
Pokemon: Road To Ascension

After dying in a truck accident, Dan was transmigrated into the world of Pokemon. Unlike what the Anime portrays it to be, the world of Pokemon is a dangerous world where many will get harmed. This story is about Dan becoming the very best and ascending to Godhood. (This is an AU, so every random BS is now cannon in this fanfic)

BrighterThanBlue · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Elite Trainer Uncle Ruckus (No Relation)

A day later, I returned to the office where Miss Lena was, and an old man stood beside her.

He should be the trainer Miss Lena had acquired, and glancing at the old man, I could tell he was observing me, checking for my qualities.

As always, Snivy was held in my embrace. He stared at the old man, wondering who he was. At a week old, he had developed a quiet yet cheeky nature.

"Dan, this is Uncle Ruckus. He is one of the best trainers in my family. Someone who is said to be just below an elite four." It didn't take long before Miss Lena's words struck me, as Ruckus was just a level below an elite four.

The elite four are the most exceptional trainers of this generation. Each of them is a pillar of a region, protecting harm to their region. Whenever a city disaster crisis happens, they will be the ones to step up and protect us.

Being a level below an elite four was already an accomplishment, and I was surprised that Miss Lena could get someone like him to test a new trainer like me.

"I'm Kernel Ruckus, and I will oversee your talent as a Pokemon trainer. Miss Lena has already informed me about the situation, and I hope you have the talent to prove your worth."

Kernel Ruckus is an old man in his sixties. With a militaristic outfit and a nice stache, you could already tell what kind of person he was. The way he spoke was polite yet stern, as if he had seen much shit in his life.

"That Snivy of yours. Is it your only Pokemon? Has it gone through any metamorphosis?"

"Snivy is my first and only Pokemon. Snivy is only a week old, so it hasn't." He nodded, gauging what level I was at.

"Then your test is simple. Within a month, you will defeat a Pokemon on the verge of its second metamorphosis. If you can't do that with the resources you're given, give up as a trainer." Without mincing anything, Uncle Ruckus told me my task.

"Am I only limited to my Snivy?" I wanted to know the limit of this challenge.

"You can catch five other Pokemon with the effort of your Snivy. You can't ask someone to train your Pokemon or use harmful drugs that will quickly strengthen your Pokemon. This test is to test your capabilities as a trainer. Interference from an outsider isn't allowed." There wasn't much of a limit to this test, as the rules were simple.

"How about you? Am I allowed to ask you questions or ask you to help me keep me safe in the wild if I want to capture a Pokemon?" Since Uncle Ruckus was the one testing me and is kind of my instructor, there might be a chance he could help.

"I will accompany you out in the wild once a week. Since we're on this topic, I suggest we go out at the end of the second week." I nodded at Uncle Ruckus' thoughts, as Snivy was still too weak to catch anything significant.

This is a premium membership card to a battle club. Your Snivy may be a newborn, but Pokemon are different from humans. You won't have to worry about any issues when training it during this stage." He handed me a black membership card for the Battle Club.

A battle club was like a gym but for Pokemon. In a battle club, you can battle anyone and watch clips of any battle you desire. However, the training equipment you can find makes a battle club so valuable.

The battle club offered power lenses, power anklets, and other rare training equipment for the game. Move learners are also taught there. In the Unova region, most trainers go to the battle club for training.

I was originally worried about training Snivy too hard since he was young, but hearing an expert like Uncle Ruckus say that it was fine to train him since he is a Pokemon made me reconsider how to raise him.

"Food, resources, and anything that could improve your Pokemon condition are all in this card. 50 million pokedollars. As Miss Lena had said, if you fail, you will have to work the amount you receive if you fail this test and become an exclusive poster boy for the company." He handed me a golden credit card, and I took it without a second thought, knowing that this was something that I needed.

"On Tuesdays and Fridays, I will check your progress and will assist you with your training when needed." With this much support, it was practically impossible for me to fail such a test.

Rather, I felt that such a test was too easy. Snivy's talent alone could reach such heights if it trained alone.

"That's all I have to say, Miss Lena. I bid you farewell." Uncle Ruckus gave me one last glance before he left.

"Uncle Ruckus had said what was needed, and all you have to do is sign this contract. Read it over. I don't want you to lose motivation if you fail the test." She smiled mysteriously, making me think something was wrong with the contract.

Reading it over, I saw nothing wrong with what was written. If I didn't meet the requirements of the test Kernel Ruckus, the loan I received would be paid in double. My minimum monthly salary was 1 million pokedollars, which converts to $10,000 monthly, and that doesn't count the shares I will get for my estimated sales increase for the business.

I had a quota of working with at least two marketing businesses a month, and Emma, my manager, would inform me of such a matter.

Traveling expenses would be covered, and food and entertainment would be covered during times like these.

The more I read the contract, the more I couldn't help but glance at Lena and give her a worried look. I mean, I get that I have talent, but with how well she was treating me, I suspected she also had ideas about my body.

"Miss Lena, with how well you're treating me, I might have suspected that you wanted some ideas for my body."