
The path between freedom

"You just had to go and kick it didnt you!" I shouted whiles running with the kid.

"I'm sorry alright!" Jeffery was also running away from the beedrill but it kept getting closer and closer.

"This is the last time I follow you for directions!"

"you were lost first idiot!!"

The beedrill got a bit closer but started using poison sting.

great a few of those and we're as good as dead.

I ran infront of everyone standing just by a ledge.

"Zorua shadowball!" Zorua shot a ball of shadow directly at the beedrill hitting it and knocking it down for a while.

"Get down!"

I looked confused at Jeffery who was coming my way with the kid knocking us down the ledge

"Jeffery what the hel-" I looked up seeing over ten Beedrills chasing after us.

We landed in a bush.

Jeffery immediately started to run again and when I was about to follow him.

"water gun!" a stream of pressurized water knocked all the beedrills away and I don't think they fainted...

"wha-" I looked behind me.


"And that's how it happened." I finished the story off giving Jeffery another passing glance.

we've been walking for a while now and I'm starting to get tired again.

"you both been here for a day?" Chloe asked us.

"yup" we both responded.

"I might have just doomed myself." she put her hand on her head in distress.

We over heard her and her words felt like blades to our hearts.


(pewter city gates)

"Dont stray too far.." A mother called out to her child playing with a stuffed pokeball.

"ok!" the kid stayed by his mother playing with his toy.


We came through the gates covered in mud and leaves our very legs hurt to the point they can hardly move.

"we made it..." Jeffery muttered.

"Pewter city!"

Hey! Author for pokemon rise here! If you enjoy the story check out my other book on my sister account "My runic system" A high fantasy novel i've released for a while now! I’ve been trying to get into the professional writing system for a while now and ive been mostly focusing on that and other stuff, so sorry for the delays in chapters on POKEMON RISE, my release schedule on “My runic system” will be everyday until 100 chapters just like POKEMON RISE, and as for pokemon rise I'll be doing the once a week schedule as usual! Thank you for reading this far

Theothegiantcreators' thoughts