

I am Kalem, I had a common dream, a dream to become a Pokemon master, a dream to travel and adventure out through different regions. But that dream was crushed and destroyed... After hearing the news about the death of my parents, I started to lose interest on becoming a Pokemon Master. I was adopted by an orphanage, there I met two persons who would soon become my best friend. Them, together with the headmaster helped restored my dream to become a Pokemon Master, and that was when I knew that my Parents were alive. So me, together with my two friends travelled across the land finding clues and mysteries about my parents. As I travelled to seek for my parents, me and my friends saw something we would never forget... A prophecy, a prophecy that was about to be full filled, that prophecy had something to do with my parents.

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EPISODE 91: Debunking the Truth!

"Alright Dratini wake up! It's training time!" I beamed with determination while shaking Dratini's slithering body.

<Drat? Drat!>The Pokemon badgered and used water gun on my face.

"What was that for! Wake up, you have to train in order to grow stronger! 5:00 in the morning is the best time to train!" I beamed with determination.

<Drat!? Drat!? Dratini!>The Pokemon badgered and used water gun on my face again.

"Great! A timid Pokemon who doesn't listen to his trainer, that's fantastic!" I uttered sarcastically.

"Actually, no one would obey you Kalem." Riolu teased.

"And why is that?" I queried while squinting my eyes.

"Who in the world trains at 5:00 in the morning!?" Riolu uttered with frustration.

"You make a point! Let's go train at 5:01!" I uttered while Riolu faced palm himself and went back to sleep.

"Hmph! That's it, Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I shouted at Riolu's ear.

"What was that for!?" Riolu queried with frustration.

"That's for waking me up like that every day! Now get up and let's train!" I stood up and beamed with determination.

"Fine! Come on Dratini, we have no choice but to follow." Riolu uttered softly while pulling Dratini's tail.

<Dratini! Dratini!>The Pokemon cried out loud.

"Not my fault Kalem, you made the baby cry!" Riolu teased.

"Me!? You're the one who pulled Dratini's tail!" I complained.

"Who asked us to train? I was just following your orders!" Riolu smiled and laughed while I facepalmed myself.

"Dratini come on, don't cry. I'll give you four bowls of Pokefood if you train with me!" I smiled and bargained.

<Drat! Drat!>The Pokemon stopped crying and beamed with joy.

"Don't believe what Kalem says, he's not going to give you four bowls. Trust me, I'm a victim of Kalem's false deals!" Riolu debunked.

"What!? Dratini, believe me! I'll give you four bowls of food! I promise."

"Nah, he won't Dratini. Look, if Kalem gave me four bowls every time he woke me up, shouldn't I be extremely chubby?"

"Riolu, whose side are you on?"

"It's 5 in the morning! We can train at six or seven!" Riolu suggested.

<Dratini! Drat!>The Pokemon looked at Riolu with an angry face and used water gun on him.

"Alright, what in the world was that for Dratini?" Riolu complained with frustration.

<Drat! Dratini!>The Pokemon smiled and explained.

"What!? You want to go to training?"

"Haha! Joke's on you Riolu! Dratini wants to train with me! There's nothing you can do about it right Dratini?"

<Dratini!>The Pokemon smiled and nodded his head.

Dratini forced Riolu to come and train with us, Riolu didn't have any other choice but to follow us! It may be dark, but at least we get to enjoy a nice training under the rising morning flower.

When it comes to training, the woods are the best place to go! There are a ton of wild Pokemons everywhere. You can also see the new Pokemons you haven't seen before. When I train? I like to be alone, just me and my Pokemons working side by side!

"If we continue doing this, we'll have insomnia!" Riolu warned while walking by my side.

"Insomnia? That's a new one on me!" I smiled at Riolu's grumpy face.

"You should listen to Camellia's lectures you know," Riolu suggested.

"Lectures are bla bla bla boring stuff! I don't need to learn how many bones you have, I don't need to study Matamorphosis either!"

"It's metamorphosis! Me-ta-more-pho-sis!" Riolu enunciated.

"Fine whatever, lectures are for kids! I'm a grown-up!"

"You're ten!" Riolu uttered with a drowsy voice.

"At least I'm almost twelve!"

"Twelve? What's ten plus one Kalem?"

"Ten plus one is twelve! Don't fool me Riolu, I'm a math wizard!" I boasted while Riolu face palmed himself.

"Ten plus one is eleven! People are going to complain about how terrible you are in math!" Riolu sighed and warned.

"Oh right! Eleven is the answer, I'm correct!"

"You're answer was twelve!"

"No, I said eleven!"

"Never mind, I don't want to argue anymore, it's 5:30 and I'm sleepy!" Riolu uttered with slight frustration.

Near a waterfall, is where I and my Pokemons will be training! It's time to boost speed, attack, special defense, and special attack! Good thing, Camellia bought me an IV checker! I'm one button away on knowing my Pokemon's stats.

Let's get to it!

[NAME: Gardevoir

Attack: Good

Defense: Good

Speed: Excellent

Special Attack: Good

Special Defense: Good

Rating: Three Stars

"Three stars? Impossible, Gardevoir won a lot of battles!?" I complained.

[Name: Treecko

Attack: Horrible

Defense: Good

Speed: Horrible

Special Attack: Good

Special Defense: Good

"What!? Treecko is one of my strongest Pokemon! Impossible!" I complained at the IV checker.

[Name: Zorua

Attack-Special Defense: Horrible

"Yup! This device is definitely broken!" I uttered with sarcasm.

"And you're broke!" The device uttered and teased me.

"Woah, that's gotta hurt, right Kalem?" Riolu teased.

"Hmph! I am a man, you are a machine! I'm the one who complements and not you!" I badgered.

"Base on your Pokemon's stats... You are a horrible trainer with a chance of 0.98% of winning the Pokemon League!" The device teased.

"Yikes, watcha gonna do Kalem? Don't tell me you're going to lose against a robot?" Riolu teased.

"He was referring to the both of us Riolu!"

"Nope, I was referring to you Kalem!" The device corrected.

"This is the last draw! My Pokemons are strong, you're wrong!"

"If they were strong, how does Riolu only know one attack for two years!?"

"It's none of your business! Secrets are secrets!" I badgered.

"Come on, just tell the truth! You're a lazy trainer when you were just eight years old!" The device teased.

"That's partially true, I'm not that lazy you know?"

"And you're a lonely trainer with no one to battle with when you were just eight!" The device continued to frustrate me.

"I had my parents to battle with!"

"And yet you didn't battle with them. Why? Cause you're afraid to lose! You're afraid Riolu might dump you after knowing how terrible you are!" The device teased.

"What!? I would never dump Kalem, even if I know he's weak!" Riolu laughed and teased.

"Are you trying to frustrate me!?"

"I'm just telling the truth! Karate chop? Seriously? Only one move! haha!"

"That was before, Mr.Iv! Riolu now knows four moves!"

"Riolu should be Lucario by now, but you're weak!" The device teased.

"Don't make me throw you to the waterfalls! I am a human, we made you! We can take your life back!"

"Sure thing, oh wait! You can't, 'cause you're very weak! A trainer with a Pokemon who knew one move for two years? Terrible! Just give me to your rival Krill, he's more powerful than you!"

"I defeated him, and who's your creator? Your purpose is to scan Pokemons and not trainers!"

"I did scan your Pokemons, they were horrendous!"

"That's it, I'm turning you off!" I badgered and turned off the IV checker for good. Who cares if Riolu knew one move in two years? I'm not weak, and don't call me weak! I may not be very strong but at least I'm improving bit by bit!

"Alright, watch Treecko with keen eyes Dratini!" I instructed while training Treecko.

<Drat! Dratini!>The Pokemon smiled with determination.

"Treecko, use energy ball on that tree!"

"You got it Kalem!" Treecko beamed with determination and unleashed a powerful energy ball that destroyed the tree in half.

"Haha Iv checker! Guess you were wrong!" I teased and laughed.

"That was weak, a normal energy ball could destroy a sturdy boulder in one move!" The device spoke.

"Hey, didn't I turn you off?" I badgered at the device.

"Yes you did, but I turned myself on!" The device explained.

"What the!? No device can do that!" I complained.

"Wanna know who created me?"

"Of course I do! I'm going to file a complaint form!"

"What in the world is a complaint form? That's why people think you're a-"

"Don't finish that statement, who created you... you feeble being?"

"You're feeble, I'm not a being, I'm a machine!"

"Ouch! That device is smarter than you!" Riolu teased.

"Fine then, you're a feeble machine, with a feeble heart!"

"I do not have a heart, like I said... I'm a machine! Don't let me reveal your secrets about you and Riolu!"

"Whatever! Tell me who created you!" I badgered.

"Who else? Look at my back!"

I turned the device upside down and read who manufactured this annoying and frustrating device! I got shocked, why would "..." make such a device?

"The Chaos regime made you!? That explains how measly you are!"

"Kalem doesn't brush his teeth before sleeping!" The device shouted loudly.

"Hey! Shut your mouth! I defeated Cyra and Nate for more than 30 times! Team Chaos is a weak organization!"

"When Kalem was eight, he used to pee on the bed!" The device shouted loudly.

"What!? You pee on the bed, I slept in pee for two years!?" Riolu uttered with frustration.

"Sorry he... he! But still, shut your mouth Iv checker!" I badgered out loud.

Meanwhile, at our camp, Camellia was looking worried sick!

"Where's the Iv checker!?" Camellia uttered with worry as she scrambles her bag.

"IV checker? Didn't you give it to Kalem yesterday?" Zhery recalled while stretching her arms.

"Oh no... I gave him the wrong one!" Camellia uttered with worry.

"The wrong one? You bought two IV checkers?" Zhery queried.

"I gave my IV checker to Kalem! I have to wake him up before he turns on that IV checker!" Camellia uttered with worry as she rushed towards my tent.

"Kalem! Kalem, oh no.... he went training with the IV checker!" Camellia uttered with worry as sweat droplets fell off her face.

"What's with that IV checker anyways?" Zhery queried.

"Um nothing, I have to go find Kalem so bye!" Camellia rushed towards the woods to warn me but it was too late!

"Did you know Kalem accidently-"

"Hey! If you dare say that I'm going to break you to pieces!"

"Actually, this is kinda fun! I didn't know you had secrets!" Riolu smiled and laughed.

"Whose side are you on Riolu!?"

"Kalem accidently released waste on his pants when he was at school! Everybody laughed except for Camellia!"

"Wait, you literally did that on your pants? Don't schools have bathrooms?" Riolu laughed and teased.

"Really Riolu!? You're acting just like my classmates! Grr... that's it, tease me all you want, I'm out of here!" I badgered and ran away. I was too embarrassed to hear another word from the device.

"Kalem, wait!" Riolu called me.

"The truth is, Kalem also had low grades in his exams!"

"I know that he even doesn't know what ten plus one is!" Riolu uttered.


"Your majesty! She has been spotted! She turned on a device that belonged to us!" Elanor reported.

"She probably did it by accident, go send Zylon to the coordinates and bring her to me! She stole something from me!" The fallen king commanded.

"Your bidding shall be down!" Elanor bowed down and left the room.


"Hey, I think you should stop telling dark and weird secrets about Kalem!" Riolu suggested.

"Do you want to know, why Kalem's parents are still alive?" The device queried.

"Really, yeah sure!" Riolu uttered with eagerness.

"It's because his parents are actually bzzzzz tzzzzz bzzzz! Shut down! System off!" The device turned off all of a sudden.

"Riolu! Where's Kalem!?" Camellia uttered with worry.

"He ran off, Dratini followed him! The device you gave Kalem triggered him!" Riolu explained.

"Of course it did! This is not an IV checker, this is a log device which pretends to be an IV checker!" Camellia explained.

"Wait then why did you give it Kalem?" Riolu queried.

"I accidently gave the wrong one! What did this device tell you?" Camellia queried.

"Let's see, I only knew Karate chop for two years because Kalem was afraid to battle his parents because he fears that if he lost, I'll dump him so he treated me like a pet. Kalem doesn't know much stuff about Pokemon, even if his mother is a trainer and his father is a professor because his parents didn't have the time since they were always busy at work. Even at home they work with their so-called laptop for eight hours since they were building Pokemons of some sort, Kalem also peed at his bed, Kalem pooped at his pants, Kalem is weak, Kalem and me are horrible, Kalem is this, that and those!" Riolu explained.

"Wait, that's a new one on me. Kalem never told me that his parents were that serious about the bioweapons." Camellia uttered.

"The truth is, Kalem would cry at his bedroom every night while hugging me. He wanted to have parents that would focus more on him rather on their work. The truth is, Kalem is a child of curiosity, but his parents wouldn't answer his questions." Riolu explained.


"Mom, what's a type disadvantage?"

"Not now Kalem, I'm working, go play with Riolu first!"

"But you and dad always say that! I have multiple unanswered questions since I was four years old, why won't you focus on me first rather on your saving the world project!?" Young Kalem queried.

"Kalem not now! Play with Riolu, I'll answer your questions when me and dad have time. Can't you see we're busy!?" Lyra uttered with frustration while typing on her laptop.

"Please mom, can I at least borrow your rotom phone to check online?"

"You're too young to use or hold any gadgets, maybe when you're ten I'll buy you a rotom-phone! For now, stay in your room, dad's gonna call you once dinner is ready!"

"Hmph! You and dad are always like that!" Young Kalem complained and went to his room while crying.

"Don't be too harsh on him Lyra, he's just eight years old," Cypress uttered.

"I know, but we need these Pokemons to be operational and we're already lacking DNA structures!"

"You know what, every night? I would hear Kalem cry in his room. I know we're busy at work bu-"

"Look, if the world ends our son will end too! We're doing this to protect him, even if it means sacrificing ourselves in two years time! I feel sorry for treating Kalem wrongly too, but if we didn't know the world was going to end soon we shouldn't be doing this! I want to return to how things were before, like watching movies? Looking at lunar eclipses? But this is an urgent matter!"

"Yeah, you're right Lyra, let's get back to work."


"Even if his parents treated him like that, Kalem still loves his parents, that's why he's out to look for them now, he may seem like a jolly person on the outside, but deep inside I know how Kalem feels," Riolu added.

"I never knew Kalem had secrets. He seemed so jolly at school, a person who would play with Pokemon! If he's a curious child, then why doesn't he listen to our teachers when he was preschool?"

"His mind would always fly away during lecture times. I can sense that through my auras. Kalem kept thinking about his parents, you know? He imagines a life where he would go to movies with his parents again. When the teacher scolds him, that's the time Kalem snaps out of his daydreams but falls back into it once the teacher passes him. I have the power to sense emotions through my auras, I know Kalem's burdens, and there are those which are too grave to tell." Riolu explained.

"Woah, Kalem had a harsh life, guess this device made him remember all those problems with his family. I and Kalem are almost the same, my parents were actually- wait... how am I talking to you!?" Camellia suddenly realized that he was understanding Riolu's words.

"Didn't I say I had auras? Even if I have a Poketrans gem, I don't use it... but Kalem thinks I use it. I use my auras to talk to him." Riolu explained.

"So, am I using my aura too?"

"Of course! Everyone has an aura, may it be men or Pokemons, there is no life without auras. Let me guess, your parents were just like Kalem's parents but they were not focusing on bio-weapons they were focusing on $#%@#% (Secret)"

"How did you know that!?"

"Simple, I have my ways!"

"Riolu, please don't tell Kalem about that, please don't! If Kalem knew about that, he'll never forgive me."

"Of course I won't tell him, you like Kalem right? I don't want you and Kalem to fight... but I'm warning you Camellia, Kalem always finds the truth! He'll know someday, and once he knows..."

"Just don't tell him Riolu! I trust you since you're an honest and trustworthy Pokemon."

"I won't! The cavern will tell Kalem everything. You've gotta prepare Camellia." Riolu warned.

"Riolu! Let's go back to camp!" I walked back as tears fell off my eyes.

"Kalem! Look, I'm sorry I gave you the wrong device, this was actually my IV checker."

"Yeah, an Iv checker you probably stole from team Chaos!"

"Stole!? Cyra and Nate dropped this device in cave moon remember?"

"She's making up fake scenarios." Riolu facepalmed and uttered to herself.

"Yeah, yeah! That device triggered me! He embarrassed me in front of my Pokemons, in front of Riolu and Dratini!"

"Look, I know how you feel because my parents were like that too!"

"I thought your parents were in the Alola region?"

"I... um, yes they were in the Alola region and now they're here!"

"I know you're lying Camellia! I know you're trying to hide something from me, tell me the truth!" I shouted loudly.

"The truth is, my parents never went to the Alola region, I made that up since I didn't want anyone to know how my parents treated me!"

"Her fake scenarios make no sense at all, and of course, Kalem would believe what Camellia said." Riolu facepalmed and sighed.

"Look I'm sorry I shouted at you, I just remembered something bad from the past, I got embarrassed, that's why I ran."

"I did that too, when I was young."

"No you didn't!" Riolu uttered to himself.

"You ran away?"

"No she didn't!" Riolu uttered to his mind.

"The reason why I met you in the cave was not because I wanted to play with Pokemons, it's because I ran away."

"That's partially true. Wow, Camellia is really good at lying." Riolu uttered sarcastically to himself.

"Anyways, your device called me weak, horrible, and other stuff, but... I feel better now."

"And as for you Riolu, we're going to train at four am tomorrow since we were unable to train today!"

"What!? Please no Kalem, I'll train now, I'll cooperate! Promise! Please don't do this! I don't want to wake up early in the morning!" Riolu begged.

"I was just kidding, come on... let's go back to camp! As for Dratini, her cute face made me feel better so she deserves four bowls!" I complimented and smiled at Dratini.

"Heh? You're right, I know you won't give Dratini four bowls!" Riolu smiled and laughed.

We were able to arrive back at camp, safe and sound! Breakfast was ready and it was time to prove Riolu wrong.

"And, here are your four bowls of Pokefood Dratini!" I placed the bowls one by one facing Riolu and Dratini.

"You literally gave Dratini four bowls of Pokefood!? About me, didn't I work hard? Kalem don't go, look at my belly, I'm hungry! Please give me four bowls as well." Riolu begged.

"You didn't train, so not my problem!"

"Dratini didn't train Kalem! That's not fair!"

"But Dratini was the only Pokemon to comfort me, plus! You're on a diet!" I teased and walked back to my seat.

"Dratini, can you share the n the bowl to me? Please?" Riolu begged but all Dratini did was to stick out her tongue and tease Riolu.

So yeah, I lost against a crazy device which turned me crazy. I just wished everything was back to how things used to be.

As the journey continues...