
Pokemon : Reincarnated into Mew just to conquer the world

Disclaimer : I do not own Pokemon and it's Characters

DaoistYixpg2 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The tortera clan 2

As I sat in the place after other turtwigs started resting in the place while I can see some of them roaming in the field.

I suddenly glanced at the tortera who are nor started spreading from each other

Are they creating a formation

I gussed it right they were making formation with tortera's and tortels and distributing there strength.

After looking at it careful I again noticed the leader who was sleeping at the center of formation

Now is the good time to start the plan

As I thought this I moved in front of another turtwig.

This looks like a perfect target, it's strong and also has good potential I can make good use of him.

Thinking this I started asking him

"Turtwig, turt.. Wig? "

"Turtwig.. "

Looks like he doesn't want to become my subordinate he needs some beating

Thinking this I started running at him and gave him a good tackle it was a perfect hit and the other turtwig who was not expecting got knocked out some distance while also crashing on a stone.

After getting the balance it started looking at me angrily and while cursing at me used razor leaf.

"Turtwig!! Turtwig!!! "

It's quite angry now good now I will show him how powerless he is, also I finally learned razor leaf.

As a mew even if I can turn into any pokemon I couldn't use the moves of that pokemon if I have not learned it myself after turning into that pokemon and it doesn't reset when I turn to other pokemon so it's quite handy skill of mine.

While thinking I also used razor leaf

My attack is good strong but not much strong to be noticed by other powerful pokemons.

And it was really strong as it overwhelmed the other turtwig.

Now that it had lost in this move he has only other move left knowing this started running towrds me while thinking to give me a good tackle but as I also responded with tackle it again got pushed back and hurt from it , it's energy was almost gone and it was going to faint but I came near it and tapped on its head giving some energy to him so that he won't collapse

Don't faint on me

As I started at him I again gave the offer

"Torte.. Ra? "

"Tortera.. "

Well that was easy, also good that not many tried to check our fight as it was between two weak turtwigs.

Thinking this I once again gave the turtwig a check.

Even though he looks weak he has green potential that is very good and hence I decided to take him under me,

I can see some other turtwigs with some blue and one with dark blue also they are like elite turtwigs among us but I didn't tried to take control of them as they are taken care by the tortels and torteras.

Looking at the surrounding again, I started looking for these type of turtwigs who can be good underlyings and I can use them.

There are not many after taking control over some part of them I need to move on to my next plan.

Thinking this I started explaining my new underlying on what he needs to do, for some time he hesitated but after that he quietly accepted his fait.