
Pokemon: Start From Pallet

I reincarnated In Pallet City in Pokemon world. I want to live without regrets

Zack_Claw · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Why Want To A Trainer?

As I was leaving I saw a boy. He was 2 third of my size, dark skin and squinted eye. I at once recognized him as one of flint's sons.

He went past me to his father. Flint was in low mood at the time.

The boy patted his father. Flint was startled by the gesture but was even more speechless at what the boy said after that.

He boy said, "Awesome fight father. When I too become big I want to become a train like him and defeat you with my own strenght"

The boy's fearless, yet joy inspiring and cheerful voice touched his old man who just smiled slightly and said, "Sure you will son. Till that I am the stronger one amongst us"

After that Flint gestured his son to go and loook over his siblings.

He sighed,looked and came towards me and said,

"This is the first time I have had my eyes water out of happiness in a long this....

I was just like you once carefree and just wanted to battle and experience the world. But then diaster struck! I fell in love. At that time I did not realise what I was going to face.

After I got married and had children I must have gotten weak and dim-witted.

At that time I thought it was a good idea to follow my delusion and go on a journey again.

This impulsive thought led me to down fall.

I left my home in the hopes of becoming stronger an dwinning the indigo league.

As I was travelling across the land, I did not know that my wife had become sick"

Flints voice was visibly low at that time. His hands were clinched and he sat on a small rock near by.

I followed him.

He started on the rock, sighed and continued,

"But the time I got the news I had collected my 8 batches and was ready to challenge the league. There was nothing I could do at that time. My wife was I'll because of me.

I only I was by her side....

I mad up my mind to play with all I got and win the league. And you know what the crazy part is,

(Depraving laughs) I lost meserably. Lost I the second d round and instead of rushing back to my wife I hide in a room fearing people would laugh at me. My wife would curse me.

It took me a month yo readjust myself and go to my wife and children but

(low voice) I got the news of her death. (Tearing up) I got the news that she is gone. Left me as I had left her. She must have hate me.

I never returned at that time. I could not face my children. I could not face brock or sizie or forrest Or salvadore Or Yolando, cindy, timmy , billy, tilly, lola Or mindy. (Stop crying)

When I returned, brock forgave me. She intrusted me his siblings' responsibility.

I did not to become a trainer again till now. Hearing Forrest today rekindled my desire to become a trainer. I will become a trainer, a gym leader at that to take care of my children. To live upto brock's trust."

Saying this he stops. After a brief moment he apologises to me for making me hear his story forcefully.

I shuck my head and told took my leave.

After today I realised that that did not have a goal for becoming pokemon trainer.

Sure I can become a Regional Or even world champion but I know that's a very small goal.

With the system and my pokemon, I could easily become either on of them.

I want a goal as selfish as flint's 'I want to be a trainer to will become a trainer that tcan take care of my children and can live upto brock's trust'

For me a definition of a good goal is a loafty target which seem difficult to achieve.

That target is a desire and driving for for onces success.

I look up I the sky and made up my mind.

I will have a goal. A goal which is not like the achievable small ones like a champion or a duty like protect the world which is a must done task.

I want a goal that is entirely befitting and desirable for me.

(Laughs out loud)(smiles at the sky and goes on his way to the pokecentre)

Then I went to Pokecentre and rested there for the day

The next I was on my way to Mt. Moon.