
Pokemon Rebirth: Rise of Punit

I jolted awake, my heart hammering like I’d just outrun a Gyarados. The wooden beams above me were etched with carvings of Pokémon, details so crisp it felt wrong, unfamiliar. Panic clawed its way up my throat as my hands gripped a soft, clean bedspread—completely different from the scratchy, cheap sheets I remembered. Where was I? The room was filled with signs of a life that wasn’t mine—Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur posters lining the walls, shelves cluttered with memorabilia. A photo on the dresser stopped me cold—a boy and his parents, all smiles. But the faces...they tugged at something deep inside me, a connection I couldn’t place. When I stumbled to the mirror, it hit me like a freight train. The boy staring back wasn’t me—not the me I remembered. The reflection was younger, smaller, but the sharp intelligence in those midnight-black eyes? That was still mine. I wasn’t just waking up in some random room. I had become someone else, someone living in the Pokémon world. And with the powers I felt coursing through me—unlimited money, instant move learning, rapid evolution—this wasn’t just a new life. It was a chance to rewrite everything. A world to conquer, trainers to defeat. Ash, Gary, Blaze—they didn’t know what was coming. This world was mine now. And no one—no one—was going to stop me.

Vivid_Horizons · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 69: Kiss Compliment Confusion

I cradled Erin in my arms, feeling the cool stone of the lighthouse pillar against my back as I leaned into it. Her weight, though slight, felt heavier in this moment—not because of her, but because of the swirling tension that always seemed to settle between us, thick and unnerving. Her hazel eyes blinked up at me, that calm, unreadable mask she always wore sitting firm on her face. It drove me crazy.

"You tried?" Her voice broke the silence, cutting through the faint sounds of the waves crashing against the lighthouse walls. There was no emotion in her tone, just that odd, blending of honesty that somehow managed to feel awkward without even trying.

I raised an eyebrow, a grin creeping across my lips, mischievous and sharp. "Nope." I shrugged casually, glancing over to where Ash, Misty, and Brock were attempting to free Bill from his ridiculous Pokémon costume. Pikachu was there too, pulling at the fake fur with its tiny paws, trying to help in whatever way it could. 

"Why'd you tell your grandfather about the kiss?" I asked, my voice relaxed, but there was an undercurrent there—something like curiosity, maybe a touch of annoyance. Erin never seemed to grasp the normal boundaries of conversation.

She blinked again, still calm as ever. "I told you I would complain."

I snorted, shaking my head. "So why'd you say I kiss well, then? That's not a complaint." I was trying to keep my tone light, playful even, but Erin had this way of making everything feel heavy.

"This is the complaint I made." Her words hit me like a brick. I blinked, dumbfounded. I'd been ready for some kind of retort, something clever to volley back, but she always blindsided me with her literal honesty.

I sat up straighter, staring at her. "That's not a complaint," I said, my voice slower, trying to let the ridiculousness of it all sink in. "That's called a compliment."

She tilted her head, frowning slightly. "What is that?"

The air left my lungs in a long, exasperated sigh. This girl was going to be the death of me. I turned my head sharply and shouted across the room, "Misty! What have you been teaching her all this time?"

Misty, still tugging at Bill's costume, looked over with that infuriatingly playful glint in her eyes. "Romantic sense, of course!" She winked, her tone teasing as always.

I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Great, just what we needed." Ignoring Misty's antics, I pulled out a Pokéball from my sling bag and released Raichu.

He appeared with a spark of electricity, his eyes lighting up as soon as he saw me. "Rai-chuuu!" He launched himself at me, his tail crackling with energy, and I laughed as he landed near me, nuzzling me affectionately. But when his eyes shifted to Erin—still in my arms—his mood flipped in an instant. His tail stiffened, his ears flattened, and his gaze hardened, suspicion brewing in his wide eyes. 

I chuckled, running a hand through his fur. "Hey, buddy, don't worry. She's not replacing you." 

Erin, ever the disruptor of my expectations, chimed in with her usual unfiltered calm. "Girlfriend." 

Raichu's ears twitched. "Chu?"

I froze for a split second before bursting into laughter, shaking my head in disbelief. "That's not how this works," I muttered, but the impulse to mess with her back was too strong. I leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to her lips, feeling her stiffen slightly under the touch. "I'm starting to like you," I said, letting my voice drop into a mock romantic tone.

To my shock, a faint blush crept across her cheeks, and I felt my heart stop for a beat. I wasn't expecting that. She looked... well, more human for once.

Raichu, clearly unimpressed with this interaction, narrowed his eyes but began edging closer. Erin stiffened again, her calm cracking slightly. "Please don't."

"He's just a little bigger than Pikachu. Think of him as Pikachu's big brother." I gestured to Pikachu, who had hopped over after hearing his name. Both Raichu and Pikachu chirped in unison, "Chu!" as if they were on the same wavelength.

Raichu padded closer, slowly, cautiously. I took Erin's hand and placed it on Raichu's head. She winced, closing her eyes tightly, as though bracing for some catastrophic event.

I leaned in, my lips close to her ear, voice low. "Don't worry. I'm here." 

She nodded, her hand beginning to pat Raichu's fur tentatively. Slowly, her movements became more natural, and a tiny smile ghosted her lips. "Did you like it?" I asked, genuinely curious this time. 

Her eyes flicked open, calm but honest as ever. "I love it."

The words hit me harder than I expected. "Good," I said, a smirk forming again. "Then I love you, too." I threw the words out casually, but her reaction—or lack thereof—left me once again dumbfounded.

She blinked, like she was processing what I said, then just stared. No response. Classic Erin.

Pikachu, not wanting to be left out, hopped up next to Raichu, looking expectantly at Erin, waiting for his turn. I nudged her. "Looks like Pikachu wants some attention, too."

Before Erin could respond, Raichu decided to take matters into his own hands—or rather, tongue. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he leaned down and licked her hand.

The effect was immediate.

Erin's eyes rolled back, and her entire body went limp in my arms. She passed out cold.

I sat there, stunned. Raichu and Pikachu looked just as confused, both of them staring at Erin's unconscious form. "What the—?" I managed, feeling like the universe had just pulled some kind of cosmic prank on me.

Bill, Ash, Misty, and Brock rushed over, Bill looking particularly apologetic. "I, uh, should've opened the gate before. I saw on camera she wasn't feeling well." 

I glared at him. "That's an understatement."

Misty and Brock exchanged a look, their expressions deadpan, clearly unimpressed with the whole situation.

"She's just sleeping!" I protested, trying to salvage some dignity. "She'll be fine."

Bill nodded, though he didn't seem too convinced. "We'll talk when she wakes up. Rest for now." He gave me a pat on the shoulder before heading off.

"I'll cook dinner for everyone," Brock offered, already heading toward the makeshift kitchen.

"I'll help!" Misty chirped, following close behind.

Ash, of course, took off after them.

And then it was just me, Raichu, Pikachu, and an unconscious Erin draped over me like a dead weight. I sighed, leaning my head back against the pillar. 

Raichu sat on my lap, looking as though he'd done nothing wrong, while Pikachu just stared at me with those wide, innocent eyes.

This was my life now.

And I wasn't even mad.

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