
Pokemon Rebirth: Rise of Punit

I jolted awake, my heart hammering like I’d just outrun a Gyarados. The wooden beams above me were etched with carvings of Pokémon, details so crisp it felt wrong, unfamiliar. Panic clawed its way up my throat as my hands gripped a soft, clean bedspread—completely different from the scratchy, cheap sheets I remembered. Where was I? The room was filled with signs of a life that wasn’t mine—Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur posters lining the walls, shelves cluttered with memorabilia. A photo on the dresser stopped me cold—a boy and his parents, all smiles. But the faces...they tugged at something deep inside me, a connection I couldn’t place. When I stumbled to the mirror, it hit me like a freight train. The boy staring back wasn’t me—not the me I remembered. The reflection was younger, smaller, but the sharp intelligence in those midnight-black eyes? That was still mine. I wasn’t just waking up in some random room. I had become someone else, someone living in the Pokémon world. And with the powers I felt coursing through me—unlimited money, instant move learning, rapid evolution—this wasn’t just a new life. It was a chance to rewrite everything. A world to conquer, trainers to defeat. Ash, Gary, Blaze—they didn’t know what was coming. This world was mine now. And no one—no one—was going to stop me.

Vivid_Horizons · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 19: The Game Begins

The moment I stepped into the Trainer Market Association, the air changed. My sneakers squeaked against the polished marble floor, a sound swallowed by the towering opulence of the grand lobby. Chandeliers hung like glowing jewels from the ceiling, casting a thousand reflections across the room, all bouncing off the mirrored walls and gold-accented furnishings. Everything screamed power, wealth, and exclusivity.

The woman behind the sleek reception desk noticed me immediately, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly. She was well-trained, her smile crisp and calculated, offering a welcome that seemed to recognize the potential. I posed as much as my potential as a client.

"Good morning, sir," she said, voice laced with a subtle formality. "How can we assist you today?"

I didn't answer right away, letting my gaze wander the room, absorbing the high-end atmosphere. Everything about this place was designed to intimidate, to remind you of your place.

"Membership," I said, my voice steady, eyes narrowing as they met hers.

"Of course, sir," she replied smoothly, gesturing toward a set of luxurious sofas by a glass coffee table. "Please take a seat while I explain the options."

I slid into the plush seat, my back straight, refusing to let the comfort lull me. The receptionist handed me a holographic tablet with practiced precision. The screen lit up with dazzling options, each more expensive than the last. Bronze, Silver, Gold—each tier described in meticulous detail, with benefits that seemed extravagant, yet to me, barely scratched the surface of what I needed.

Finally, she arrived at the Platinum tier, and my attention sharpened. "Platinum members," she explained, her voice carrying a hint of reverence, "have access to exclusive auctions, custom Pokémon gear, and priority entry to all major events. The cost is 10 million Pokédollars."

I leaned back, letting her words sink in. 10 million was laughable to me, just another number in a system that I could break with a flick of my wrist. But it wasn't about the money—it was about the power, the doors this membership could open, the secrets it could reveal.

"Platinum," I repeated, testing the word, my tone casual, hiding the calculation spinning in my mind. "I'll take it."

The receptionist didn't falter, but I caught the brief flicker of surprise in her eyes before she composed herself. "Excellent choice, sir," she said, her voice steady. "Shall I charge it to your account?"

I nodded, reaching into my sling bag to retrieve my Pokédex. Her gaze lingered on the device, perhaps wondering how a kid like me could afford such an extravagant expense without batting an eye. But she was too professional to ask.

She took the Pokédex with practiced care, handing it off to a technician who appeared as if summoned by her thoughts. "This won't take long," she assured me.

As I waited, a waiter materialized with an assortment of snacks and a cold drink, placing them gently on the glass table in front of me. I ignored them, my focus on the holographic tablet, scrolling through the exclusive items now available to me. Custom Pokéballs, rare evolutionary stones, elite Pokémon training gear—the possibilities were endless, and each was a step closer to the dominance I craved in this world.

The silence was broken only by the hum of the tablet and the occasional tap as I flicked through the options. But my mind wasn't entirely on the products—I was already several steps ahead, calculating how best to use this newfound access. Every item was just a tool, every opportunity a rung on the ladder I was climbing.

A shadow fell across the screen as the receptionist returned, holding my Pokédex. "Your Platinum membership is ready, sir," she said, handing it to me with a polished smile. "Welcome to the elite network of the TMA."

I took the Pokédex, feeling the slight warmth where the technician had handled it. The screen lit up with the new app, a doorway to untold power and opportunity, all at my fingertips. But even as I slid the device back into my bag, a sense of unease crept in.

"Tell me," I said, my voice cutting through the silence like a blade. "Why are your prices so high?"

The receptionist's smile didn't waver, but there was a spark in her eyes as she replied, "Our products are of the highest quality, sir. We cater to those who demand nothing but the best. Our clients understand that they're not just paying for items—they're paying for exclusivity, prestige."

Exclusivity. Prestige. The words rolled off her tongue with ease, but I saw through the façade. It wasn't about quality; it was about control. The TMA was just another player in the game, one that sought to control not just resources but the people who accessed them. And I had just bought myself a seat at their table.

I glanced down at the holographic tablet in my hand, the screen gleaming with an array of items that most trainers could only dream of affording. But for me, with my endless supply of Pokédollars, it was nothing more than a convenient shopping spree. My fingers hovered over the screen, selecting items with the precision of someone who had been here a thousand times before. 

A Revitalizing Potion. That would be a game-changer for Bulbasaur, especially with the boost it would give his Grass-type moves. Then, a Healing Herb to keep him in top shape, no matter what status conditions came his way. For Pidgey, the Feather Potion and Wind Spirit Elixir would ensure he remained untouchable in the sky. 

Poké Balls, too. Forest Ball, Nature Ball, Sky Ball, Gale Ball. All tailored to my Pokémon's needs, their names a silent promise of guaranteed success.

I finalized my selection with a tap, the total flashing on the screen. 1,420,000 Pokédollars. A small fortune in this world, but just another transaction for me. 

The receptionist, a woman with perfectly styled hair and a professional smile, glanced up from her desk as I approached. She was seated behind a polished marble counter, the TMA emblem etched in gold behind her. 

"Everything satisfactory, Mr. Setia?" Her voice was smooth, practiced—meant to make any trainer feel like they were the most important person in the room. 

"Perfect," I replied, sliding the tablet across the counter. "I'll take everything on this list."

She nodded, her fingers gliding over the screen of her own tablet. "Certainly, sir. Just a moment while I process your order." Her eyes flicked over the items I had selected, and I could see the slight widening of her eyes when she reached the total. "That will be 1,420,000 Pokédollars."

"Make it 25,850,000," I corrected. "I'll need a week's worth of food for my Pokémon as well, and some gourmet meals for myself."

"Of course," she said, her expression never wavering. "That brings your total to 25,850,000 Pokédollars with included "Luxor Pavilion" – VIP Camp Tent, "LumenMaster Pro 5000" – Flashlight, "Velocity Master All-Terrain X" – Multi-Surface Mountain Bike.

Would you like to add a storage bag for your items, sir? We have several options in different sizes."

I shook my head, a small smile playing on my lips. "No need. I've got it covered."

"As you are a platinum member, you're entitled to a 20% discount. The total amount you'll need to pay is 18,280,000 Pokédollars. You save 4,570,000 Pokédollars."

The ease with which she discussed sums that would bankrupt most trainers didn't escape me. I nodded, pulling out my Pokédex to initiate the transfer. The Pokédollars flowed from my account with a simple tap, a digital transaction that might as well have been a drop in the ocean for me. 

She handed me a cold drink as I waited for my order to be prepared, and I took it without a word, sipping the crisp liquid as I surveyed the room. Everything here screamed exclusivity. The trainers who frequented this place weren't just average people; they were the elite, the ones who could afford the best for their Pokémon and themselves.

But even among them, I was different. None of them had the advantages I did. None of them knew what it was like to be thrust into a world they only knew from games, with cheats that made them unstoppable.

A soft chime signaled the arrival of another employee, this one carrying a stack of neatly packaged items. They placed them in front of me with a respectful bow, the boxes and containers all bearing the TMA emblem in gold. I quickly began placing them in my bag, the cheat ability making it all disappear into the seemingly bottomless storage.

Just as I was zipping up the last pocket, the receptionist spoke again. "Mr. Setia, I wanted to remind you about the auction."

I paused, glancing back at her. "Auction?"

"Yes, sir," she continued smoothly. "The next private auction will be held on October 15th at 7:00 PM in the Viridian City Branch's Private Auction Room. I believe you'll find it of interest."

October 15th. Today was July 19th. Plenty of time. I nodded, acknowledging the information as I slung the bag over my shoulder. "Thanks for the reminder."

"Of course, sir. We look forward to your participation."

Without another word, I turned and made my way to the exit. The glass doors slid open silently, and I stepped out into the bustling streets of Viridian City. The air was crisp, a welcome change from the climate-controlled interior of the TMA. 

The world outside was vibrant, alive with the energy of trainers and their Pokémon, each of them caught up in their own journeys, their own struggles. I watched them for a moment, a mixture of pity and anticipation swelling in my chest.

They were all striving to be the best, to reach the top. But what they didn't know, what they couldn't know, was that the top was already mine. With my cheats, with my Pokémon, with everything I had, I was destined to dominate this world.

I headed toward the edge of the city, the path to my next destination clear in my mind. The road stretched out before me, a promise of adventure and challenges that I was more than ready to face.

The real game was just beginning.

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