
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto

Being reborn was not part of the plan but neither was being killed in an accident. At least I have a second chance and a really sweet mom and an angel for a cousin and aunt now. It's not so bad I guess the only down side I was a woman now I'm a boy but I can get used to it. It helps I don't remember everything I suppose. Ah why are the names so familiar? Wait.... Pokemon are real now? Well at least it's not SnK or Death Note right? Hmmm Ah! Looks like the Pokemon world is a mix of anime, game and manga. Oh my! Holy macaroni they are twice as dangerous than what the anime, game or manga showed. I have been tricked! Trigger Warning for implied kidnapping, rape, murder and torture. Note: This is a work of leisure and completely self indulgent and a fanfic. I got inspiration from reading many reincarnation stories on fanfiction net. I just had to write one as well. As for the pairings, I'll think about it as the story progresses. Plus I write it during free time so I don't exactly have a schedule for updates. I'm writing this for my own amusement. And it is slow paced, like I can only put out one chapter per week. Pokemon is not mine. Trigger Warning people! Do people even read this? Enjoy fanfic lovers!

Ellora25 · Others
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285 Chs

Kanto - Viridian City

Ash saw Viridian City, the city Blue was in charge of now on the horizon in the early evening light. It truly was a big city from what he could see from where he was standing. He grinned and started to run towards the city getting squeals from Pikachu and a whoop from Lucario as they ran after him. Ash laughed as they made their way to the entrance of the city where an Officer Jenny was manning the entry gate.

Officer Jenny, "Good evening Viridian City, this is Officer Jenny making this announcement to warn you about Pokemon thieves that have been going around stealing Pokemon in the area. Our Gym leader has allowed me to warn everyone to be aware and careful of their surroundings."

Ash bit his lip when he heard the announcement, "I hope we don't run into thieves."

Lucario growled in agreement, he had no desire to be stolen by a bunch of trouble makers. Pikachu climbed up Ash's shoulder and snuggles closer to him. Ash was apprehensive about running into Team Rocket, things were different in this world and there was no guarantee he will run into Jessie, James and Meowth. He could admit to being a fan of the trio in the previous life, in this life however there was no guarantee how things will turn out or if they were even the same people.

Ash sighed rubbing Pikachu's fur, "Well let's get to the Pokemon centre guys. We need to heal Fearrow and see if he'll join us or not."

Pikachu gave a cry of agreement and rubbed his cheek making Ash giggle, "I guess this means you are joining our family huh Pikachu?"

Pikachu nodded giving a happy smile which made Ash hug him and welcome him to the family. Lucario nodded at Pikachu smiling and led Ash to the city entrance where Officer Jenny asked for identification. She let them enter once they were cleared and pointed him the shortest route to the centre and adviced him to stay safe. Ash thanked her and the three went to the centre and reached it by late evening. Ash gave the pokeballs to Nurse Joy and Pikachu who was reluctant to go to Nurse Joy, to Lucario who told him they would be back soon.

Nurse Joy, "Oh my! Your bond with your Lucario must be really strong if he is already talking."

Ash smiled, "I have known him for more than three years now. He's my best friend and family. Can I get a room for us?"

Nurse Joy smiled, "Of course we have a single room available, here's the key it's on the first floor. I'm always happy to hear how close trainers are to their Pokemon. I will heal your Pokemon and return them quickly."

Ash, "Ah! Nurse Joy, my Fearrow is a bit short tempered and I just caught him, he might attack if released."

Nurse Joy nodded, "I understand, we'll take care of it. Don't worry."

Ash smiled as he turned and looked around the centre, there were many trainers in the lobby who were returning to either their rooms or to heal Pokemon. Ash decided to call home from one of the empty video phone booth before it got crowded. The phone rang before Delia answered with her customary answer.

Ash, "Hey mom!"

Delia brightened, "Ash? Oh Ash! Where are you calling me from. That looks like a Pokemon centre. You look like a mess."

Ash smiled, "I'm at the Viridian Pokemon centre mom and I'm a mess because we were attacked by a Spearow flock."

Delia got worried, "What? You got there already. Are you okay? It took your father four days to reach there! You are not badly hurt, are you? You are the apple of his eye. How is Lucario?"

Ash smiled, "Don't worry mom, I'm fine. I caught the Fearrow who was leading the group. Lucario is getting checked along with Pikachu, Feebas and Fearrow."

Delia was delighted, "Oh you have four Pokemon already. Good job, my baby growing up so fast."

Ash heard the intercom calling his name, "I have to go now mom. My Pokemon are healed."

Delia grinned, "Of course dear. Send me a picture of them all okay?"

Ash nodded, "Of course mom! Good night! I love you!"

Delia, "I love you too! Good night!"

Nurse Joy smiled when Ash picked up his Pokemon, "Your Pokemon are in perfect health. Fearrow suffered a bit of paralysis but he has been healed back to hundred percent now."

Ash smiled when Pikachu jumped on his shoulder and Lucario hugged him, he took the pokeballs, "Thank you Nurse Joy! I really appreciate this! Hey guys feel better."

Pikachu gave a happy cry, "Pika pikachu!"

Lucario nodded, -I feel better, Chansey did an amazing job.-

Nurse Joy however called Ash, "There is a phone call for you Ash!"

Ash, "For me?"

Ash picked up the phone he was guided to, "Hello Ash speaking."

Samuel, "Ah Ash, your mother just called me and told me about your progress. Well done my boy!"

Ash grinned, "Thank you Professor. Any news from Gary?"

Samuel, "He reached Viridian a few hours before you and went out to catch seven Pokemon, a shiny Poliwag he met as a kid, two Nidorans male and female, a Rattata, Mankey, Pidgey and the last one is a Weedle."

Ash whistled, "Nice Gary and I met Feebas and Poliwag as kids, I didn't realize Poliwag was a shiny I thought it was messing around or something."

Ash whispered, "Oh and Professor guess what we saw Hooh!"

Samuel, "WHAT? How? Impossible!"

Ash, "Not impossible apparently. They are quiet beautiful and magnificent too!"

Samuel, "And so many people have been searching for them. I cannot believe you saw Hooh."

Ash grinned, "I bet the reason they don't see them at all is because they search for them in Jhoto. But they are here in Kanto."

Daisy, "Grandpa you got more papers to sign... Oh hey Ash, I see you reached Viridian city."

Ash nodded, "I sure did, I'll let you guys get to work. I am going to go get some stuff I need."

Samuel, "Take care Ash."

Daisy, "Bye!"

Ash went out of the centre after waving them goodbye, it was late in the evening not dark yet but it'll be in a few minutes. He released Feebas in a fountain near by before bringing out his fourth pokeball.

Ash, "Let's do this."

Ash released the Fearrow getting a loud screech from him. Pikachu and Lucario were ready to fight if necessary but Ash stepped infront of them.

Ash, "Hello Fearrow, I'm Ash."

Fearrow stared at him but Ash continued, "I know we didn't meet under the best circumstances but I would love to know you better and become friends and a family."

Fearrow huffed and turned around but he was not looking like he would attack anymore and Ash took that as a que to introduce the others in the group. Fearrow nodded his head in respect to Lucario and Pikachu, they had beaten him and his flock after all before greeting Feebas who welcomed him. As it was getting dark Ash decided to order food from one of the restaurants Blue had mentioned was good before. As they entered the lobby they heard a familiar female voice that made Ash look around.

Ash saw a familiar orangette at the desk, "Misty? I thought that was you."

Misty turned around surprised, "Ash! Hey you are already in Viridian."

Ash, "Just arrived a few hours ago. What are you doing here? I thought you were taking over the gym."

Misty sighed, "I was but I had a quarrel with my sisters."

Ash's face fell, "What happened?"

Misty, "They only care about their shows not the battles that are meant to happen at the gym. I tried to talk to them about it but well it went south real fast and I left in a huff."

Ash, "I see, what will you do now?"

Misty, "I'm not sure? I told them I would become a Water Master and show them but I have no idea what to even do or where to even start."

Ash nodded, "Come on I'll call Professor Oak, I am sure he would know what you need in order to become a Water Master."

Misty, "You know what, you are right. I feel a little stupid now. I could have asked him before about it."

Ash, "Hey hey! It's okay! Things happen."

Misty went to pick up her Pokemon before following Ash to the phone booth. Ash called and explained what was going on to the Professor. The Professor asked to talk to Misty and first scolded her for acting impulsively and not telling them anything before he started to explain the process of becoming a Water Master.

Samuel, "First of all you would need to pick the lines you want to do a Mastery on. For example Lance has a Mastery on Dragonair line, Blaine has a mastery on the Magmar line, I have one on the Charizard line, Blue is going for a Mastery on the Blissey line and Gary has interest in Eevee line. Your father specialised in the Gyarados line, while your mother the Seaking line."

Misty frowned, "I see, I'm not sure which line I want to specialize in honestly."

Samuel nodded, "Well I would suggest you take your time to think about and decide. Another way is to take part in the League with only water Pokemon and get recognition for it."

Misty's eyes widened, "Oh! Really? That sounds more up my alley."

Samuel, "Yes, these are the two most common ways, the third is to become a researcher or a gym leader but I don't think you want to take over yet."

Misty, "My sisters insist I'm too young."

Samuel, "Well go through the first two routes then."

Misty smiled, "Thank you Professor."

Misty joined Ash at the table he had sat at with his Pokemon. She talked to Ash what the Professor had told her and the different ways she could become a Water Master.

Ash grinned, "Take part in the league, that way we can train together too."

Misty nodded, "I was thinking about it."

Ash finished his dinner, "Come on let's go get registered then."

Before Misty could answer however the lights went out making Ash freeze and look around, Lucario sensing his apprehension created an aura ball that lit up like a light. Pikachu, Fearrow and Feebas were looking around what was happening, they could feel this was not normal. The next thing Ash knew the centre was being attacked by Team Rocket grunts.

Grunt one, "That bastard gym leader messed with the wrong team. Let's mess this joint and show him who's boss. Come Zubat!"

Nurse Joy grew tensed before she got angry, "Who do you think you are? This is a hospital not a place for you to run around amock."

Grunt two, "Shut up bint! We are taking your Pokemon. Let's go Nidorino!"

Ash, "Lucario, aura sphere, make sure it hurts."

Lucario, -With pleasure!-

The Zubat gave a cry of pain before turning towards Lucario and Ash. The two watched ready to attack as the grunts noticed them.

Grunt three, "What Pokemon is that?"

Grunt four, "Who cares girl? I have never seen it before, which means it is rare! Capture it. use the new equipment, Beedrill let's go!"

Ash, "I don't think so! Pikachu thunderbolt, paralyse all of them, more importantly focus on blowing up whatever the hell they are holding. Fearrow gust get the ones who escape from Pikachu."

Grunt one, "Oh we got a hero here boys and girls. Zubat supersonic."

The supersonic attack was loud and threw Ash off balance when he realized they had attacked him. Misty however got pissed, her friend was being attacked.

Misty, "I'll help too. Who do you think you are attacking my friend? Staryu, Starmie bubble and water gun. Don't let them get away with this."

The other trainers soon joined the fray and it turned into an all out battle, trainers vs Team Rocket. Ash kept an eye both on his Pokemon and the grunts, when the other trainers joined the fight he only had to worry about the four infront of him. Feebas who had learned to use pound while she was in the forest happily jumped on any grunt or Pokemon who tried to get closer to them, her weight helping her out on that matter. The Raticates were very resilient and kept returning to fight with her.

Pikachu would shock them to paralyse the Pokemon so they couldn't move from their places and at the same time burn the equipment that gave him a really bad feeling. He did not like the look of the collars on the Pokemon and tried to electrify the damn thing off, though it was a bit hard with how fast Beedrill moved. He managed despite being hit many time, when Ash gave him the signal to hit.

Ash, "Everyone listen, get rid of the collars, the Pokemon will stop attacking you."

Grunt one, "Shit! Finish this quickly. Go Rhydon."

Lucario and Fearrow worked together in combining gust and aura sphere in taking out the stronger Pokemon. The Rhydon belonging to the first grunt was a strong one and wouldn't go down easily. Fearrow used glare to freeze her, before Lucario punched her collar using aura sphere. Once the collar was gone she looked around confused.

Soon Blue and Officer Jenny arrived at the scene and Ash, Misty and the rest of the trainers watched in awe as Blissey, Venasaur and Blastoise worked together to subdue the trouble makers. Ash had a shiver run down his spine all of a sudden relieved it was not Red who had come to help them fight off Team Rocket. He had a feeling Red would go overprotective Papa Bear on him if he had come here.

I'll be honest I was a bit lazy to name the grunts.

Ellora25creators' thoughts