
Kanto - Vermillion City

Ash, Gou and Brock exited the gym around late evening, it was just starting to get dark outside. Gou had joined Ash and Brock when the time had come for the meet while Misty remained behind to train some more. The meet had gone slightly better than before with more promising results. If nothing sets Charmander off or sets back his recovery for a month, Surge had reckoned the little fire type would be back to normal. Well as normal as the Charizard line went with their pyromaniac tendencies. Brock had been busy scribbling notes the whole evening, all the points Surge had said and the exercises Ash, Charmander, Pidgeotto and Togepi had taken part in. Surge had given the Flying and Fairy type the green after they completed their rounds without any problems and it didn't look like they had trust issues. Scorbunny had become good friends with Charmander as well, making the fire type open up to him a lot, which no doubt helped him.

Brock, "That was very informative."

Gou, "I know right? He's really cool. I'm happy Pidgeotto and Togepi are alright though."

Ash nodded, "Yeah, I managed to get them before the abuse went too far."

Lucario grimaced sharing a look with Pikachu who frowned at him. They just realized that Ash seem to have a knack for meeting Pokemon who are hurt. It was not a bad thing so far but you never know when you might run into someone horrible. Besides they had seen how crazy humans could become case in point, Team Rocket, so they would have to be careful. Scorbunny meanwhile was distracting Charmander, by telling him tales of Galar and especially about their Champion and their Pokemon, a very powerful Charizard, getting wide eyes from the young fire lizard.

Gou, "I still can't believe someone would just release two Shinies. Did she even know how rare one shiny is?"

Ash grimaced, "I don't think she did really, unlike Damien, she did look very ignorant of their true value."

Brock, "Perhaps that's a good thing. I can't imagine what she would have done to the two if she had known."

Gou shivered thinking about how Charmender was treated, "Yeah, they got lucky on that front. Oh I know a nice restaurant here that makes great Pizza. Want to go there for dinner? They make pizzas that even Pokemon can consume."

Brock perked up, "Really? How interesting!"

Ash grinned, "Let's check it out then."

The three went to the pizzeria and had their dinner together with Gou telling them about the latest gossip around Vermillion. He was excited about going on a ship that would likely be filled with trainers from other regions. Ash grinned, it did sound a lot of fun, Brock couldn't help but laugh having the two younger boys around was like having his younger siblings around. They fed off the positive and excited energy from each other making them giddy and hyper active. The two walked Gou to the Institute where he was currently staying and greeted the resident Professor who had come out.

Professor Sakuragi, "So these are your friends Gou? Nice to meet you, I'm Professor Sakuragi."

Gou grinned, "Yes Professor, this is my childhood friend Ash and my newest friend Brock."

Ash, "Hello Professor."

Brock, "Nice to me you Professor."

Sakuragi smiled, "Hello, hello! I'm happy to meet more of Gou's friends and finally happy to meet you Ash. Both Gou and my daughter Chloe talk about you a lot."

Ash gave a grin, "Good things I hope."

Gou was pink from embarrassment, "Of course we talked about good things and also about how you get in trouble."

Ash pouted, "Don't expose me."

Brock, "You do seem to attract trouble Ash."

Sakuragi laughed, "Would you like to come in?"

Brock, "Well I suppose it's not that late yet."

Ash smiled, "We would love to."

Gou grinned as he took Ash and Brock on a tour of the lab and showed them the main lab where they met the Professor's research assistants Chrysa and Ren, who greeted them smiling. Then he took the two boys to the Sakuragi park located inside the lab which was lit up by low intensity night lights. Gou had caught a few Kanto Pokemon like Spearrow, Pidgey, Rattata, Poliwag, Shellder and Staryu, who greeted them. Ash was very impressed by the lab and it's large open area for the Pokemon, they really seem to enjoy it here.

Gou, "I still can't believe you have all three starters, one who is a Shiny and two more Shinys. I know their past was not exactly happy but man, you are one lucky guy Ash."

Ash gave a wry smile, "Not lucky by a long shot though. It's just people who are stupid and don't know how to value their Pokemon."

Brock, "Still I got to agree with Gou, you seem to have a knack in finding Pokemon who are abused as well."

Ash frowned, "Not sure that's something we should be happy about, it only shows how cruel humans are."

Gou sat next to his friend by the stream flowing through the park, "Running into them may not have been planned nor the situation you ran into them was acceptable. I will not make light of that but point is you helped them and they are getting better."

Brock nodded, "There are many human and Pokemon abuse cases that go unnoticed, the fact some of it was brought to light helps those who need it even in the smallest of ways. Someone cares, someone notices, you know?"

Ash looked at Charmander who was now asleep on his lap, "I think, I can understand that. I heard Leaf and Green ran into poachers last night."

Gou, "I heard that too, the League has closed down the Safari zone for a few months. To think that those poachers were blatantly poaching in the middle of the Safari."

Ash nodded, "Red was furious when he heard, I would feel pity for the poachers but I can't."

Brock, "They deserve the hell they will get, besides wasn't he already pissed because of what happened to Charmander?"

Ash put his hands together, "Candle for their unfortunate soul."

Gou snorted, "Candle for their souls."

Brock, "Pffffffffffft."

The two decided to spend the night at the Sakuragi Institute with Gou after getting permission from the Professor. Ash wanted to try something that could hopefully help Charmander out a bit. He put Charmander next to Scorbunny who pat his fellow fire started before patting his chest to tell Ash he would watch over him. Ash nodded and thanked him softly before he got on the tatami mat to sleep, Brock and Gou took the bunk beds. Gou watched his friend make sure that Charmander was comfortable, he was very proud of his Scorbunny. The young bunny Pokemon had a parental instinct a mile wide, the two Nickits had joined the two fire types when they noticed them together. Gou took out his phone and took a photo quietly, they were too adorable to not take a picture of. The next day Charmander woke up surprised to see he was sleeping with Scorbunny and the Nickits, he looked around and saw Ash, Lucario and Pikachu were just waking up.

Charmander, "Char charmander."

Ash smiled, "Good morning buddy. I see you are sleeping much better now."

Charmander nodded grinning, "Charmander char."

Ash, "Yes, we are gonna be okay. Let's go train before others wake up and breakfast."

Pikachu, "Pi pika."

Lucario, -Yes, Pidgeotto had increased her endurance against electric attacks a lot by now. And Pikachu has almost mastered surf, he is not as exhausted anymore after using it thrice.-

Ash, "Yeah and you have almost mastered Rain dance and Sunny day. Yosh, let go train and complete mastering our moves. I even almost got aura sight down."

Gou and Scorbunny woke up to their friends rushing out of the room before they looked at each other and shrugged and returned to sleep. Brock simply turned around on his bed, he had always wondered why Ash always picked single room when they could share, guess he got his answer. It was still 04:30 in the morning, he would wake up after three more hours of sweet sweet sleep, not waking before seven for him thanks. Although on hind sight he probably should start getting used to waking up at odd hours if he planned on becoming a breeder let alone a Doctor. The next two days went by in training and meeting Surge plus observing a significant amount of improvement in Charmander's health. Soon it was Misty's turn to battle Surge.

Penny, "This is an official gym battle between challenger Misty and Gym leader Surge for the Thunder badge. It'll be a three on three battle, the first one to win two matches wins. Battlers pick your first Pokemon."

Misty, "Misty calls Cloyster."

Surge, "Let's go Magneton."

Penny, "Let the battle begin."

Misty, "Cloyster icicle shard."

Surge, "Counter with thunderwave."

Misty, "Withdraw as soon as icicle wave is done."

The thunder wave and icicle shard hit each other causing a wave of electricity and icy wind to flow out of the battle field. Pikachu's fur stood up at the strength behind the attacks.

Surge, "Screech."

Misty, "Withdraw followed by toxic spikes."

The shell Pokemon withdrew however Surge was not backing down.

Surge, "Lock on."

Magneto's eyes glowed as the move activated however she was affected by the poison that the shell Pokemon used and that irritated her, she would have to take her opponent out in the next move.

Misty, "Cloyster, hydro pump."

Surge, "Electro ball."

The electro ball passed by the hydro pump thanks to lock on hitting Cloyster who was shocked while Magneton got hit face first by a powerful hydro pump. The two Pokemon were panting as they were affected by the poison and electric attack very badly before they both fell unconscious.

Penny, "Cloyster and Magneton have fainted and are unable to battle. Battlers choose your next Pokemon."

Surge, "Not bad teaching a water type poison moves to give it an edge. Let's go Elekid."

Misty, "I had to think up something. Misty calls Starmie."

Penny, "Let the battle begin."

Surge, "Thunder wave."

Mist, "Starmie, use your own thunder wave."

The two electric attacks hit each other and Surge grinned, looks like the youngest Waterflower was talented like the oldest.

Surge, "Thunder punch!"

Misty, "Light screen!"

The punch hit the light screen forcing the two Pokemon apart. Elekid looked at the water type with respect despite the having a type disadvantage, he certainly was not an easy opponent.

Misty, "Hyper beam followed by psybeam."

Surge, "Electro web!"

The electro web held the hyper beam back however the psybeam hit Elekid making him shake his head in confusion.

Surge, "Elekid!"

Misty, "Hyper beam full power!"

Surge, "Move Elekid!"

Despite moving from where he was standing Elekid was hit by a powerful hyper beam that knocked him out.

Penny, "Elekid is unable to battle, Starmie wins."

Misty, "We won, return Starmie. Misty calls Oddish."

Surge, "Time to play Raichu."

Penny, "Let the battle begin."

Surge, "Agility followed by iron tail."

Misty, "Oddish jump to dodge both attacks and use sunny day.."

Oddish dodged the attack and started to use sunny day however Raichu turned at the last moment and hit Oddish with Iron tail.

Misty, "Oddish are you okay?"

Oddish got up, "Odd!"

Misty, "Get ready then, use toxic and don't let up on sunny day."

Surge, "Dodge and use thunder punch."

Raichu dodged and hit Oddish again making him back off.

Misty, "Poison powder!"

Oddish retaliated making Raichu move back.

Surge, "Now hyper beam."

Misty, "Solar beam!"

The two beams hit each other causing a blast and dirt to go up. Misty bit her lip, Oddish was not used to intense battles yet, she would have to finish this soon.

Misty, "Mega drain."

Surge grinned, "Raichu you know what to do."

Misty became wary instantly, "Be careful!"

Oddish tried to drain Raichu but the electric type hit the grass type with iron tail followed by a thunder punch. It happened really fast and the next thing anyone knew Oddish was out cold.

Penny, "Oddish is unable to battle, Raichu is the winner."

Misty, "Return Oddish, thank you. Starmie it's you and me now buddy."

Penny, "Begin!"

Misty, "Confuse ray!"

Surge, "Double team thunder."

The confuse ray missed Raichu as he ran around and shocked the water type.

Misty, "Recover!"

Starmie glowed before standing up like nothing happened.

Surge, "Impressive!"

Misty, "Thanks, hail!"

Surge, "Agility to dodge."

Raichu ran around dodging the hail that were flying against him but got hit once by the attack making him hiss.

Surge, "Thunder wave!"

Misty, "Thunder wave!"

The two electric attacks hit sending a wave of electric energy across the field making it glow.

Surge, "Slam!"

Misty, "Point blank beam!"

Raichu slammed the water type only to get a hyperbeam to the face making him cry out in surprise. The electric Pokemon got up despite being hurt and was willing to fight.

Surge, "Alright bud let's make this our final move, thunderbolt full power!"

Misty, "Starmie hyper beam again."

Starmie was hit by thunder bolt while Raichu was hit again by hyperbeam.

Misty, "Recover!"

Starmie recovered again Raichu however fainted.

Penny, "Raichu is unable to battle, Starmie win. Misty is the winner of the Rainbow badge!"

Misty, "We won, barely tho."

Starmie joined her exhausted on the floor and Misty hugged him thanking him.

Surge walk up to Misty, "Well done kid, as proof of your victory, here is a Thunder badge and three tickets. Smart move teaching your Pokemon moves outside of water types."

Misty, "We got a Thunder badge! We got it Starmie look look! We did it. I'll give the two tickets to Lily and Violet. Daisy is a gym leader so she probably got a ticket already."

Surge, "You are right about that."

The rest of the group joined Misty and congratulated her on her third badge before going to the centre together to get their Pokemon checked. On the way Surge asked Ash when he would challenge the gym and Ash simply answered he would two days before the ship left. Surge nodded then left them to return to the gym while they decided to celebrate the win. This gym was Misty's first milestone, as she was planning on becoming a Water Master and the victory deserved a celebration.