
Pokemon: Story of a Master

This story will take you to the journey of a trainer who became pokemon master through his adventures. I tried making it realistic as much as possible, but still you may find some content or some part absurd. My English isn't that good and I don't have a translator to translate it for you all, but will still try to make it as understandable as possible. May have similarities to some novels (My own which I stopped due to work load, Pokemon-Master of Steel)

devil_trainer · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


After 6 Days:

Ethen's both pokemon trained hard and results were also quite good,


Species: Scyther

Type: Bug/Flying

Gender: Male

Ability: Technician

Potential: Gold

Level: Mid Elite

Moves: Leer [I], Fury Cutter [E], Quick Attack [I], Wing Attack [I], Double Team [I], Slash [I], Double Hit, Agility [E], Metal Claw [I], Steel Wing, Sword Dance [E] [TM], X-Scissor [E] [TM]

Egg Moves: Night Slash, Feint, Reversal [I]


Species: Nidoran

Type: Poison

Gender: Male

Ability: Rivalry

Potential: Gold

Level: Early Intermediate

Moves: Leer, Poison Sting [I], Peck, Focus Energy, Toxic Spikes, Horn Attack [I], Double Kick, Toxic [I], Fury Attack

Egg Moves: Poison Tail, Counter, Disable


Species: Riolu

Type: Fighting

Gender: Female

Ability: Steadfast

Potential: Silver

Level: Baby Pokemon- Age 27 days: *Warning no moves are usable*

Moves: Endure, Quick Attack, Counter, Feint, Metal Claw

Egg Moves: Agility, Blaze Kick, Iron Defense


Ethen was quite satisfied with the result as his Scyther was finally at Mid Elite at same level that of Max's Kirlia and Nidoran was at Intermediate level. Though Riolu didn't practice any moves but Ethen still made her to do light physical training which he did with Nidoran too when he turned 15 days old because this helps pokemon when they start training moves so they don't get exhausted easily.

It was late in evening and as usual William returned in evening as he went to collect some precious stones or any other treasure if he can get, their camp area was already moved towards water source in little deeper in cave as after 3 days, no wild pokemon came in this area because they were afraid of Ethen and his pokemons by now, so they had no other option but to go deep inside mountain, though pokemons here were much more powerful but they were handled by Scyther and Nidoran and Ethen even spotted one Onix which was defeated by Scizor and it ran back in more deeper parts of mountain, Ethen didn't catch it because his pokemon were not powerful enough to help him in taming that wild beast.

"We will leave tomorrow in afternoon so we can reach home by evening, as you will be leaving after 2 days so you should atleast return one day prior to leaving." Said William while eating his food. Ethen nodded in reply as he also knew that it was already a good experience for his pokemon, in last 8 days he really created few tactics to defeat powerful pokemon, even how to handle a large number of pokemon with area moves, he only had toxic spikes as an area move which were helpful in poisoning pokemons in large group and hence easy to defeat.


Next Day:

Sun was above their head by the time they exited mountain, they still had to walk around 50 km to return to Mulberry City. Ethen called out his all three pokemon which were resting in pokeball when Ethen was trekking towards exit of mountain, reason was, because he woke up early in morning to train for few more hours before he leave for Mulberry City so his pokemon were tired.

Ethen and William were tracking down on route towards Mulberry city while discussing about training ideas, Ethen was asking many question about what's best for which pokemon and how to train any certain move more effectively without costing much duration. William was calmly replying to all the question asked by Ethen. While their trek back to city, they encountered many wild pokemons as the route was through middle of forest, but those pokemon were easily handled by Nidoran alone.

After walking for around 6 hours they reached near entrance of Mulberry City, Mulberry City was surrounded by mountain from east and forest from west, their was a river flowing in north of city which was source of water for citizen here behind that river there was a mountain chain as well which was connected to Mount Moon but that was a strict prohibited area for trainer below King level. It was known as dead lands, where you can find monstrous pokemon which can only be handled by Elite 4 or trainers who reached King Level.

In the south there was a forest which is the only forest between Pewter City and Mulberry City. Currently Ethen and William were standing near eastern entrance of the city and were waiting for gate to open. It took less than 5 minutes to open the gate and both William and Ethen entered city the walked towards city Gym, which was also the location of their house.

Chapter Ends.

Pseudo Legendaries for upcoming pokemon selection are,

Dratini (Most obviously as its origin is Kanto),






You can choose which pokemon you like most as I will posting chapter related to Pokemon selection tomorrow. Or you can also suggest any other pokemon from starter of Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Shall I consider Alola too because it is also close to Kanto and has its own pokemon university as well (As per anime).

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