

The rest of the battles carried on till there were only eight double team battlers left for the next round. Ash and the others met up with the two girls and decided to look around the place. As they were looking around Melody pointed at one of the shops which was a gift shop run by a woman who was having a spat with a man.

Woman, "Jenaro enough already, you will drive yourself to the ground."

Jenaro snapped back, "No I won't. Also don't baby me Ariene, I know what I am doing."

Ariene, "Oh really? Then why did I find you out cold running a high fever. You are still sick for Mew's sake. Go in and rest."

Misty, "Ahem! Sorry to interrupt."

Melody, "We were hoping to buy some of these souvenirs."

Serena nodded, "Please."

Ariene, "Of course! Of course, my lovely customers."

Jenaro, "You have customers to deal with. I'm off."

Ariene, "Stop! You are still sick."

Ash, "Sit!"

Jenaro, "Huh?"

Max, "Oh boy!"

Gou pulled Max's hand, "Let Ash deal with it."

Ash, "Seriously sit down. Why are adults so stubborn? You will end up in a coma at this rate. Look you can't even resist my pull. Now sit."

Ariene almost giggled, "See he agrees with me."

Ash, "Miss Ariene, let me take care of this stubborn man for now. Could you help my friends in return?"

Jenora, "Hey, wait a minute."

Ash looked at the Pokemon, "Look even your Sandslash and Sandshrew are stopping you from getting up. Listen to them at least."

Jenaro spluttered, "But I have plans."

Ash called Bayleaf, "Your plans will be ruined if you are not well enough to go through them."

Brock had Bayleef sent over and she hugged and nuzzled Ash after coming out from her poke ball. When she saw Jenaro and his poor state her eye twitched. She just had to deal with a stubborn nurse who would not rest before and now another sick adult. Ash pat her back understanding the exasperation coming off her. Ariene had meanwhile helped the girls out and returned to the room Ash had pulled Jenaro into. She watched fascinated as Bayleef healed her stubborn boyfriend who was pouting. Ash then left after Jenaro didn't look like he would keel over.

Chloe, "Is he okay then?"

Ash, "He'll be fine."

Casey laughed, "He was pretty stubborn."

Max, "Why was he being so stubborn though?"

Ash, "He wants to propose to his girlfriend tonight. I offered to help set up a dinner spot for them. He can't propose if he is sick after all."

Gou turned pink, "Oh... You want to help him."

Ash, "It was the only way to get him to listen, right Bayleef?"

Bayleef grumbled and Ash told them what Jenaro had originally planned for his little proposal. Misty liked the idea of a picnic by the beach with fairy lights lighting up the surroundings. Serena was wondering if they could add more to it, like an extra item that would make it welcoming. Sometimes romantic settings made some people very nervous and they end up rejecting even if they want the opposite. Chloe piped up saying they could add flowers to the place and between their grass types they could come up with something.

Ash, "More importantly, it should be private and between them. A proposal is not a TV drama."

Max nodded, "Yeah, having people stare at you during intimate moments feels really wrong."

Melody nodded, "I agree. It does loose it's appeal."

Misty grinned towards her blond friend, "Hey Serena, maybe you can Ash can work together to create a glitter show for them?"

Serena turned pink, "I guess so? But it'll have to be subtle."

Ash, "Yeah, we are trying to make a romantic setting not put attention on ourselves. Let's go set up the place first. Casey, Melody can you take Ariene and Max, Chloe will you get Jenora? Help them get ready for this?"

Casey, "No problem."

Melody, "Leave it to us."

Ash, "Awesome, the rest of us will prepare the place for them."

Misty looked around the beach and nodded when she saw the place Jenora had chosen for the proposal. It was far from the busy area but close enough if they need anything or if there was an emergency. Ash and Gou set up the table and chairs while Misty and Serena cleaned up the area. Then they started to set up the fairy lights that Jenora had previously gotten, thank Mew there was no rain. After they set up everything, it was time for the food, Jenora had previously thought of ordering food.

Misty, "While convenient, not exactly romantic."

Ash, "Why not make something from scratch? We have time right, we can even add a little personal touch."

Serena, "I can make my macaroons in little heart shapes."

Gou, "Great idea."

Ash, "Let's get to work. When they come we can put on a little light show to enhance the mood."

They got to work and soon enough they were finished with the food. For dinner, they made Jhoto's popular omelette rice and Kanto's favourite burger steak. Dessert was left to Serena who made really adorable heart shaped macaroons. Ash was very impressed by it and soon the two people the place was set up for appeared. Jenora was dressed up smartly and was being dragged by Max who was telling him to stop complaining. Ariene was dressed in a light pink kimono with her hair tied up in a braided bun with a flower hair pin on it.

Jenora, "A... Ariene? You look great."

Ariene, "Th... Thank you. You look handsome too."

Ash grinned while Serena giggled and called their Pokemon to use a light version of dazzling gleam and bubble. The area was soon sparkling with small lights and bubbles reflecting the light as tiny stars. Jenora took Ariene's hand and led her to the table, talking to her, thanking her for sticking to him despite his stubborn attitude. Ariene blushed red as she said it was not a big deal and sat down as dinner was served by the Pokemon.

Lucario took charge of the Pokemon and helped them carry the trays of food while he carried the drinks. The others were standing a little further away to avoid spoiling the mood and on seeing everything was going well, they decided to have barbeque. They were enjoying the barbeque and giving dinner to their Pokemon who took turns in serving the food. Ash then heard Jenora pop the important question to Ariene who squealed happily hugging him.

Ariene, "Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times."

Lucario, -You know what to do.-

Starmie and Bayleef used solar beam and swift to create a fireworks to burst above them, thus ending the night. The group cheered when Ariene accepted the proposal and congratulated them before they went their different ways. Serena and Misty gushed about the romantic dinner while Max, Casey, Chloe and Melody talked about how they helped the couple prepare. You walked beside Ash smiling as they walked hand in hand, Gou had grabbed Ash's hand while cheering and Ash had not asked him to let go.

Gou, 'Small steps, small steps. We'll get there.'

Lucario, -Tomorrow is the next round.-

Ash, "Yeah, let's do our best. We need to talk to Brock too."

Gou, "Brock? Oh about that problem?"

Ash nodded, "Yeah, while we deal with it, will you and the girls ensure everyone else's safety?"

Gou nodded, "You can count on me, Ash!"

Ash, "I know which is why I'm asking you."

Serena joined them, "What are you talking about?"

Ash, "We found traces of Team Rocket."

Max paled, "Wha....?"

Gou, "Don't be scared Max. We'll deal with them."

Ash nodded, "You'll be part of the evacuation group if things go bad. Which means you will be in the audience. Do not follow anyone away from the arena. Okay?"

Chloe, "We'll be together Max, so stick close."

Serena, "Yeah, if things do go bad it'll be up to us to get everyone out safely."

Misty, "While Melody, Casey, Gou and I will be on the watch out."

Max, "Wait then, what are you and Brock gonna do?"

Ash, "Brock and I are going to try and get the suspects arrested. So hope for the best."

Max muttered under his breath something nasty about criminals then nodded but insisted on bunking with Ash. The teen didn't mind and let him sleep next to him while Gou took a picture of them sleeping together and sharing it saying, 'Mama Pidgeot and baby Pidgey'. Caroline and Brandon cooed at the photo while May printed it out to save it and tease her brother later on. She was not jealous, nope, not at all, maybe a little bit but hey that her baby brother. The next day they went to their respective battle arenas. Ash eyed his opponent a Julia from Sinnoh, he was facing quite a number of people from Sinnoh.

Referee, "This will be the second elimination fight. It'll be a one on one battle. Choose your Pokemon."

Julia, "Go Corpish!"

Ash, "Let's go Omastar."

Referee, "Begin!"

Ash, "Toxic bubbles."

Julia, "Night slash!"

Ash watched as Corpish used night slash to get rid of the toxic bubbles which was not a good idea. The toxic bubbles burst and the toxic gas inside surrounded Corpish paralyzing her in place.

Julia, "What in the world? Corpish, Corpish what's wrong?"

Corpish, "Cor?"

Ash gave a bright smile, "Did you like it? It was Omastar's special move. He has been practicing it for a while now."

Julia, "I can see that. Corpish try to use endeavor."

Ash, "Ara ~ I can't allow that. Omastar freeze her."

Omastar nodded and used ice beam to freeze Corpish in place. The ice pillar would not only stop Corpish from battling but also stop the toxins from spreading. It was a very interesting thing they had found out while training together. Bayleef and Lucario had not been amused when they found out Ash had made Omanyte use toxin on him. The dark haired teen did manage to calm them down somewhat saying it was for the greater good.

Julia, "Corpish, don't worry girl. You'll be okay."

Ash, "Good job Omastar. That was nicely pulled."

Julia, "That was an interesting battle. I didn't realize bubbles could be used that way. I'm very impressed."

Ash, "Thank you. Let's battle again in the future."

Julia, "You got it."

Ash then returned to the back where the other trainers were waiting. His battle was the fifth one, there were three more battles to go. At the end there would be eight battlers left after this round was done. The next battle round would start after lunch leaving only top four participants for the finals.

Lucario, -Meema?-

Ash, "Nothing, let's go get something to eat."

Lucario nodded, -I saw an unwanted creature earlier.-

Ash, "I feel like fast food. So let's go out."

Ash took out a paper and wrote something on it before handing it to Noctowl then he left with Lucario. Noctowl flew off in search of Brock as they left the arena to go outside to have a look around. Ash noticed the person Lucario had warned him about and started to follow her quietly. The woman walked to one of the underground facilities which made Ash frown before he got an idea. They waited for the camera to turn before moving to hide into the truck that was entering the area.

Lucario climbed into the vent, -I suppose this means we are going to forfeit?-

Ash followed after him, "Yes, we are going to. If we want to deal with this."

Pikachu muttered, "Pikapi, pika."

Ash gave Pikachu a scratch as they navigated through the vent using their aura to map the area out. There were a decent number of people and quiet a number of rooms, it was good thing he contacted James two nights before. He felt James in one of the rooms and headed towards him, they would have to plan the kinks out. As they were passing one room Ash paused and was filled with hot bubbling fury at what he saw.