
Pokemon: Rising Volt 'Dropped'

'In this life I was just a normal person. but in this new one world i can make a name for myself.' read as we have adventures and learn of Pokémon.

RustyKnightmare · Video Games
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18 Chs

Chapter 10: Pokémon Rising Volt

Troy had thought, "It's a shame wee—I mean, Kakuna couldn't improve her potential. I need to find resources before it can evolve into a beedrill, or its potential will be harder to improve once it evolves into a beedrill. What I need to buy are TMs so Kakuna can learn once it's a beedrill."

After the battle was over, Troy returned Kakuna back to poke ball, and he then walked up to the trainer, who challenged him. Troy then said to him, "Next time you want to talk shit, you better be able to win the battle; if not, then how could you call yourself a trainer?"

After hearing this from Troy, the grunt of a trainer could only say one thing: "Rattata use quick atta-" and Onix use stone edge. Troy, stunned from nearly being attacked by a trainer Pokémon, could only look at where the voice that saved him came from; what information appeared in his eyes was an Onix.


Trainer: Brock

Pokémon: Onix

Lv: 44

Abilities: Rock head

Gender: Male

Aura: Emerald

Moves: earthquake [A], harden [B], rock polish [B], stone edge [B], smack down [C] Rock tomb, sandstorm, iron tail, dig


Troy could only say one thing: "What a monster! Troy knew gym leaders were strong, but he didn't expect it to that extent.

Still looking at the information on Brock's Onix He could only stand there until Brock came up and asked if Troy was okay. "Hey kid, are you okay?" Troy, waking up from spacing out, replied, "yes, sir".

After checking on Troy, Brock had gone up to the trainer who tried to use Rattata to attack Troy, saying to the random trainer, "What do you think you were doing? Attacking a defenseless trainer have you no shame; you will be temporarily banned for the next 3 months for not being able to participate in tournaments and challenging the gyms." The reason Brock was able to do this was because gym leaders have the power to force the rules onto trainers, as they have authority just below the elite 4.

Once the lecturing from Brock was done, he came back to Troy to talk to him. "Hey kid, I saw your battle with him using a weedle. That isn't an everyday thing you would see, so what's your name?" Replying back to Brock, "My name is Troy Nightmare, and I'm going to be the champion of all the regions."

Brock, hearing this, could only laugh. "Hahahaha, I like your spirit, kid. The names Brock and I run the Pewter City gym."

After a few minutes of talking, Troy's alliance card was ready to be picked up. Troy thanked Brock for saving him one last time to go get his alliance card, while Brock saw Troy going back to the pokecenter and thought, "This year of trainers is going to be stronger than last year's batch."

Troy, getting his alliance card, had also gotten Kakuna healed for the price of 200 poke dollars. 'You think pokecenters are free? I wish. How else are nurse-joy clans supposed to make money?'

After waiting for a few minutes for Kakuna to be healed, Alex was finally able to take on jobs from the Alliance app, which shows a board of Pokémon missions.

Troy had one option, and that was to train Kakuna to evolve into Beedrill, where its training would really begin. Going back to Viridian Forest to train Kakuna up while also searching for a new Pokémon to add to his team. Once getting back to his last training spot when he was last in Viridian Forest, while looking around, Troy started to notice there were barley on Pokémon crawling around, which started to give him goosebumps, feeling like something bad was about to happen.

Somewhere back at the battlefield where the beedrills and butterfree were fighting because of Troy, only two Pokémon were still fighting. The alpha beedrill and a butterfree that was triple the size of a normal butterfree were both fighting it out. We're flying straight to where Troy had begun his training with Kakuna.