
Pokemon : Reborn

Arindam_Mandi · Others
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Chapter 3 Evaluation battle

In a forest

Near river which located in between pallet town and Viridian city , Currently a boy training his Pokemon . The boy is none other than Ash

he is been training for few week , in such short period of time his Pokemon progressed alot apart from Darkrai because he trying to control his energy as Ash said being mythical pokemon means he has more difficulties energy controlling because large amount of energy that buried in him . First come with charmander he evolves in to Charmeleon but that's not only thing as he gained more control over his energy his flames burn green now instead of red and orange , and his status

[ Name : Charmeleon

[ Type : Fire

[ Level : 34

[Gender : Male

[ Ability : blaze ( solar power )

[ moves : flamethrower , Growl , scratch , Dragon breath , dragon pulse , dragon dance , dragon claw , iron tail , dragon tail , over heat , dragon tail , Smokescreen , fire fang , focus punch , fire blast , rock tomb , sword dance , shadow claw , sunny day . ]

After that was Ash's shiny Magikarp , After 1 week of training he evolves into a blood red 13 meters tall Gyarados a beast and also learn power full moves and his status

[ Name : Gyarados

[ Type : Water / Flying

[ Level : 33

[ Gender : Male

[ Ability : Intimidate ( Moxie )

[ Moves : Bite , Flial , leer , splash , Tackle, Twister , Whirlpool , Brine , Ice fang , waterfall , crunch , Aqua tail , rain dance , hyper beam , hydro pump , scald , brine , dark pulse , water fall , surf , water pulse ,. ice beam , iron tail , protect , dragon tail , rock smash ]

Ash's new Pokemon like Larvitar and Aron both work hard seeing how his big brother getting stronger after nearly 3 weeks of training energy control and physical training both evolve into Lairon and Pupitar respectively . and both trying gain more control over energy and status of both are

[ Name : Pupitar

[ Type : Rock /Ground

[ level : 34

[ Gender : Male

[ Ability : shed skin

[ Moves : iron defence, leer , pay back , rock throw , tackle , bite ,, Rock slide , stomping tantrum , dark pulse , screech , crunch , earth quake , ancient power , iron head , dragon dance , outrage , bulldoze , stealth Rock , rock polish , attract , dig , sand storm , endure , brick brack ]

[ Name : Lairon

[ Type : Steel/ Rock

[ Level : 34

[ Gender : Female

[ Ability : Sturdy , Iron head

[ Moves : Roar , tackle , headbutt , metal claw ,

rock tomb , harden , protect , metal sound , Rock slide , iron head , iron defence , body slam , dragon rush , mud slap , head smash , earth quake , dig , shock wave , stone edge , substitute , stealth Rock , sand storm ]

Ash also got two new Pokemon are Feebas who was abandoned by his previous trainer which Ash found in his first week of training , after few days of training Ash evolve Feebas into Milotic and Ash also caught a Kadabra when Kadabra was drinking water from river . After few session of training both became power full and also Kadabra was came close to his evaluation with slight push he will evolve , and being one of the smart Pokemon in the world he quickly got control over his energy .

[ Name : Milotic

[ Type : Water

[ Level : 34

[ Gender : Female

[ Ability : Marvel scale , Competative

[ Moves : Flail , splash , tackle , water gun , water pules , warp , Aqua ring , dragon tail , recover , Aqua tail , Disarming Voice ,Twister , Life Dew , Safe guard , Dragon breath , confusion , mirror coat , hypnosis , hail , ice beam , dragon pulse , iron tail , scald , giga impact , water fall ]

[ Name : Kadabra

[ Type : Psychic

[ Level : 35

[ Gender : Male

[ Ability : Synchronize , Inner Focus

[ Moves : Confusion , Disable , Kinesis , Teleport , Psybeam , Reflect , Ally Switch , Psycho Cut , Recover , Psyshock , Psychic , Confusion , Magic Coat , Mega Punch , Mega kick , Ice punch , Fire punch , Thunder punch , Reflect , Thief , Rain Dance , shock wave , thunder wave , energy ball , shadow ball ]

After training both Ash and his pokemon took rest , then Ash started make food for them . After done preparing food for him and his Pokemon , they started eating there food . Finishing every thing Ash called all his pokemon to come then took out a rainbow colour feather which is Ho- ho 's he got on his second day of training , then said to his Pokemon " As you can this feather and what it's mean , so if we want to be worthy of it we have to train hard so we can one day defeat Ho - ho " the he placed the feather in his inventory and said " So today Charmeleon and Kadabra will fighting each because both them are close to there evolution , fight seriously but don't cause serious injury Okk . good luck you two " .

Both Ash Pokemon gone to there position as the are both fighting , After getting signal the match started . First Charmeleon use flamethrower to create fire every were in the field as he know Kadabra can teleport . After that he used shadow claw to attack as sensed Kadabra from behind and landed shadow claw on him but Kadabra also landed ice punch on Charmeleon then Kadabra used rain dance to extinguish the fire on field , Charmeleon also used sunny day . Then Kadabra used Thunder punch to send Charmeleon rolling , after gaining foot Charmeleon also used dragon pulse on Kadabra . After few toe to toe moves exchanged and now both Pokemon standing face to face panting heavily then both pokemon started glow and getting bigger in size revealing two over size pokemon one is Charizard which is 1.5 time bigger than his normal counter part and the most noticeable part is that his flames are burning dark blue with tint of purple , the other Pokemon is Alakazam which is also 0.5 m large than his normal counter part . Ash is happy seeing the progress of his pokemon he is not worried that his pokemon are evolve early so that hinders their potential because Ash blend his Psychic and Aura together to create and attribute less energy which can convert into any energy , so he she send this attribute less energy to his pokemon which converts into the respective Pokemons type of energy and pokemon also gain control over their elements quickly .

Ash said to his pokemon " let's end here , you two guys did well ,. take enough rest and get used you new body we will leave this place after two day " then took out potion and healed his Pokemon and call back all leaving only Darkrai as he only stays in Ash shadow.

two day later ,

Ash packed all things then called Charizard out hop in his back and went towards Viridian city .


Ash Pokemon : Darkrai (F ) , Charizard (M) , Gyarados (M) , Lairon (F) , Pupitar (M) , Milotic (F) , Alakazam (M)