
Pokemon SI : Mind your business

One moment I was in a closet, and now I'm in a new world. Between causing chaos and trying to become an exceptional Psychic-type Pokémon trainer, there's so much to do and so little time... Only psychic Pokemon ,some plot lines,some hardwork and original training methods ------------------------ Ok, this is my first fanfic and English is not my first language. Consider yourself warned. If you have any complaints, suggestions, or anything else, feel free to let me know.

Moliere23 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

MotherFu ..

Caitlyn stared at David, her eyes piercing through the silence of the moment. "You have impressive raw potential, David," she began. "But that potential needs control and discipline. The training methods are varied, and every psychic-type trainer follows their own path. I can help by mentoring you, even though it's quite unusual for you not to have started your journey at your age and to be without a Pokémon."

David furrowed his brow, skeptical. "Why would you, a member of the Elite 4, want to mentor me? I appreciate the gesture, but why would you do that, especially considering how strangely we met?"

Caitlyn smiled softly, as if she had anticipated his reaction. "The number of people capable of using psychic energy is low. We must stick together, it's an unspoken rule to help a new psychic when we encounter one. They are sought after and valuable to all organizations, good or bad. And here I find someone like you by accident. As a member of the Elite 4 Psychic of the Pokémon League, it's only natural for me to extend a hand to you."

David remained silent for a moment, weighing Caitlyn's words. "What are the benefits?" he finally asked.

Caitlyn explained. "I will offer you your starter, cover your expenses during your journey, manage your Pokémon, answer your questions, and train you during my free time. And, most importantly, I will provide you with a legal identity if necessary. I noticed your lack of documents by scanning you during the small altercation earlier."

David chuckled softly, offended. "Real perverts can be recognized, just an excuse to see what I had in my pants, how worrying."

Caitlyn retorted, "Pervert? As if there were anything to admire here, what you think is a Steelix is actually just a weedle."

"I need some burn heal, nevertheless I accept your offer," making her smile.

Caitlyn straightened up slowly, still scrutinizing David. "Well, I'm going to dress," she said, getting up from the guest lounge's sofa. "Give me 30 minutes. Make yourself at home and don't make a mess."

David nodded, watching Caitlyn leave the guest lounge of the ferry. His mind filled with questions, he turned to the surroundings. A large bay window overlooked the ocean, and the gentle sway of the ferry was soothing. Looking for something to do to pass the time, he approached the fridge in the corner of the room and opened it. A variety of refined dishes awaited him.

"Make yourself at home, that's what she said," he murmured with a sly smile.

Seeing that Caitlyn was still busy in her room, he seized the opportunity to serve himself generously. Once well-fed, he explored the lounge further. He then noticed a door leading to another room. Intrigued, he opened it and discovered a luxurious, steaming jacuzzi.

"Ah, this is the life," he said, quickly removing his clothes to keep only his boxers. He slid into the hot water, savoring the relaxation. Minutes passed, the soothing sound of the water making him almost sleepy.


In her room, Caitlyn discreetly called her butler, Darach. Looking serious, she awaited her faithful assistant's response impatiently.

"Darach, we have a peculiar situation on our hands. I need you to do urgent research on a certain David. Adele recorded a video of him during the fight."

The Jynx appeared by teleportation, holding a small device in her hands and nodding in approval. Caitlyn sent the video to Darach, who immediately began examining the footage.

After a few minutes of intense research, Darach looked up, his face perplexed. "Madam, I found no information on this David in the Pokémon League database. His identity is unknown. Nothing, not a single trace of his existence."

"A true mystery this Mr. Tirtouga... I want to take him under my wing."

Darach looked concerned, a wrinkle of worry forming on his forehead. "Is it wise, Madam? You're here alone, without any protection, and he looks like an upstart. Taking an unknown under your protection could make things difficult."

Caitlyn, serene and determined, looked at him, confidence visible in her blue eyes. "I understand your concerns, Darach, but this is not a decision I take lightly. His raw psychic power is rare, and you know how important it is for the League to welcome such talent. Moreover, who knows, his growth could trigger an improvement in my own team, while certainly adding some spice to my monotonous life at the castle."

Darach nodded, almost resigned but respectful. "Very well, Madam. I will do everything in my power to ensure his integration goes smoothly. Everything will be ready by tomorrow morning."

Caitlyn smiled at him, grateful for his loyalty and diligence. "Thank you, Darach. It's rare for me to take vacations. Let's make sure everything is ready as soon as possible. We have no time to lose."

"If you say so, Madam," replied Darach, before retiring to immediately start the preparations.


David was lounging in the jacuzzi, savoring the soothing heat of the water, when he heard a door open. Caitlyn entered, an amused smile on her lips upon seeing the emptied fridge. She approached the other room quietly, and discovered David, unbothered, in his boxers in the jacuzzi.

"Get dressed; there's no way you're sleeping here. A room has been prepared for you for tonight only," she said, crossing her arms.

Sighing, David got out of the jacuzzi and grabbed a towel to dry off. Meanwhile, Caitlyn called her Gothitelle. "Abby, bring our little troublemaker."

A moment later, Abby teleported into the room, delicately holding a Pokémon in a telekinetic bubble. David immediately recognized the Pokémon as a Mime Jr., with bits of chocolate on its face and two muffins tightly held in its little hands.

"Mime Mime!" the Mime Jr. exclaimed joyfully, its eyes sparkling with mischief.

Caitlyn smiled as she turned to David. "David, meet Mime Jr., a Pokémon I received from a friend in Galar. He will be your new partner."

Mime Jr., delighted by the attention, floated slightly in the air and, in a mischievous gesture, made one of the remaining muffins levitate and directed it straight towards David with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes.

David reacted quickly, intercepting the muffin mid-air, before throwing the muffin directly at Mime Jr.'s head.


The little Pokémon looked at him with surprise and burst into laughter, a sound so joyful it was contagious. David soon joined in his hilarity.

"He's perfect, I want him and no other," declared David to Caitlyn, a wide smile on his face.


Mime Jr., delighted, clapped his hands, sending muffin crumbs flying all over the room.

Just then, a ferry staff member knocked on the door to announce that David's room was ready. Caitlyn nodded and turned to David. "Follow him. Tomorrow, your Pokédex will be ready, and you can start your journey." Saying that, she made Mime Jr.'s Pokéball levitate towards David with her powers.

David grabbed the Pokéball, taking Mime Jr. under his arm while following the staff member to his room. Once settled in the luxurious suite, he gently placed Mime Jr. on a small table. The Pokémon, still curious and mischievous, looked around the room with an interested air.

"My journey huh, what a crazy day," murmured David as he immersed himself again in the hot water of the jacuzzi.

Mime Jr. looked at the water with a mischievous smile, raising a small hand before using his powers to launch an Ice Punch. The water cooled instantly, causing David to jump out of the jacuzzi with a cry of surprise.

"MotherFu…," mumbled David, bursting into laughter at his new companion's prank.

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