
Pokemon : Reincarnated into Mew just to conquer the world

Disclaimer : I do not own Pokemon and it's Characters

DaoistYixpg2 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The birth of....

"Ah... Where am I"

As I tried waking up I could only see some light rays coming inside a cave.

"A cave? "

As I asked myself I also tried to wake up from the bed I was sleeping but as I felt there was no bed and I was sleeping on a rock.

"What is happening.. "

As I was waking up I felt a lot different my body felt a lot lighter and couldn't remember things clearly it is like that morning where you just snap out of very long dream and for some time you reality is blurred with the dream.

But as I got the clarity I started to realize something was definitely wrong.

"Why I feel like my hands are so small " as I started looking at them as I saw my little hands they looked more like some pink animals hands than a human hand and with a sudden panick I tried standing up but due to my small legs my balance was gone and just as I was going to hit my head to the rock I tried my best to put hands in between and tried stopping and I just stopped before even my hands hit the rock.

"What am I floating".

Well like that my few movements went when I got reincarnated into this pokemon world. And as you all know I got reincarnated into a mew.

Well firstly I don't know how or why I got reincarnated and I also currently don't want to know, well who cares there was no one who really new me in my last life, it was a life even though I had achieved many things and would love to live there as well but if given chance between this life and past life I will choose this life always.

Well if I had reincarnated into some other pokemon that can be different case depending on that pokemon but reincarnating mew is just perfect.

Well these thoughts were of past as I traveled into this whole pokemon world. I saw many things, some things to note were this is not the same pokemon world as the anime, even though pokemons live here it is totally different with different regions and also it is like past era where technology is not yet developed.

There are currently 5 big regions which are separated by sea. There are still trainers here who has pokeballs using which they can capture pokemons so it's same.

But now it is becoming quite boaring, I don't even know how much time I have spent after reincarnating to this world. Well as a mew I am like full of energy everytime don't need to sleep, don't need to eat, I only eat to enjoy the taste.

I tried living with humans in there settlement by changing myself to human but I can't speak there language even though I know what they are saying.

Well I currently don't know the exact reason but it made very difficult to live like that, well without communicating with anyone it's no problem but what advantage to living with humans if I am not interacting with them it's better to live in my original body. I tried becoming a pokemon trainer also but because I couldn't give instructions to the pokemons in human form,well I am still trying to learn telecnessis in human form after that I should be able to become a pokemon trainer, well there is again another problem that psychic's people are considered dangerous in many kingdoms so I don't try it in front of others. So the pokemon trainer dream is still waiting on the list will try it at some point in future.

And as all things done for now I just sat here bored on a tree just enjoying the scenery.

Well if you ask me what was your one thought after coming to this world and knowing that you are mew then it was only one to conquer this world.

Even in my past life when I was young I was very facinated about conquering the world and then becoming the strongest man of the whole world. For fullfill my dream I trained very hard but I had small body so I was just average strength, I tried becoming a popular figure that dream also fell when I lost my first classroom precedent election by landslide. Conquering the world was very distant to me at that time. But after becoming mew my first thought was , did I got reincarnated to conquer the world?.

But as always it will not happen this easily as subconsciously I knew if I try to use very powerful moves or attack on the pokemons or humans in big scale other legendary pokemons will interfere and I don't want to meet them. So that dream of conquering everything failed at the start.

As these thoughts were going through my mind I saw a clan of tortera coming from one side, I could see many tortera and Turtwigs also following them. It was like a group of elephants roaming in forest. And just by seeing how strong those pokemon were my mind just started simulating a scene of what could happen if this pack of pokemons started attacking a nearby kingdom. And this simulation was very enjoying just like seeing day dreams but while thinking this it just clicked to me I don't need to use powerful moves, I also don't need to attack humans myself, if I can just became ruler of the pokemons then there will be no problem conquering the humans. As these thoughts were coming to my mind a plan was forming in ming and a very interesting plan where I will also get a lot of enjoyment with these sinister thoughts I quietly came near the pack transformed myself into a turtwig and mixed myself with the pack.

This was the birth and beginning of the conquerer.