
Pokemon SI : Mind your business

One moment I was in a closet, and now I'm in a new world. Between causing chaos and trying to become an exceptional Psychic-type Pokémon trainer, there's so much to do and so little time... Only psychic Pokemon ,some plot lines,some hardwork and original training methods ------------------------ Ok, this is my first fanfic and English is not my first language. Consider yourself warned. If you have any complaints, suggestions, or anything else, feel free to let me know.

Moliere23 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

We're a family now

David and Chaplin ran until they felt out of danger. Panting, David finally stopped and turned to Chaplin. Even silent, his look showed fierce determination. David understood immediately.

"No way we're letting this go," he declared firmly. "Getting chased by Weedles, dude, that's embarrassing!" he added, raising his eyebrows.

"Mime, mime!" Chaplin intervened gravely.

David nodded. "Yeah, I felt those psychic interruptions during the fight, and their attacks were too coordinated for my taste... Those Weedles have accomplices in this forest, no doubt about it. There's something really abnormal here."

Chaplin agreed. David took a deep breath, trying to calm his mind. He rummaged through his bag to take out his Pokédex, activated the map function, and studied it carefully.

"We need to find out what's really going on here," he said after a moment of reflection, his eyes fixed on a particular spot on the map. "There might be clues scattered around."

Chaplin, always vigilant, was scanning the surroundings while waiting for David's instructions.

They set off, determined to solve this mystery. Along their path, they encountered many forest residents, including Rattatas and Oddish, as well as other Pokémon. However, most didn't respond out of fear or said things that made no sense.

A Pidgey, for example, attempted to explain that Oran Berries didn't initially have an acidic taste and that it was a plot orchestrated by Ekans and Arbok. According to Pidgey, the berries initially had a neutral taste, but the acidity was developed by the Ekans' and Arbok's poison to relax the muscles of the creatures that consumed them, making it easier to devour them.

As the Pidgey rambled on, Chaplin skillfully used leaves to write the conversation in the air for David.

"If you say so, buddy," David said, disillusioned. As he was about to leave, the Pidgey casually mentioned that a Girafarig was guarding an impressive quantity of Oran Berries to the east of the forest and that his half-brother, a Pidgeotto, seemed to agree with the Arbok theory.

David and Chaplin stopped dead, perplexed. David decided to find out more. "Where is this Girafarig from? And more importantly, do any specific Pokémon deliver these berries to him?" he asked.

The Pidgey took a serious air before answering, Chaplin quickly translating each word for David. "Yes, Weedles bring berries that are then guarded not only by the Girafarig but also by a group of Kakunas to the east of the forest. Undeniable proof of the plot. After all, Weedles crawl like Arboks, isn't that enough proof?"

David exchanged a look with Chaplin, concern readable in his eyes. "Thanks, Pidgey. You've been very helpful," he said before turning to Chaplin. "Let's go."

Chaplin nodded eagerly, and the two friends headed east, determined to shed light on this story.

Sun rays pierced through the treetops, creating moving shadows on the forest floor. David and Chaplin walked determinedly, their footsteps muffled by the crunching leaves. David broke the silence as they continued.

"I'm starting to understand where the psychic attacks are coming from," he murmured, scanning the surroundings, "but something's off. A Girafarig... given the size of that Pokémon, we would've noticed it."

Chaplin nodded, listening attentively to his friend while staying on guard.

Finally, after a cautious trek through the dense forest, they began to notice troubling signs of disturbance. Semi-eaten berries littered the ground, sticky secretions dripped from tree trunks, and Kakuna nests hung from branches like large golden balls of fur.

"Look at this," David whispered, pointing at a hastily built Kakuna nest. "These little shit are everywhere."

Chaplin abruptly stopped, sending a mental image of a Girafarig in the middle of a campsite. They had found their target. The camp was marked by twisted branches and a quasi-apocalyptic scene to the east of the forest.

Heart pounding, David signaled Chaplin to duck. They hid behind a densely leafy bush, observing attentively.

The Girafarig seemed to be in conversation with a floating Pokémon wrapped in a kawaii blanket, tragically decorated with ridiculously pink hearts. David rolled his eyes. "Seriously?"

Around them, Weedles and Kakunas were bustling, but slowly, they began to show signs of fatigue. The two Pokémon were evidently communicating telepathically, the mental waves creating a strange, almost oppressive silence.

Chaplin sent a rapid succession of mental images to David, showing communication between two nearby Weedles, discussing the progress of their organization and the resources collected, as well as attempts to expand northward.

David growled quietly. "Are they planning to dominate the whole forest or what?"

Chaplin illustrated further in images, showing the Weedles collecting berries and transporting them to the camp led by Girafarig and his clique.

"And still no trace of that damn Ledyba. I wanted to give it a beating," he added, frustrated.

Eventually, the Girafarig and the floating Pokémon decided to retreat into a massive nearby cave, with berries levitating around them in a spectral dance of golden fruits.

David and Chaplin slipped away silently, following them at a distance. They sneaked behind rocks, taking quick glances around. The berries were carefully deposited near five massive Kakunas, each surrounded by a mountain of loot: berries, elemental stones, and even Pokémon cookies.

"Finally, their base," David murmured with a broad smile. "Taxes, huh? I'll show them what we think of their taxes."

David took a deep breath. "It's time, buddy. We promised them a beating, and we're going to give it to them. Plus, we'll leave with some gifts."

Once everything was stored, the Girafarig and the floating Pokémon retreated to a corner of the cave to eat some berries.

David and Chaplin sneaked into the cave, spotting Girafarig and the mysterious silhouette. David marked their position, observing carefully every movement in the darkness. The floating silhouette, wrapped in a kawaii Pokémon blanket, was telepathically discussing with Girafarig. David, ready to intervene, gave a silent order to Chaplin. The silhouette, suddenly exposed, revealed its true face: an Inkay.

"Chaplin, start the attack! Use Confusion on the rocks!" David ordered with determination.

Chaplin concentrated his psychic energy and sent a series of rocks flying at high speed towards Inkay and Girafarig. The projectiles flew like a real Gatling Gun, hitting with devastating force. Inkay, taken by surprise, was immediately knocked out by one of the rocks.

David couldn't help but utter an iconic phrase: "Say hello to my little friend!"

Seeing his companion on the ground, Girafarig stood in defense, determined to protect Inkay with his body. He tried to send the rocks back to Chaplin with Confusion, but without success. Chaplin controlled them with impressive precision, forcing Girafarig to stay in place to protect Inkay from the projectiles.

Realizing he needed to change strategy, Girafarig used Astonish to break Chaplin's psychic control over the rocks. Unsettled, Chaplin was then grabbed by Girafarig with Confusion, slowly drawing him closer.

"Don't let him get you, Chaplin! Be ready to react!" David shouted.

Confident of his imminent victory, Girafarig prepared to use Stomp on Chaplin. Trailed on the ground, Chaplin focused.

"Chaplin, use Rapid Spin!" David urgently ordered.

Chaplin began to spin rapidly, using the momentum from Rapid Spin to change trajectory in mid-air. In a fluid movement, he positioned himself at Girafarig's flank, narrowly dodging Girafarig's Stomp.

"Now, Ice Punch!" David exclaimed.

Using the momentum from Rapid Spin, Chaplin punched Girafarig with his icy fist. The attack hit Girafarig squarely, knocking him out.

The noise of the battle attracted the Kakunas, who began converging with sticky secretions and Electrowebs. Chaplin observed the Kakunas with sharp attention and sent a mental message to David outlining his plan.

"Mime, mime!"

"Are you sure?" David asked, a confident smile spreading across his face.

Chaplin nodded vigorously, sharing the same confident grin.

"Alright, let's do it!" said David enthusiastically. "Use the Electroweb against them and combine it with Rapid Spin!"

Chaplin projected an Electroweb onto a Kakuna, whose cocoon immediately covered with a thin electric film. Without wasting time, he used Rapid Spin, transforming into a furious tornado. Taking advantage of his tremendous speed, he grabbed the electrified Kakuna and used it as an improvised battering ram. The Kakuna violently struck its comrades, sending crackling sparks and golden shards flying in all directions.

Suddenly, Chaplin stopped, enveloped in a bright glow. David watched with excitement as Chaplin began to evolve. The light became almost blinding, and when it dissipated, Chaplin was no longer the small Mime Jr. he used to be.

Standing before David was now a Galarian Mr. Mime.

David felt a wave of pride seeing his starter's evolution. "Guess who has to walk from now on."

Chaplin, now able to communicate telepathically, responded with a hint of irony: "Eating donuts on your head and scattering crumbs everywhere, I already miss it." 

David, amused despite the situation, retorted, "Well, I get it. I knew it, you little bastard, that you did it on purpose. Anyway, let's focus on them. You're not the only one we should be congratulating from what I see."

Chaplin turned around and saw the furious Kakuna starting to evolve.

David gave him a determined look. "Chaplin, can you keep them busy for a moment? I want to loot their stash before we leave."

Chaplin nodded, getting into position, ready to face the emerging Beedrill. "I got this."

The Beedrill, furious at seeing their base invaded, rushed towards Chaplin, their stingers gleaming with anger. Chaplin, true to his mime nature, erected an invisible Light Screen that stopped their advance dead in its tracks. The Beedrill buzzed in frustration, searching for a weakness in the barrier.

In the meantime, David was rummaging through the place, filling his bag with berries, elemental stones, and other valuable items. He kept an eye on Chaplin, admiring his ability to juggle between defenses and attacks.

Chaplin used Icy Wind to slow the Beedrill, partially freezing their wings and making their movements more laborious. The Beedrill tried to break the ice with their stingers, but Chaplin kept them at bay with a combination of Light Screen and Protect.

Suddenly, Girafarig and Inkay woke up, still groggy. They watched the battle with some admiration, but their respite was short-lived. The Beedrill, no longer recognizing their former allies, turned on them, seeing them as easy prey. Girafarig tried to re-establish the partnership with the insects, but their territorial instincts took over. Inkay, still wrapped in its blanket, cowered in fear.

Girafarig used Confusion to repel the Beedrill, but its attacks were weak due to its weakened state. The Beedrill, enraged, encircled it, ready to strike. Chaplin intervened with a Dazzling Gleam, scattering the Beedrill and giving Girafarig and Inkay a brief respite.

Seeing the critical situation, David decided it was time to retreat. "Chaplin, use Hail to obscure their vision!" he ordered.

Chaplin summoned a hailstorm in the cave, the small ice crystals striking the Beedrill and reducing their visibility. David used his psychic powers to locate Girafarig and Inkay through the confusion. He threw two Poké Balls that captured them effortlessly, exhausted and unable to resist.

"We're getting out of here, Chaplin!" shouted David.

Chaplin teleported to David, then teleported the two of them to the spot where they had first escaped from the Weedles. They ran through the forest to Saffron City. An hour later, they finally arrived at a park at the city entrance, the sun beginning to set.

Breathless but victorious, David and Chaplin fell onto the grass, laughing about their crazy adventure. "That was nuts," David said, catching his breath.

With his new telepathic power, Chaplin communicated clearly with David. "We did it."

David applauded Chaplin for his evolution and bravery. "You're the MVP today, what style!"

Chaplin, amused, replied telepathically, "It's natural that I am. But what are we going to do with those two bastards you took with us?"

Still catching his breath, David smiled. "We'll integrate them into the team. They've caused us so much trouble, and now they have to pay their debt."

Chaplin looked at him with a detached air. "And when do you plan to do that? Now? I'm hungry, I need chocolate urgently."

David, with a mischievous smile, replied, "Why not right now? We'll do this and then go eat. Get ready to hold them psychically."

Chaplin agreed, teleporting David's glasses onto his nose.

David laughed. "Really, you want to play that now?"

Chaplin responded with a smile, "Skill issues?"

"Alright, we're going to release them and have a chat," said David, getting up. Chaplin nodded and used his psychic powers to secure the area, ensuring no curious Pokémon or trainers would disturb them.

David took a deep breath and released Girafarig and Inkay from their Poké Balls. The two Pokémon appeared, still weakened and confused. Chaplin immediately held them in place with his psychic powers.

Girafarig, its eyes shining with confusion, tried to understand the situation. Inkay, still wrapped in its kawaii blanket, watched silently, visibly terrified.

"Alright, you two, what's the origin of this mess? Chaplin, can you act as a relay?"

Girafarig took a deep breath, its eyes shining with emotion as Chaplin relayed its thoughts to David, ensuring smooth and clear communication.

"It all started several years ago," began Girafarig, sending its first thoughts. "Inkay and I were abandoned, each for cruel reasons."

Girafarig cast a quick glance at Inkay, who was shivering slightly, still wrapped in its kawaii blanket. "Inkay was taken by a coordinator from Kalos who found it adorable, almost like a toy. She loved its cuteness and endearing behavior. But everything changed the day she learned the truth about its evolution, when she discovered that Inkay could become Malamar, a Pokémon possessing disturbing mental abilities and an appearance far from human beauty standards.

David remained silent, absorbing each word, each emotion.

"Her trainer, scared by the prejudices surrounding Malamar, began to neglect Inkay. She deprived it of food and care, preferring to take care of her others Pokémon. Inkay was hungry, felt betrayed, and was scared. Finally, the coordinator abandoned it, leaving it alone and desperate. This experience pushed Inkay to gather resources by any means, including theft. It never wanted to feel that hunger and betrayal again."

Girafarig paused, letting the weight of Inkay's story settle in David's mind.

"As for me," it continued, "my trainer abandoned me because he didn't find me powerful enough, and the fact that I couldn't evolve worsened my situation. He was looking for brute strength, power, something I couldn't offer him. Abandoned in the forest, I found myself alone, with no one to watch over me."

Girafarig turned its sad eyes to Inkay. "One day, our paths crossed. Inkay saw in me a reflection of its own suffering, its own betrayal. We decided to team up, to never be weak or vulnerable again. We started small, with Weedles, Pokémon easy to manipulate with our psychic abilities. Gradually, we created a sort of Pokémon mafia, gathering resources and berries, imposing our control over this forest."

David listened attentively, each word adding a new layer of understanding to what had led them here. He could feel the deep sadness and determination emanating from Girafarig and Inkay.

"We didn't mean to harm," Girafarig concluded, its mental voice trembling. "We just wanted to survive, protect what we considered our territory, our home. We wanted to never be vulnerable again, never be abandoned again."

Chaplin continued to relay Girafarig's thoughts to David, creating a heavy and poignant atmosphere. David remained speechless, absorbing the whole story, finally understanding the motivations of these two Pokémon.

David spoke to them calmly, keeping his tone patient. "I understand, really," he began, his sincere gaze meeting that of Girafarig and Inkay. "I know you've suffered, and I understand why you did what you did."

Inkay, cautiously peeking out from its kawaii blanket, stared at him warily. "So why did you capture us then? To abandon us afterward, like everyone else? Don't make me laugh," it replied bitterly. "You and your Mime ruined everything. Our plans are destroyed."

After a weighty silence, David resumed. "Okay, enough complaining. Listen, I don't care if my Pokémon are cute or not. Look at Chaplin," he said, pointing to his faithful companion. "This bastard was super cute, and now he looks like my left butt cheek."

Chaplin raised an eyebrow and responded mockingly, "You son of a... "

David laughed heartily and continued. "You see, these things don't matter. I know the reputation of Malamar, and believe me, it doesn't bother me at all. As if plotting was a bad thing, in my team it's even encouraged. Join me, both of you. Anyway, I captured you. We're a family now, and we'll stay together forever. Your former trainers were the worst kinds of idiots, ignorant and garbage."

"You have talent and most importantly, you have style, I want both of you," declared David with unwavering conviction. Then, he looked at them one after the other, a mysterious smile on his face. "Yzma," he said, fixing Inkay intensely, "and you, Kronk," he added, looking at Girafarig. 

Inkay and Girafarig exchanged bewildered glances before repeating the names, as if to ensure they had heard correctly. "Yzma?" murmured Inkay with a note of perplexity in her voice. Girafarig echoed softly, "Kronk?"

"These will be your new names."

Yzma, still wrapped in her kawaii blanket, seemed to ponder deeply. Finally, she nodded with a touch of arrogance. "Yzma... Okay, it's acceptable..."

Kronk, on the other hand, seemed delighted. "Kronk, that sounds good," he said with a broad smile.

Without waiting for a response, David approached and hugged them tightly. Yzma initially reacted with the typical resistance of a Yandere. "Let go of me, idiot! You captured me, it's not like I have a choice," she muttered, yet without pulling away from the embrace.

Kronk laughed heartily, a laugh of relief. Then, suddenly, both of them began to cry, releasing pent-up tensions. They wept in David's arms, shedding years of pain and loneliness, but also embracing a new sense of hope and belonging.

That's when Chaplin, ever true to himself, interjected. "This is all very touching, but I'm starting to get hungry. When are we eating?"

David, without losing his smile, grabbed Chaplin and pulled him into the group hug. "Get in here, you fool, it's hug time," he added joyfully.

Finally new members in the team, thank you for everyone who reads my stories, don't hesitate to send comments or give stones

Moliere23creators' thoughts