

Yuri walked across the field with her Beedrill flying by her side while Meganium stalked behind the trees eyeing the shadows. The grass starter was keeping a close eye on the forest using her innate connection with the plant life to watch over her trainer. She had felt her comrade Inteleon was in the middle of hunting his prey as well they would protect their trainers. Meganium released a strong yet controlled wave of sleeping powder on the people she had found planning on ambushing her trainer.

Meganium looked at the other side of the field and after using the vines to tie the two enemies up, she walked carefully to deal with the rest. Ah! She shouldn't have worried, Electivire had paralysed the other two females who lay twitching on the ground looking at them with fear. Hmm, they were not as forgiving as their trainer, especially Electivire so if he planned on teaching them a lesson, she would turn the other side. She did however tell him not to take long or Casey would be worried about their safety and no doubt win into trouble.

Electivire nodded in agreement, despite being more mature, their Casey still had a very innocent outlook about the world. Meganium had been privy first hand to the dark thoughts Electivire and Gyarados who was currently back at the lab had. They had latched on to Casey like a life line and would go as far as to murder anyone who hurt her. Thank Mew, they didn't have a Psychic Pokemon as a partner yet, though it looks like it was a matter of time before one was added.

They two of them dragged the knocked out humans to Casey who was now dressed up as the character Yuri. Yuri was humming and collecting a lot of fruits as she waited for them with a bright smile. Whatever persona she took, she was still their Casey, who had started fussing over them and making sure they were unhurt. They went to meet up with Gou who was talking to Alakazam about sending the people to Officer Jenny with a note explaining what was going on.

Yuri, "Nagato - kun, look at the treasure I found."

Nagato, "Let's send them to Officer Jenny. Hmm, looks like Electivire did a number on them."

Electivire puffed up not looking remorseful, "Vire electivire."

Yuri, "They deserved it, hanging around like perverted stalkers. Humph! I should gouge their perverted eyes out."

The paralysed women who were awake shivered in fear as they saw the sadistic gleam on the eyes of the Pokemon. It seems these people were not normal people at all, their Pokemon looked ready to kill them at any point. Were they Team Aqua or Magma? Or maybe much worse like Team Flare or Team Plasma, who pretend to be saints. They may be criminals but at least they were not delusional like those crazy people claiming to do Mew's work to bring salvation to the Pokemon around the world.

Alakazam, -I'm back.-

The woman with red hair, 'Oh shit! They must be one of those teams.'

The other woman with brown hair, 'I hope we survive.'

Yuri, "Here Alakazam, this will explain their presence."

Alakazam's eyes gleamed maliciously, -I see, perverts this time, huh?-

Nagato watched as his over protective Psychic Pokemon roughly grabbed them and then teleported, "Wait, is that?"

Yuri, "Their hair was left behind.... Guess they are bald now."

Nagato, "A small punishment for the crime they were going to commit here."

Yuri, "We should go meet up with the others."

While Yuri and Nagato were busy staking the area out, Masumoto, Tetsuya and Akako were dealing with their own problem. The three of them had sat down allowing their Pokemon to look around the area when they felt a strange wave of energy hit them. Akako and Tetsuya were the most affected by the energy wave feeling their throat clog up due to the potent fear they felt. Masumoto and the other Pokemon were fluttering around them fretting over their condition, while the two tried to breath.

Lucario, -Let me try something.-

Masumoto, "Anything!"

Abra, -Meema, you need to breath.-

Lucario gathered aura in his palms, -Hang on, both of you.-

Akako and Tetsuya started to breath easier as the aura wave which was filled with fear started to dissipate thanks to Lucario's healing aura. The two sat down breathing hard trying to calm their frantic hearts that was beating out of pure fear. Ash had to half wonder what happened exactly for any being to feel so much fear, to the point their aura itself carried it. Tetsuya coughed as he sat up and Golem offered him water to drink as they both calmed down.

Akako, "A Legendary is in danger. That was a cry for help."

Tetsuya, "They must have been desperate."

Masumoto, "Are you two okay?"

Akako, "We are fine outoto. But we need to move quickly."

Lucario nodded, -Before any more questions did anyone else sensed that? The aura was so potent, even if you were not an aura user you could still feel it.-

Kirlia, -Let's go then. Don't worry Abra and I have a connection with Gou's Alakazam so they'll be able to find us.-

Masumoto, "Great job buddy. Okay time to save a Legendary. I only hope they don't kidnap you again. Once was enough."

Akako gave a strained laugh, "Getting kidnapped once was enough for me too."

They trudged through the forest going over fallen logs and seeing many broken branches around them. They looked around the place warily but kept moving following the path of broken sticks till they came across a small shrine. Lucario could still feel the aura that was permeating from the shrine and used his aura sight to see where it was headed. The aura went in a Northern direction and they followed the Aura Pokemon as he rushed through the forest going deeper and deeper.

Akako, "Oh no! Hey, are you okay?"

Tetsuya, "Shit, that's not good."

Masumoto, "I'll get the first aid kit."

Tetsuya, "Thanks, he is waking up."

Akako, "Hey, can you hear me?"

The boy with brunette hair was out of it completely, "Huh? Did I die?"

Akako smiled, "Nope, you are still alive."

The brunette, "Oh! CELEBI! Oh no! I have to find Celebi."

Tetsuya, "Easy, easy, kiddo, why don't you let us take care of your cuts and bruises first. You won't be able to help anyone if you fall sick due to infection."

The boy made a face, "I'm not a kid. The name is Sammy."

Matsumoto piped up, "Nice to meet you Sammy. I'm Matsumoto, my sister Akako and our friend Tetsuya. Our other two friends are around somewhere dealing with poachers."

Sammy sat as Tetsuya wrapped bandages around his cut arms, "Celebi was being hunted by a poacher. We barely got away."

Akako, "They must be part of the group we are fighting with. We are here to protect Celebi."

Sammy, "Let me join you. Please!"

Akako looked around, "You don't have a Pokemon though."

Sammy fumbled and took out two very old fashioned pokeballs, "Come out Charmeleon and Nidoking."

Tetsuya, "Oh my! What healthy Pokemon! You have taken really good care of them."

Sammy turned pink while his Pokemon puffed their chests up, "Thank you, I try my best. Are those Pokemon eggs?"

Akako, "Yes, I won it during a competition."

Masumoto, "I received mine from the Professor."

Sammy, "The Professor must trust you a lot to give you a poke egg. Which competition was it?"

Akako, "Let's go and I will tell you on the way."

Lucario eyed the boy who would be the Professor Oak in the future. He was so young at the moment, younger than Ash as well from the looks of it. No wonder, he had made them learn everything they could about the Legendary Pokemon. Lucario thought, as he clenched his fist with frustration in his eyes, he had no doubt that running into Legendaries was actually a family thing. Yes, the Professor was family to them, he was like their grandfather who was goofy and strict at the same time.

Sammy, "I had no idea there were so many contests in this time."

Akako, "Yes, a lot of things happened before we were even born that resulted in many possibilities for us."

Tetsuya, "You would have to ask the adults what happened if you want to know."

Masumoto, "Good luck trying to get them to talk though. They can be very stubborn."

Sammy laughed, "I can easily imagine it, considering time travel is possible so why not this."

Lucario, -Found it. The source of the aura filled with fear.-

Sammy, "Celebi."

Akako, "Go, I think Celebi would be more comfortable with a familiar face."

Tetsuya, "Here a pain numbing potion. Spray it on them, it'll ease the pain."

Sammy nodded in understanding and approached Celebi who was eyeing them warily and shivering. Sammy talked to the hurt Pokemon in a soft voice, coaxing him out of the small cavern and then spraying the potion on them. Celebi was startled then confused, their body was not hurting anymore, how did that happen? Celebi clutched Sammy as they were picked up by the brunette who was talking softly comforting him. Akako and Tetsuya were waiting patiently for them sitting on some rocks while Masumoto was looking around.

Akako, "Sit, we will help you heal."

Celebi was staring at Akako and nodded as they stayed still while Tetsuya gave them a check up. Tetsuya frowned as he ran his aura through Celebi, the Pokemon had been attacked relentlessly and poisoned too. The older man took out the anti poison first and requested Celebi drink it, promising him it was grape flavored. The Legendary eyed the potion warily, they remembered having potions before and they were disgusting. But Celebi closed their eyes and gulped it down only to open his eyes in wonder and stare at the man.

Tetsuya grinned, "Told ya, it was grape flavored. Now see this bucket, you will need to throw up here. That will get rid of the poison in your stomach. I don't know how you got it there but we need to get it out."

Celebi wondered how the man would even accomplish that when they felt a sudden urge to throw up. Sammy held them as Celebi stared to throw up a dark coloured vile into the bucket. Then Celebi felt a calming aura and looked up seeing it was Akako who was helping them.

Akako, "You'll be okay buddy. You'll be just fine."

Celebi, "Bi bi biiii."

Sammy smiled, "Celebi looks much better now."

Tetsuya, "With the poison gone, Celebi will get better faster. However we cannot stay here for long. We need a place to stay in for the night."

Masumoto, "We could regroup with Yuri and Nagato, they are heading this way but fighting with a few poachers."

Akako, "Let's go then."

As they were walking back they heard a familiar voice, "There you are. We have been looking all over for you."

Akako, "Green? What are you doing here?"

Green, "We are here to lend a hand, well I'm here to get revenge for what those bastards did to my sister."

Silver joined her, "We reached here and I had my Hypno search you out. Looking good though little cousin."

Akako turned pink, "Thank you."

Tetsuya, "I'm glad you are here."

Masumoto, "We have a serious situation on our hands."

Silver, "Where are... "

Akako, "Nagato and Yuri are heading this way soon. They are just done dealing with a bunch of poachers."

Green, "I should have joined them."

Silver, "Don't worry, I'm sure you will get your chance. By the way, how's the little guy?"

Tetsuya, "No longer poisoned but requires more medical treatment."

Akako, "We were planning on regrouping and heading back to Arborville town to get proper medical help."

Masumoto, "There's only so much we can do out here."

Before they could say anything else they had to take cover as the tree next to them blew up, "You are not going anywhere."

Silver snarled, "Hunter Marauder, you bastard."

Green, "I have a bone to pick with you."

Marauder, "Well, you are welcome to try. You boy are holding my prize."

Sammy held Celebi close, "You are not touching Celebi."

[A. N.: Phew! This became long.

Another comic book I'm reading is Lout of the Count. It's awesome, though the updates are slow.

I love it so much.]

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