to call their mothers or send them a gift expressing their gratitude for everything. 

In the poke-centre Ash met up with Professor Oak, Brock, Misty and Tracey. And nurse Joy handed him 3 full poke-balls. After a small talk, everyone decided to go to their new rooms and ash and Pikachu went out to meet their new members.

Ash: hey, buddy what do you think. Who out new partners will join us?

Pikachu: Pi Pikachu Pika.

Ash: you are right. We should first welcome them to our team. Now poke-balls, I choose you. 

As ash said that he threw the poke-balls on the ground. As the poke-balls hit the ground to reveal 3 Pokémon's – 

'Shiny' Ditto 



Ash POV – 

After getting to know my new Pokémon's I went to professor Oak and changed a few things. As I had won a championship, I was allowed to carry more Pokémon's. so I had decided as Pikachu to be my Main Pokémon and as my starter along with Blissey as my 2nd main Pokémon as the team healer and support. This had allowed me to have 6 old Pokémon with me and 6 new Pokémon and have a total carry limit of 14. And professor Oak had agreed to the new setting. As I was now resting with the team. I think about the future and my next adventure in the Jhoto region. Treacy had decided to stay with Professor Oak as his assistant and Brock, Me and Misty would travel to Jhoto through the Mount Silver root after 1 month. Mom, Professor Oak and Tracey would leave next day, while me, Brock and Misty would travel around the islands to find the Lapras Pod.

As I was thinking about where we could find them, I suddenly felt my eyes get heavy and I doused to sleep. 

3rd person POV – 

On a random island – 

?: the Fire, Ice and Lightning are fighting again what's happening on those 3 islands. 

Next chapter