
Transformers - Final!

Optimus noticed the enemy was distracted, "Now's our chance."

Megatron nodded holding his light saber, "We will take them down. Let's go!"

Optimus nodded and stormed the ship which was the main motherboard following Primus's guide through the shield. Ash had mentioned that the sword and shield were sentient, they knew their duty, all they had to do was follow their instinct. As a High Lord and a Prime their instincts were stronger then anyone else out there, according to Primus. If they combined their instincts with the weapons they will have a high chance of winning and survival.

Optimus, "I can feel Primus guiding me."

Megatron nodded, "Yes, who would have thought one day Primus would guide me?"

Optimus looked at him in understanding, none of them had heard Primus's voice nor had they felt his presence before Ash had poked his little nose into their business. It had brought relief to many Cybertronians and now Primus was guiding them towards victory, he was sure of it. Though Ash seemed to be hiding something from them as well not just them hiding something from Ash. Optimus hid behind an enclave as a few droids passed by them and Megatron nodded after they passed.

Optimus mused, "Have you sometimes felt our sparkling was hiding something from us?"

Megatron grunted, "I don't feel it, he told me, he has a lot of secrets. Secrets he doesn't feel ready to share."

Optimus, "I feel like learning those secrets will leave us more worried about him."

Megatron, "Let's worry about it later. For now let us focus on eliminating this enemy first."

Optimus nodded, "Let's do this."

The duo worked together and set up specialized bombs all over the main ship while heading to the control. They fought with the main head that was controlling the other ships belonging to the Quintessons. The things truly was ugly unlike Tentacruels and Grapploct, now those Pokemon were very sweet and adorable creatures, unlike these ugly fraggers. Megatron stabbed the main control after activating the self destruct sequence and requested Mewtwo to teleport them away.

Mewtwo came out of the sparkling hold, -Hold on then!-

Megatron stabilized himself as they were teleported outside, "I'll never get used to that."

Mewtwo drawled, -You'll get used to it, this is just the second time you teleported. I thought you were used to it though. Isn't space bridge similar to teleportation?-

Optimus, "Not exactly... Space bridges are more like doors. You step into it from one side and then appear out side in your desired location."

Mewtwo, -How convenient.... I wonder if I can open my own space bridge.-

Optimus got into thinking mode, "Well you already know teleportation, so I think space bridge is the next step."

Mewtwo's eyes gleamed, -Tell me the details of how a space bridge is formed.-

Megatron watched the two, "Need I remind you we are in the middle of a battle?"

Mewtwo mused, -Space bridge sounds like it will take a lot of training.-

Megatron sighed, "And I lost them."

Optimus rolled his optics at his Conjunx's melodramatic sigh, "Yes, it looks like you would require more training."

Mewtwo, -Guess I do have a good reason to stick to Ash.-

Optimus, "He would love to have you around with or without it too."

Mewtwo, -I know, but still. It's a matter of principle.-

Optimus shook his helm amused by the Psychic Pokemon who was floating out in space as they watched the space ship self destruct. After the main ship fell the Rayquaza clan started to take out the rest of the smaller spaceships as well then bowed to them and left. Mewtwo commented Ruby was very lucky to have his own Rayquaza, that they are a very fascinating bunch. Megatron nodded in agreement before turning towards Earth and announcing they should return.

Mewtwo looked around as the teleported back, -Oh dear! What a mess!-

Megatron, "War usually is."

Optimus, "I see him."

Megatron, "Sparkling."

Ash hugged Mewtwo, "Thank you for bringing them back safely."

Mewtwo, -It was not a big deal, you know you can count on me.-

Ash grinned and looked up, "Welcome home!"

Megatron's mouth plate twitched in amusement, "We are home."

Optimus, "It's good to be back again."

Ash grinned at them, the battle over for the time being but he remembered what they were like. They would be back in the future, he can only hope that they are ready for it though he had a feeling he may not be around when that happens. He remembers the Quintessons invasions happened with many vorns between them, so his grandkids may not even be alive by then. Ash stopped musing made himself as comfortable as he can when Optimus picked him up and held him close.

Optimus, "Lady Cynthia, I know Sinnoh us under your jurisdiction but please allow us to help."

Cynthia, "You don't see me complaining big guy. There is no such thing as too much help in my opinion."

Megatron hummed, "Wonderful, if you would excuse us. We need to have a word."

Cynthia, "Sure!"

Ash looked up as he was taken to a more quiet area, "What's up?"

Optimus, "Ash, am I correct in guessing you are not sharing a few secrets with us?"

Ash laughed, "I'm pretty sure I have a lot of secrets I'm not sharing with you or anyone for that matter. My Pokemon know some of those secrets and only Lucario knows most of it, that too because he has been there from the start."

Megatron, "I don't know if I should be envious or not."

Ash leaned against his servo, "Don't be, these things are something that I will share with you one day. Just not now or today."

Optimus sighed, "There are strong emotions attached to their secrets, are there?"

Ash nodded before deciding to open up completely about Lysander at least, they were both there when that happened. So talking about that was easier then talking about the others like Cyrus or Hunter J or Mew forbid Gonzalez. Ash knew he would have to tell them about his rebirth at one point but not at the moment, a lot of things happened that made his rebirth look insignificant. Maybe it was in the long run, after all you can't actually change what happened to you in the past only move on from them.

Cybertron had contacted them to make sure they were alright before proposing the idea of creating an energy shield. The idea while interesting was a bit farfetched. One, the Rayquaza would not be pleased if Earth or any other planet was cut off from them. Two, the only way to ensure there was no resentment would be to include all the planets in the solar system but an energy shield in such a large scale was next to impossible. Finally Dragons were territorial, if they started trying to even build such contraptions and shielding the planets they would be insulted and attack.

Ash sighed as the meeting ended, the entire thing had dragged on for a week. A whole week of explaining how the shield would be put up. How it worked? What were the upsides and downsides? The downsides were more sadly. How it would affect the Pokemon which were out in space? They had to put away the shield idea after that question was brought up as the effects were mostly negative. Misty his fellow aura Guardian user and Champion dragged him to where the rest of his friends were.

Serena, "You two look like you are about to drop dead."

Ash thumped his head on the table next to her, "I feel dead inside."

Misty, "Understatement of the century."

Gou sympathised, "Coffee? It's got extra caramel."

Ash, "My saving grace!"

Misty, "Thank you!"

Brock chuckled, "That bad huh?"

Lucario rubbed Ash's back, -Red and Lance are still in there though.-

Alakazam, -They did arrive just a few hours ago.-

Gardevoir, -Compared to that, our Meema has been there for a week.-

Swayer, "So what did they agree on?"

Ash, "The shield idea is a bust! Rayquaza would not be happy."

Iris nodded, "Of course, Dragons are territorial especially Legendary Dragons."

Dawn shivered remembering what Cyrus had attempted, "Yeah."

Gary eyed the two aura users, "Are you sure you are okay?"

Leaf, "We are all worried about you."

Green, "You have been working non stop since the war ended."

Ritchie, "If you need anything we are here, you know that right?"

Ash, "Thanks guys! I think we might actually implement observatory space stations on the various planets and moons."

Misty, "Lt Surge has agreed to become head security for the first one which will be on the moon. Then we'll move to the closest planet and so on."

Ash chuckled, "He has quite a big ambition now. He wants to open a Gym circuit on the moon. The moon!"

Clemont, "Holy Mew! Is that even possible?"

Misty, "Who knows? But hey at least we can start building the base up. If it doesn't open during our generation, there is nothing stopping the next genera from opening it."

Rudy was rubbing her back, "That is true, my love."

Misty, "Right?"

Bonnie, "Hey Ash, I have been meditating like you told me to and now I can connect with Dedenne and understand what she is saying."

Ash grinned at her, "That's my little aura user. But don't push yourself too hard okay. Let it come to you on it's own."

Molly, "Don't worry Ash, Max and I are keeping her safe."

Max nodded, "Yup, it helps that we watched you exercise before so we can help her regulate her aura without crossing a line."

Ash, "That's good."

Sunstreaker peeked in, "There you are. I have been looking all over for you."

Clemont, "Hey Sunstreaker!"

Cilan, "Would you like to join us?"

Sunstreaker, "Can't stay for long but sure. I just came to make sure Ash is okay. I have to go on patrol soon."

Ash, "How soon?"

Sunstreaker, "When Makeshift returns I'll go."

Alain found them, "Oh? Everyone is here."

May, "Join us Alain."

Drew, "Yeah, we don't know when we can spend time together again next."

Alain nodded and joined them asking what they had been doing the last few days. The answers varied from helping out rebuilding the cities, to helping out at the hospital, to making sure the regions were up and running again. The Cybertronians were a big help in helping with the rebuilding process and the cities were build almost half way through, healing though would take time. The people from the two planets however didn't let that stop them and worked together. After a few more years of traveling and learning about the new regions that opened Ash agreed to go to Cybertron with the first explorers.

There was a lot of debate but after a unanimous vote they all decided Ash would be the human representative while the Meloetta that stuck around Ash since Unova would be the Pokemon representative. The Legendary Pokemon was surprised at first but after a bit of contemplation agreed, as long as she could sing duets with Ash, she had no problems. Ash sweatdropped at her reasoning but let it go as everyone had priorities that were important to them but seemed insignificant to others. Ash looked around the ship called Atlantis, the builder named it after Pokelantis. Ash sweatdropped again at how close it was, very close.

He looked over at Optimus and Megatron who were making sure things were running smoothly and the space bridge was being functional. He had opened up to them more over the years and had spoken to them about his past life as well, where Pokemon and Cybertronians were non existent. He didn't remember much of his life and started to forget about it only getting flash backs when something familiar rose up here and there. The two had looked contemplative but accepted him anyway saying it didn't chang who he was now.

Optimus touched his cheek, "Ready?"

Ash, "Always! Lucario?"

Lucario, -Ready Meema!-

Megatron, "We will be here with you."

Ash grinned, "I know. Let's do this."

Optimus, "Everyone! Let's roll out!"


Ash laughed on hearing the enthusiastic cheer coming from everyone. Lt Surge had joined the group on the moon to help create the Lunar city, while Serena and Clemont were doing the same on Mars. He swears those two are together, which was a pity as he genuinely thought Serena and Gou were adorable together. Ah well! Misty had become a full fledged Champion of the Orange Archipelago and so had Ritchie of Jhoto and Gary became the Champion of Kanto. Though they all followed their own dreams, paths and interest, being a Champion was just one of them.

Ash looked up as the space bridge crackled to life and opened the door to Cybertron, beside him Bonnie, Molly and Max were very excited to check out a new planet. The three of them had been very excited when Ash requested them to join him on his journey to planet Cybertron. The ship reached the planet without any problems luckily and docked at one of Iacon City's ports. When they went out they were greeted with a lot of cheers and welcomes and Ash swore he felt Primus's presence against his own. Bonnie looked at him wide eyed and he nodded getting a grin from the girl who used her own aura to greet the gentle God.

Primus was very amused and welcomed her too getting a pleased flush fr Bonnie who squealed and started to chatter a mile a minute. This was seen by many as their arrival was on the news and Maccaddams laughed heartily, he had a feeling his home planet would be just fine. Rodimus was very happy to meet them and Ash all of a sudden realized why he adored the younger Prime so much. He reminded him of Bonnie whenever she got super excited to meet a new person or Pokemon. Ash had to bite back a coo and his strong desire to just hug and cuddle him much to Optimus and Megatron's amusement, though Sunstreaker was not amused.

Starscream and Windblade had to calm Rodimus down though it didn't stop Bonnie and the two started all over again getting a groan from Sentinel Prime. There were two of them now! Ash though thought they were very adorable and said it out loud getting agreements from the others. Alain and Gary looked around the planet fascinated by everything and everyone. They had already started imagining the work they could do and the many things that they could discover much to their wives exasperation. Gary had married Leaf while Alain had gotten together with Korrina, Ash had supported both couples and cheered the loudest when they got together.

After a while Sunstreaker took Ash to his place, an apartment in one of the upper echelons of the City. His Lord Prime and the High Lord had settled everything with the human group, from a place to stay, to consumption, to maintainance, etc. He had prepared a lovely dinner date and then had proposed to Ash and gave him some of his spark energon which Ash accepted. In return Ash had taken out blood medically from one of his heart arteries a few days before leaving Earth for Sunstreaker. Sunstreaker was surprised but happily too the vial and stored it away in his subspace while Ash wore his around his neck.

Sunstreaker, "You know what this means right?"

Ash, "We are officially together. Mum will expect a large marriage party though."

Sunstreaker, "Fine by me. I'm good at parties."

Ash flushed at the suggestive tone, "I can believe that."

Sunstreaker, "I owe Bonnie, Max and Molly one for helping me out."

Ash, "We both do it seems."

Ash didn't know what would happen in the future anymore. In fact he was pretty sure his knowledge of both Transformers franchise and Pokemon franchise was completely obsolete now. But he didn't care, it felt like a huge burden was no longer on his shoulder and he could live his life without having to worry about some future danger. Whatever happened he would face them with his lover now Conjunx and husband, family and friends by his side.

The End ~

[A. N.: This took a while but I finished this book. Yay!

Hope you all enjoyed this book.

I'm writing another crossover fanfic with the Predators this time.]