

Ash eyed Nicholai as he challenged May to a match in a Zigzagoon costume, 'I mean I am not going to judge furries but I am not sure this is appropriate in public.'

Gou, "Something on your mind?"

Ash, "Yeah, you could say that."

Molly, "What's wrong?"

Ash, "I... I do not mind shame people but I am not sure that is an appropriate outfit to challenge someone to a battle."

Molly, "It is very strange, I agree."

Gou had a confused look before he had a look of realization, "You make a good point but I get the feeling he does not realize it."

Ash, "I think you may be right."

Molly, "He is a cool battler though."

Gou, "Yes, Max is having a tough time, this guy is seasoned in battling despite his very ridiculous outfit."

Ash, "Hmm.. I think we should talk to him though. Someone else might get the same idea."

Gou, "I will do it. You can be very blunt about this type of thing. Which is not exactly a bad thing but it can make things awkward."

Ash snorted, "If you say so."

Gou, "Nicholai, a word please?"

Nicholai, "Eh? Sure, why not. What's up?"

Gou took him aside for a discussion to avoid him getting embarrassed in front of others which was a good call. Gou chuckled as Nicholai looked sheepish when he also realized how he might have looked going on about short pants dressed as a Zigzagoon to others. No wonder the younger boy was glaring at him the entire time he and May were having a Pokemon battle. Ash called them all for lunch and invited Nicholai over as well, it was late in the afternoon but he declined saying he had already eaten.

Ash, "If you are sure."

Nicholai, "Very sure! I appreciate the offer though. Look another Zigzagoon clutch running that way. See you around my new friends."

May watched him go, "That was something."

Molly, "It felt like a storm just passed by."

Max, "Yeah, an annoying one."

Gou snickered, "Well, he is enthusiastic at least."

Ash, "Yeah, I wish him luck on his quest to become a Zigzagoon Master."

Gou, "I have a feeling we will see him again."

Max, "Not too soon I hope."

Molly hummed, "Still annoyed by the short pant comment?"

Max scowled, "He was being really weird about it. So yes."

Ash, "I get it but I don't think he realized how it looked to others till Gou pointed it out to him earlier."

May, "Boys can be oblivious especially when their mind is fixated on one thing."

Gou, "Sounds like you are speaking from experience."

May, "Dad was like that, still is actually but he toned it down a bit."

Ash, "Isn't Misty like that as well when it comes to water type Pokemon?"

Gou started to laugh, "You are right but it is only for water Pokemon. I pity any boyfriend or girlfriend she will have in the future. Their greatest rival will be the water Pokemon."

Ash, "Not if they are just as crazy about water types like she is. There will be no problem then."

Max, "I don't think there is anyone out there who is crazy and in love with water Pokemon like Misty, Ash."

Ash, "Hey, you never know. There might just be this perfect guy or gal for her out there."

May, "That would be very romantic."

Molly, "As long as they treat Misty right I don't mind."

Ash, "True, now then I am going to train with my Pokemon and check on my paperwork progress."

Gou, "You still do not have permit to have Annihilape to be sent?"

Ash sighed, "No, a lot of debate is going on lately. The specialist are questioning if Annihilape was even from Kanto."

Max, "That's... I guess I can see why they think that. But what does it have to do with letting Annihilape join us? Tyrantrum had no such problem, only he chose to learn under the older dragons in Blackthorn City."

Ash, "Tyrantrum is different because his egg was found burried under Kanto. Annihilape is more complicated because there is a chance he was smuggled from Galar."

May, "But what if he is not from Galar? What if it was a female Manley or Primeape that got really chummy with a Galarian Mankey or Primeape?"

Ash, "They have considered that too but Galar trainers always keep tabs so, unless there is a Mankey or Primeape who have been recorded to do it, smuggling is the only explanation."

May groaned, "Ugh! Why are politics so complicated? On top of that, the poachers do not help one bit. They make it worse."

Ash, "I am just happy they did not try to take Annihilape from me."

Gou, "Your Pokemon would riot and knowing your luck even the Legendary Pokemon would join in."

Ash, "Please don't give them ideas."

Ash left to head to a clearing where Lucario and the rest was waiting for him, ready to continue their training. Taillow was very excited to learn steel type moves and would always join Noctowl in training to strengthen their muscle strength. While they were training they heard Officer Jenny's motor bike head towards them which made them pause out of curiosity.

Officer Jenny, "Trainers, I am here to warn you. There have been reports of poachers attacking trainers such as yourself. They will steal your Pokemon and run away. Please be aware and please be safe."

May, "What? That is terrible."

Honchkrow, "Krowwww!"

Max frowned, "We will be careful."

Breloom, "Loom bre breloom."

Molly, "Is there any photo that we can refer to in order to recognize the poachers?"

Officer Jenny sighed, "Sadly no, they wear masks so no one knows what they look like."

Ash frowned, "I see, very well. We will stay safe Officer Jenny."

Gou, "Thank you for the warning."

Lucario watched the Officer go, -Well some things remain the same no matter what.-

Ash, "True that."

Gou, "Should we wrap up our training?"

Ash, "We are almost done."

May, "Me too."

Molly, "We finished a while back."

Max, "We are going to do a cool down."

Gou, "Great! I will break up the camp."

As they were cleaning up and cooling down there was a smokescreen that suddenly covered the area. May and Ash ordered their flying types to blow the smokescreen away and Ash had a bad feeling. When the smoke cleared there was a man standing with what looked like a full gear to capture and subdue Pokemon.

The man grinned, "You brats have very interesting Pokemon."

Ash narrowed his eyes, "You look like a loser."

Gou, "What are the chances a poacher will appear after Officer Jenny leaves?"

Max, "Coward!"

The man twitch, "Smart mouths too. Well, I am sure you will not be speaking that way after I am done with you. Fearrow, Pupitar, show them who is the boss."

Ash, "Meganium, Feraligatr and Typholsion shall we?"

The man sweated a bit, "The Jhoto starters, my how fascinating! Well they would make great editions."

Gou, "Hey old man! You are not forgetting us are you? Cinderace, Inteleon and Rillaboom get ready."

They worked together to push the man into a corner while Gou sent his Growlithe to search for any Pokemon he had previously captured. Max called his Houndour and sent him with Growlithe too, just in case there was an ambush waiting for any visitors at the area where the Pokemon were kept. The man spat curses at them which had May slapping him across the cheek though it did not stop the vitrol. He started to talk about May and Max next which pissed Ash off making him approach the man. Usually Ash would be above such action but he lifted his leg up and brought it down right between his legs.

"AAAAARRRRGHHHH! You little bitch!"

Ash stared at him then smiled sweetly, "I will stop if you apologize to my little brother and sister, okay?"

The man wheezed in shock, "They are your what? But I thought, I thought they were Norman's brats."

Ash, "You thought wrong. Now, you apologize or the next punishment will make sure you will never recover."

The man shivered, "You... You... You are crazy. You.. You... Fine! Fine! I am sorry I called your mother a slut and your father a man whore. Just have mercy."

Max pulled his sleeve, "Thanks Ash and it's ok. It's not something new."

Gou, "You should not have to."

May, "We know our parents are nothing like they say."

Ash, "That is correct. Norman and Caroline are one of the few couples who were successful in their fields. Unfortunately that also means, jealousy, envy and loathing will appear in the form of these clowns here."

Lucario snorted, -If they would apply the same amount of energy in working hard and focusing on their goals then perhaps they would not have miserable lives.-

Officer Jenny approached them followed by a van, "Kids! I got the message. Is he the one?"

Ash, "Yes, aside from poaching, threats and stealing Pokemon. I would like to charge him with defamation of character."

Officer Jenny blinked, "Is there proof?"

Gou took out a recorder, "Yes, I started recording from the moment he attacked us unprovoked."

Officer Jenny nodded, "Please, join us at the station and we will get started on the report."

Ash, "Please wait a bit. We sent our Pokemon to scout the area and search for any missing Pokemon."

Gou, "They should be back soon.. There!"

Max, "Houndour... Ah! Those Pokemon... "

May, "They must belong to the other trainers."

Molly, "There are quite a lot of them."

Gou, "Around twenty of them from the looks of it."

Ash, "Officer Jenny please help the Pokemon return to their trainers, and I think we need Nurse Joy and Jim. Some of them look like they are in a bad shape."

Officer Jenny, "Indeed, leave it to us. Let us get that report done in the mean time."

They followed Officer Jenny and the rest to the police centre and reported everything before leaving. Ash eyed the man, he had a feeling they would be seeing them again soon and honestly speaking he was already feeling annoyed. Perhaps he should restart meditating at night again, heaven only knew how much his patience was getting tested lately. As they headed to the Pokemon center and got their rooms Ash's older poke egg started to shake. Ash turned to the egg then hurried to one of the hatching areas which was being run by Nurse Jim who welcomed him.

May, "That's the poke egg given by him right?"

Gou, "Yes, come on! We should be prepared just in case. Good thing the hatching areas are private so if a strange Pokemon appears no one will find out."

Max, "Except for the nurses."

Molly, "I am kind of excited despite being nervous."

Ash meanwhile was surrounded by his Pokemon humming softly, 'I wonder who you will be little one.'

Lucario, -Come join us little one.-

Taillow was chirping as well followed by the other Pokemon encouraging the little one inside to join them quickly. Ash held the poke egg Mew had given him close as the light started to shine brighter and brighter and then in Ash's arms was a certain pink Princess of fluff. Ash started to laugh as he welcomed her to the world getting a happy chirping from the baby Pokemon that was barely the size of his palm. Lucario and the others cooed and welcomed her to the family as well though Lucario wondered what game Mew was playing.

Nurse Jim, "Congratulations! Would you like to register your new Pokemon?"

Ash, "That, I wish to register under code 598¤9."

Nurse Jim froze, "Oh! This... "

Nurse Jim cleared his throat, "It must be my lucky day. A Legendary from another region is born in front of me. You can trust me, my name is Benjamin Todd. I will help you secure the safety of the little one. I must confess I do not recognize her, that is a her yes?"

Ash, "Yes, she is a her. She is Diance, the diamond Princess of Lord Xerneas court."

Nurse Jim nodded, "I understand."