
Countdown Part 6

Time left - 4 days

It has been a day since I arrived at Oak's laboratory, and it was there Blue finally knew what Pokemon I'm. Blue wasn't joking when he said the Pokedex is practically complete.

Nothing serious went about just got free Rare Candies that were only enough to reach the legendary Level 69.

Noice, right?

Pity I only manage to evolve into Cosmoem thanks to that.

Note to self, find and mass produce Rare Candy. The only side effect is that it only jumps one level up without filling the energy tank as well after its slight increment.

Therefore, using Rare Candy on a level 79 Pokemon to make it a Guardian is a great idea. However, it would need to wait a few days to have its energy full.

In short, the bottle size increased but the amount of water in it still needs to be added.

Is anything else left mentioning? Hmm, nothing important has happened so far at least, don't know if that's a good thing or the calm before the storm.

[Seeing as Adam and Necrozma are fighting as we speak, System says the calm is ongoing]

Indeed, once that end is when it truly begins.

Ah, I guess I did forget to mention something. Oak's tests and stupid questions, for example, 'Are you a boy or are you a girl?' question.

My answer? I'm your father.

Apparently, his studies on Legendaries & Mythicals haven't given him a solid idea of what gender on either side is without their answer.

It's like trying to find out what gender a Parrot is without the use of technology. Unless it says it itself or that species has a clear difference, good luck with that.

There's also Tatsumaki who had decided to listen obediently, she said she'd relax in Alola so there's that.

One less suicidal rebellious child to watch over.


"I need to fill my Risa bar soon," I sighed, my body pressed onto the soft grass in Oak's backyard.

Risa has always been... I guess... pollyanna is the right word. Always, optimistic and cheerful even in times when she shouldn't be. A bright star that attracts others and that confident, lovely, cute, never-ending smile that plasters her face.

All the sweetness in the world compressed down into a Mew.

"Ah, how much I miss her," I sighed again.

"Mate," a shallow voice made my eyes widen in shock.

My eyes quickly scanned the whole of Kanto, converting the grains of Destructive energy in my core into the Psychic energy needed for this, and found my target.

The Mew that was now hurriedly entering a Pocket Dimension.

Is this a trap?

Is it not?

I can tell you straight, I don't care.

All I know is that expression pissed me off and I have to confirm whether what I saw was true.

Otherwise, otherwise...

No, this isn't the time to think like that.

Arriving almost instantly inside that Pocket Dimension using Destructive Step, I quickly saw her before my eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked coldly.

It's obviously a Mew, a Mew that feels so much like Risa my Instincts think so too. However, that lifeless eyes, that clear as ever Negative Energy spreading out of her that surpasses mine by a multitude, and worst of all that disgusting frown.

A fake, an impostor, a FAKE, or worst...

[The real deal?]


Time left - last few seconds.

Location - Outside the Pocket Dimension Necrozma and Adam are fighting


Right outside the Pocket Dimension, a surprising scene occurred. Eve arrived, yes she hadn't died yet. However, sealing Glitch did had it's price.

She's currently fighting internally with half of her body, half that has been glitched beyond repair and is constantly trying to spread. If fully spread, she did become another clone of Glitch.

Reasons like this are why those who have been ERRORed by Glitch are promptly executed whether by Unowns, the ERROR Buster or by other Mews.

Luckily for her, Unowns are easy to escape from, the ERROR Buster is busy and there aren't many Mews left.

Regardless, she's going to die soon.

But before that.

"I must," Eve said tiredly.

*cough* *cough* *cough*

Her body has been like this for 6 years now. It's already a miracle she didn't die yet, and one can see the reason why.

Her willpower is what keeps her going. She's trying to complete her last desire before it's all too late.

And what is that desire?

"Help him," She declares, she'll not falter here, not when she's so close.

"Sorry, but no," Daniel said appearing behind her. "Ignoring the fact, you're an ERROR mother, father has to die today,"

"We'll see about that," she replies calmly.


Location - Pocket Dimension

The battle had already reached its end.

The sky is shining light brighter than one has ever seen before. In fact, one can even say the skies burning with how hot the temperature up there is now.

"Now, fade away into history one that would be joining you soon. Light That Burns The Sky!"

This light one's seeing isn't what one should be afraid of, despite how threatening it can be too many. No's it the ball of expanding light that grew from Necrozma's beak, quickly growing to an enormous size.

As for Adam, it was only at that moment when Necrozma threw it down he broke free from the Psychic and Draconic Chains that kept him in place for that brief moment.

Now he has to fight this attack head-on. Dodging this attack is easy, however, it would mean wiping out all life on Earth including humanity.

This Pocket Dimension has no way of blocking this attack. It's breaking apart from the presence of this attack alone.

Zamazenta's shield just isn't big enough to fully nullify this attack, so all that's left is to use his trump card.

"Mew!" He shouts. Multiple balls of Psychic energy circle each other, the energies in each ball quickly changed and the power in each grew rapidly before gathering together into a ball equal to Necrozma's attack and colliding with it.

The two attacks were surprisingly equal but the status of the 2 wasn't. Necrozma took the short time Adam took to recover from using this attack to strike down at him using Dragon Claw.

"Mew," Mew said peacefully, knowing this is just the beginning.

A few frames before Necrozma's Dragon Claw reach Adam, a voice sounded.

"System Call, Delete Entity. Individual. Necrozma," Eve had arrived and used an unexpected move.

"What!" Necrozma exclaims but her actions didn't stop. "AN IDIOT!" Necrozma's Dragon Claw came down, separating Adam's body into pieces.

"Did you think there weren't any benefits from absorbing some of the Universe Core idiots besides making me stronger?" Necrozma mocks not just Eve but Arceus who should be watching too.



What happened with Mike and Risa? Not explaining just yet.

Benefits Necrozma gained? Not telling either.

How exactly strong was Adam? His Z move was equal to Necrozma's Z move, but that's because he put in more effort to get in those results.

Delete Entity.

Pretty much anyone who's registered can be deleted.

One of the many broken things Arceus keeps in his toy box.