The Pokémon world is a tough world. Strong magical creatures roaming and kill you at moments notice. Even with all this, Our Mc, John Griffith, sets out to make a name for himself . Watch as he becomes the world’s star
It been a week since the Exams happened. It takes along time for the judges to review the Pokémon battles. Now I'm nervous if I'm going to get in. There been 150 battles and only hundred will be picked. That means even if you won and didn't impress the judges, you might get rejected.
It seems like I will be getting my answer, as the School is announcing the rankings tomorrow. I hope I rank high, or even if I'm in it.
It the next morning and and I beeline my way to the school. I think everyone else had the same idea because I never seen the school packed this early. There was the big tv displayed in front of the school will all the top 100 rankings. I looked for my name and luckily enough I'm on it. I'm ranked 50th of the exams. There was a little message at the bottom stating:
If you are apart of the top 100, plz make your way to the Pokémon Center for your Trainers Id and your starter Pokémon.
Seeing that information, I make my to the Pokémon center. Entering the establishment, I see all the other students who made it through the exams. I get in line waiting for my turn. It took about an hour for me to get to the top of the line. I greeted the nurse and began the process of getting my Id. They took my picture and made my thing in about 7 minutes. I was then directed to the back of the Pokémon Center. What was there was a ranch full of Pokémon. I saw Nidoran, Growlithe, Pidgey, Sentret, HootHoot, and a Oddish.
The Nurse Also told me," If you want a egg, you will have to pay a fee of 7,000 poke dollars."
I thought about for a moment. I have 15,000 poke dollars from allowance from my dad. If I pick an egg, I should be able to bond with the Pokémon immediately. I ponder for a moment before responding," I would like to pick an egg". The nurse smiled before leaving the ranch and taking me to the front of the Pokémon Center. She gave me a ticket before telling me to go to the Pokémon Day Care. She also gave me a Pokédex
I truck over to the Pokémon Day Care and headed inside. There was an old man and woman at the reception. I walked over to them and headed them the ticket. They smiled and took me over to the incubator room. There was shelf stocked with eggs in incubators. I walked over and looked at all of them. One that caught my eye was the one egg separated from the others.
I looked over the elderly duo and asked," if you don't mind telling me, what is that egg". The woman expression changed as she became serious. She told me," Oh that egg, it was found at Mt.Silver by the Champion. The man offered the egg to the us and we happily took the egg. It been here for a month now and still hasn't hatch".
Digesting all that information, I than asked the big question," Could I possibly have it".
The old couple was shocked and then smiled."it was either going to be you or another trainer to take it, so if your up to the challenge, you can take it. Also when it hatches, can I please show it to us."
I nodded very happily, took the egg and made my way home.
A week later:
It been a week and the egg is showing signs of hatching. It been wobbling a lot more and cracks started to appear. I predict it will hatch tonight. Most of the trainers that passed left the town and only a small amount are staying.
I at least got something to occupy me tho. It seems like a League challenger is about to face against Giovanni for his final Gym Badge. The Man's name is Tobias. I watched some of his battles with gym leaders. His team is pretty strong.
I have seen his 6 Pokémon. It consists of Chirzard, Raichu, Gengar, Gyrados, Alakazam, Machamp. His team is pretty stacked but I don't know enough about Giovanni. I know he the leader of Team Rocket and he was once a candidate for champion but decided he was fine with his Gym Leader position.
It seems like he already there because of the large crowd that I can see out my window. I make my way outside and into the crowd and see The challenger. He with some reporters talking bout his plans after this gym.
After that, he made his way into the gym. The reporters tried to follow him in to record the match but a guard stopped them saying no cameras were allowed in the gym.
It been a while and it almost sunset. Most people left but the reporters and me are still there. The man know as Tobias came out. He looked worn out like whatever happened in there was more than a battle. The reporters swarmed him and asked about the battle.
The player was a bit shaken up but said that he lost the battle and he will be taking his last badge to another gym.
After that pretty disappointing outcome, it was already Nighttime. I realized I should get back to my egg and hurried my way back home. I went into my room and it looked like my egg was going to hatch. I hurriedly sat down and waited for the egg to hatch. The egg started shaking,more and more violently, than big cracks starting to from. It started spreading until a head popped out. It was a matter of second until the whole creature emerged from the egg.
the creature is a small, quadrupedal Pokémon similar to a dinosaur. The lower half of its body is black, while the upper half is light gray. It has a beak-like snout with a small, tooth-like spike in each corner of its lower jaw and big, red eyes. On the front of its head is a large, heart-shaped yellow scale. A small tuft similar to ears or small feathers extends from the back of its head on either side, and there is another small, white tuft on its chest. Six teardrop-shaped, loose-hanging scales form a half ring around its shoulders. These scales are gray with pale yellow along the outside edge. A solid yellow scale of the same shape is on the tip of its tail. Each of its feet has three yellow claws.
I seen that creature before. The pseudo legendary from the land of Aloha. The Creature from my egg was Jangmo-o!