
Pokemon: Skill Index

He looks like Nanami need I say more?

Pupipow · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Route 3

After the battle with Brock I went back home as there's a tiny problem with Snipe.

Due to the Skill Index forcefully prohibiting Snipe's growth. His out of the norm large energy that have been as calm as a lake before is gushing out of control now that there's room to be made.

Fortunately I immediately return him to his pokeball before those energies goes rampant.


I'm currently here at the basement as I prepare dozens of rare candies.

While preparing the rare candies I suddenly remember before when I first use a rare candy fully expecting to raise my Parents two Pidgeot to Level 100.

I was pretty much half crazed back then as I wasn't thinking about any consequences but the idea of a Champion Level Pokemon doing deliveries is my kind of humor.

Though at the end I was met with a disappointment as the use of rare candy was completely unexpected.

The use of rare candy was completely unexpected, instead of increasing the level of the Pokemon just like what the game does, the use of rare candy in this world is to increase the Pokemon's control over their energy.

Though it was a disappointment but I didn't let that stop me.

With the help of stat boosting medicine and training items coupled with my aura enhancements and rare candies.

Over the course of 10 years I managed to increase both my Parents Pidgeot to level 76.

Though their skill mastery can still be increase but it's already enough for me.

After all they only do deliveries though they sometime deliver to another city it's not like all Pokemon whether they are a wild one or trained are super strong. Additionally both Pidgeot can basically one shot 90% of Pokemon in this region and the other 10% if they can't defeat them, they can just run away.


As I release Snipe from his pokeball, I quickly help him using my aura manipulation to control his rampaging energy.

After Snipe can control his own energy without my help, I proceeded to fed him rare candies slowly.

While Snipe is busy increasing his control over his energy I pulled up his status screen to check his level.

[ Snipe (Beedrill) ]

[ Poison Bee Pokemon ]

[ Bug and Poison Type ]

[ Level: 40 ]

[ Abilites: Swarm, Sniper ]

[ Status: Way too healthy ]

[ Male ]

[ Skills: Twin Needle (Expert ) Fury Attack (Expert ) Rage (Expert ) Pursuit (Expert ) Focus Energy (Expert ) Venoshock (Expert ) Poison Sting (Expert ) Pin Missile (Expert ) Poison Jab (Expert ) Agility (Expert ) Fell Stinger (Expert ) Toxic (Expert ) Protect (Expert ) Roost (Expert ) Brick Break (Expert ) Double Team (Expert ) Aerial Ace (Expert ) Rest (Expert ) Swords Dance (Expert ) X-Scissor (Expert ) ]

It's unbelievable how he already hit the level cap just as the restriction was lifted.

'Man I just wish that after getting all the Gym badge I won't have any level cap.'

Checking the still absent + marks at the skills, as expected I still can't upgrade his skills.


It took almost 3 hours for Snipe to completely bring back his control the way it was before so we decided to stay the night here at home before hitting the road early in the morning.

After I'm done helping preparing the dough for tomorrow. My Father and I share a drink to commemorate my first gym badge.

After a night spending a wholesome meal with my Parents I went back to my room and sleep.

Waking up at 3 am, I prepared breakfast for my parents for the last time in a while. After spending an early breakfast with them, I bid them farewell and hit the road.


Reaching Route 3 before sunrise, I contemplated whether to follow the League's recommended path for trainers that lives in the Pewter, Viridian, and other small cities and towns from our side.

The League recommends that after Pewter City Gym a trainer can enter route 3 to go through Mt. Moon and exit there to enter route 4.

They recommended it to quickly bring down the arrogance of those who manage to win their first badge.

By putting them quickly in a difficult position, it will force those trainers to use their brain rather than touting their nose up high.

Fortunately with the help of Rangers station around here it is very rare for deaths to occur though Trainers who are forced to retire due to injuries both physically and mentally were a lot.

Deciding that it wasn't worth staying the night at a cold damp cave, I navigated along route 3.

Dungeon exploring might be fantastic experience for others but not me. Though I won't shy away from exploring a cave but atleast there must be a merit to it.

The only rare Pokemon in Mt. Moon is a Clefairy which is frankly not part of my planned roster.


It's been 3 days since I'm traversing route 3 and finally I have finally reach route 4!

My routine these past few days were walking, fending off wild Pokemon, battling fellow trainers along the route.

Though it is pretty boring but I prefer this kind of adventure over Ash's one. Too much unpredictability will make me lose my head.

Jokes aside, the only respite of my day were battling my parents Pidgeot as they came over to take the doughs that I prepared every night.

Snipe's increase in level brings him closer to fighting a Elite Four level of Pokemon.

Even if he still lose, atleast it's not the same anymore.

Previously, when fighting with Pidgeot, he couldn't match their speed so the fight pretty much turn to a one man beat down, though now that he's at level 40, he can barely match Pidgeot's speed and following my tactics he can respond to its attack.

Speak of the Devil and the Devil arrives.

Pidgeot is currently circling the sky as he's preparing to land.

I quickly approach him then tosses him with a handful of his favorite bitter sweet pokeblock while caressing his feathers.