
Pokemon Re-Start

Noah an unfortunate boy that got struck by lightning but got reincarnated in a world of Pokemon. Join his journey to become a Pokemon Master. Note: Pokemon is not Mine And the original Characters of the Story are not mine Credits to the creator of Pokemon You give us a Best childhood.

Meowske_kun · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 10: First Week

Its been a week since the workshop Started almost every day Noah trains his body or either spar with riolu, and during that week Noah also teaches Cynthia how to use a Breathing technique and teaching her the benefits on learning it.

Riolu also start to gather Aura and cultivating it inside his body making riolu Stronger.

During that week also Noah and Cynthia toured the Whole Place and sometimes they also saw The galar girls trio namely Sonia, Nessa, and Bea those trio has been busy with each other and always stick together except Bea as she Also trains but on a different room.

Also Sonia has been cheeky as she always cling into me whenever she saw me and Cynthia just giving us Cold stares

And Nessa as always just ammused by our actions.

But everytime Sonia Do that I always saw her grinning and then after that laugh, whenever I ask her she just always replies

" Oh~Nothing" with a smile.

After spending time with them I slowly realize that I have no male friend as all of my friends are girls, that time i realized that I Consulted Grandpa and said everything to him, after that he just stared at me blankly as if saying ' You just now realize that? ' and just said that there are many people in this plays so try to find someone he said.

Noah PoV:

Haaa! Haaaaa. Haaa!

I Slumped on the ground together with riolu as we are both tired sparing at each other, then I suddenly, I sense someone is approaching me from behind then I suddenly said " Cyn if your trying to scare me, just give up"

" Why do you always see me even though I did not make noise" Cynthia said while pouting.

"Well I just sense your Presence so I figured it out. " I said but I'm distracted by Cynthia's pout as I thought of poking it, During our week Cynthia and I became Close as I call her just Cyn.

" Anyway Grandma and Grandpa are calling us they are in the professor Oaks Lab " and I Just nodded.

" Riolu return" I said as riolu was surrounded by red light and sucked inside the pokeball.

After a while Me and Cynthia arrived at the at the Professor Oaks Lab and saw Grandma and Grandpa Talking to Prof. Oak and three other people in the room and when they saw us Grandpa greeted us " Oh There you are Noah" he said

" Yeah what's up?" I asked

" Well before that meet our old friend first

that man right here is Joseph Stone he is the founder of the Devon Corp. and that is his wife Ellane Stone and their Son Steven stone" he said pointing to the three people he just introduced to me. Mr, Stone is a man wearing formal Clothes and had a Silver Light blueish hair and an onyx Colored eyes while his wife Mrs, Stone is a beautiful women she has a smooth long black hair and light blue eyes and on their back is the future champion of Hoen Steven Stone he's the same as he looked in the anime.

" Oh Is that your Grandson Henry?, I must say he will be a handsome in the future and looks like you will have many inlaws in the future hahaha" Mr, Stone said teasingly and while laughing.

" My~ My~ Sorry about my husband he's just joking don't mind him okay but Yes you will be a looker in the future and Little noah Meet my Son Steven as your the same age as him You two can became friends "

she said while her voice is smooth and nice it does not correspond to what she did to her husband you know she just stomp her husbands feet with her high Heels and I just subconsciously nodded.

" Hey aren't you the Cold prince?" Steven asked and I just looked confused

" Cold Prince? Why do you call me that? " I asked him confused.

" Ah! You don't know everyone pretty much call you that as you were ice cold at all times and many girls actually has a crush on you but they don't know how to approach you as you have this Cold aura that prevents them from coming to you and you looked like a prince they said"Steven said while others are just nodding.

" Eh? Am I that cold?" I asked him

" Hey Cyn am i that cold?" I asked Cynthia as she was the one who was by my side always.

" At first yes but if people got used to you they will saw that you are not cold." She said.

Well to be honest talking to you right now makes me don't also" Steven said.

" Well thats just Noah is you may see him cold at times but he's a big softie you know." my Grandopa just said and patted me on the head,

" But to think Noah is this popular and he didn't know about it, your so dense as expected to the Cold prince" he said Grinning, " Oy! I'm not Dense, I just don't care about those things" I said pouting and everyone just laughed.

" Well anyway back to the topic why did you call me?" I asked Grandpa. Then silence eloped the room, I looked at Cynthia if she has any Idea to this but she just looked confused and did not know a thing.

" Well Noah the first thing is to introduce you to Steven and second is I will be away as I have a mission and I don't know when I will come back" he said. And I just replied " What its just that?" I asked confused.

" Grandpa I know you more than 8 yrs now and I know your strong to handle it and I'm not worried about it" I said to him with a smile. And Grandpa's Eyes just widened and Smiled warmly and patted my head.

" Well anyway while you were away where will I be staying?" I asked.

" You will be staying at professor Oaks lab and I will approve of you becoming a Pokemon Trainer but you must be Professor Oaks Assistant until your 15 after that you will be able to travel."

After he said that my eyes Widend and Hugged him and said " Thank you Grandpa but is Prof, Oak okay with me working as an assistant?" I asked a little worried.

" Well Dont worry about that Young Noah i have no problem with you beeing my assistant here" Said Prof, Oak with an assuring Smile.

" Well anyway I will leave after the mini league and do your best and if you win or just or got At least runner up I will give you a gift. " he said and smiled.

" Realy!! Then Me and riolu will win this" I said Confidently.

" Hey me and Gibble will be the one who will win" Said Cynthia.

" Nope me and beldom will be the one who will win" Steven also said.

Seeing us acting like this the adults Laughed and after that event I asked if I can go back to train they said yes but before that I asked Prof, Oak to heal riolu as he is tired from Training after the waiting I immediately go to the Training room but Cynthia and Steven Joined me.

'Status' I said in my mind then a Transparent blue panel appeared.


Name: Riolu

Level: 15

Type: Fighting

Ability: Inner Fucus

Connection: Noah Silvers

HP: 19/19

ATK: 27 SPD: 22 SP.DEF:15

DEF: 21 SP.ATK: 19

Moves: Quick Attack,Growl,Endure, Bone rush, Aura sphere, Sword Dance, Fucus pounch, Bulk up.

Egg moves: Blaze kick, Agility, Detect

Name: Noah Silver

Age: 8

Condition: Very good


Inventory: Starter pack.

Skills: Analysis , Observation Haki Lv,6

Breathing Technique Lv, 10


Riolu's status got up a bit and his level raise 10+ and he learned Bulk up. My Observation Haki also grew larger as I can sense at least 3 meters.

Seeing my Status I am pretty satisfied with the results and Continue training and Cynthia, and Steven first time seeing me Train shocked as i was fighting Riolu tow to tow.


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