
Chapter 2

After walking Leaf home I went into my home and when I started to walk up the steps I heard my mom call me into the living room.

When I got into the room with my mom and dad they said they have some news for me so I sat down and waited to hear what they have to say.

As I sat down I saw my mom look me in the eyes with a really pretty smile on her face and she said " honey you know when you told us your dream to become a pokemon trainer we where scared at first as we know how it is out there as if it's not the wild pokemon that will kill you it's the people who want the pokemon you have or they just want to kill for the fun of it.

So with that in mind we have made sure you will know how to defend your self so we are going to get you into a self defense class and into a pokemon school and it just so happens that professor Oak is having a outing tomorrow for future pokemon trainers so we got you into it and we know your three other friends are going tomorrow as well.

I woke up with little to no sleep in me but that did not stop me from being full of energy and happy about the camping trip with Oak and my friends today.

As I woke up and have some hours to kill I decided to look and see if there are any new things that are made in this world that was not showed on the tv show. After look around I saw the pokemon Porygon that has the power to go in things like laptops and tv are now being put in to contact lenses and this way you have a pokedex but in your eyes and this helps by showing you the talent level and move pool of the wild pokemon you see.

Now how the lenses are being made for them to hold a Porygon is unknow as I can't find any info on this and how I said that they work on the move pool and things this only works on wild pokemon as is would be hard to have a fight with other trainers if you know all of there pokemon's moves. ( I did not come up with the idea of Porygon's going in to things and becoming a AI. This came from a other pokemon work named Pokemon : Evolve so that belongs to the author and in my opinion it is a good fan fic so give it a read :) )

One other thing I have found is that there are a lot of legendry's as it turns out they can have kids it just takes them a lot of time to lay the egg and then for said egg to hatch and each legendry has the oldest one of there clan lead them. When I was done looking things up I see it was time to go to the camp with the other kids so I get ready and head over to Leaf home.

As I got to her house she was coming out of her house just as I got there so I walked up and said "hey Leaf do you know what we are going to do at the camp for the day?"

Leaf looked at me "hey Mark and for what we are going to do at the camp they normally do the same thing so a tour of Oak's ranch and then end the day of with a item hunt on the ranch. Also Gary told me that Oak has some people in for a other region and that they have a kid our age as well so there might be a new person in the camp with us" she said with a smile.

After a some hours of walking around the ranch with most of the kids of the town I did not see the new person that Leaf said could be in the camp with us so I just looked at all the cool pokemon up close and then the item hunt began

As I was walking around half looking for the items half not as I did not really like running around trying to find them when even if I did find them all there was no prize for it so I am just walking at this point. As I come to the forest in the camp I hear someone crying so i do what anyone would do to a kid crying try to help them if I can anyways when I saw the kid it was a little girl with short blond hair was holding her knee and crying.

As I got closer she looked up at me with tears in her eyes so I asked her "what is your name?"

She was still looked at me and said "Se-Se-Serena"

With that said I pick Serena up and take her to the adults.

So as I was looking at the fan maga's i saw there was a lot no to much for me to go through so I would like to know some of the better fan maga's to look at and if you like this add it and have a good day ")

Boltbit77creators' thoughts