
Pokemon: Radical Redux

You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!" Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rolls No dead pokemon parts to increase strength No potential stuff Only training methods and bond ________________________ So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better. Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all

Katsu39 · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

Vs. Team Rocket

Ash and Gary were staring at the team rocket trio, Ash decided to break the silence," I have so many questions, but firstly what's going on, why are you here, and why can that Meowth talk?"

Jessie scoffed and stepped forward, "We'll answer your questions kid."

James came next to her, "We are here for Pokemon"

Meowth Jumped in the middle of them, "Rare and powerful Pokemon, so you better hand them over.

"You're wasting your time. This is a center for weak and injured Pokémon." Nurse Joy said, trying to defuse the situation while waiting for Officer Jenny to arrive.

Jessie smiled and continued, "Well, that may be so, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if we find a few little Pokémon gems among all the junk."

Gary stepped forward clearly very annoyed, probably for losing 1000 Poke dollars, "You three are annoying me" He grabs his Pokeball and looks towards Ash, "What do you say, Ash, wanna beat the bricks off them?"

Ash looks toward Pikachu and asks, "What do you say, wanna have a real fight." Pikachu stared at him, then back at Team Rocket, back to him, and nodded. Ash smiled and looked back to Jessie and James and said with a smile, "Let's send them blasting off".

James laughed at seeing this, "These kids think they can fight." Preparing Koffing to fight

"Let's show them the power of Team Rocket, after all, you two are outnumbered," Jessie said as she got her Ekans ready to attack.

"But you are outmatched," Ash responded as Gary sent in Squirtle and he sent in Pikachu. As the battle began.

"Ekans show them Team Rocket is not to be messed with, use Bite on that rat." Commanded Jessie.

"Squirtle let's take down that snake, counter Water Gun" Gary called out

Ekans threw its body towards Pikachu but before it could connect it was blasted by Water from Squirtle.

Ash saw this and ordered, "Pikachu don't lose this opportunity, use a thundershock on Ekans."

Ekans was too staggered to see the attack coming and with the added water from Squirtle he dealt massive damage, but the overgrown snake was still standing. Much to Jessie's frustration as she looked over to James.

James saw this and was a bit worried but snapped out of it, "Koffing use smokescreen and smog attack."

Koffing levitated into the air and released a mist of sludge over the battlefield, Ekans was unaffected, but both Squirtle and Pikachu started running around to try and avoid it but they were still affected by the mist and poisoned.

Ash and Gary both felt worried seeing that they needed to end this fast, in a drawn-out fight Koffing would take both of them down 7 out of 10 times.

Ash looked at Gary and said, "What do you say, one last move with everything we have." he received a smile and nod from Gary. They both regained their focus on the fight at hand and called out in sync.

"Squirtle use Water Gun full power"

"Pikachu, thundershock full power."

As the water was flying toward the two Pokemon the electricity combined in mid-air creating a more powerful move, and thanks to the smoke created by Koffing, none of them saw it coming. The move was a direct hit, leaving both Koffing and Ekans out cold.

"We were beaten," Jessie said in disbelief

"By two kids," James continued.

As they returned their Pokemon Ash and Gary gave each other a high five.

"Well you know what they say, if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself," Meowth said as he approached and drew his claws, specifically moving toward Pikachu.

Pikachu and Ash both looked unamused as they looked at each other, Ash just looked at the trio and said "Remember what I promised, Pikachu let's send them blasting off."

And as Pikachu started charging electricity, Meowth backed up closer to Jessie and James, "Now wait a minute, I know what you may be thinking but the answer may surprise y–" He was cut off by Pikachu.

"Pika-chuuuu!" said Pikachu as he electrocuted Jessie and James and Meowth, sending them flying through the window and through their conveniently placed Meowth balloon.

As the camera followed them they had a conversation

Jessie: Great, a cat losing to a mouse.

Meowth: That Pikachu is no ordinary Pikachu.

James: It's certainly very rare, a perfect prize.

Jessie: Let's catch it.

Meowth: Perhaps we will.

All three: But for now, Team Rocket is blasting off!!!

(Back to Ash)

As both Ash and Gary watched the trio shoot out like a star they heard a voice behind them.

"Thank you for saving the Pokemon center," said Nurse Joy, "I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't stepped in."

"Don't worry about it, I'm sorry we had to fight in the middle of the Pokemon center" Ash responded.

"Well like I was saying before those idiots come in I am going to," Gary said before he was cut off by screaming as the girls ran downstairs.

"What happened? We heard a commotion and then the building started shaking." Misty said while running down with Green at her side.

"Nothing much Team Rocket came by and Gary lost 1000 Pokedollars, then we sent them blasting off," Ash said like this was a regular thing.

They both looked surprised and saw Gary in a sour mood so Green asked, "They actually showed up, I was getting ready to cheer you up after you gave Gary money, but they were actually dumb enough to come here."

As Green finished talking a certain blue-haired woman came bursting through the doors of the Pokemon center. It was Officer Jenny coming in a little too late.

[Brakes Screeching]

"We have a driveway, you know." Nurse Joy said, seemingly this wasn't the first time this had happened.

"What happened here? I got your alert and moved here as soon as I could, then I saw the fireworks from outside." Officer Jenny said.

"Well you're a bit late to the party, Team Rocket came by and we beat them, not much else to it," Gary responded as he sent Squirtle back to his Pokeball and handed it to Nurse Joy.

"Don't forget the part where you lost 1000 poke dollars" Ash added as he also gave Pikachu to Nurse Joy.

Officer Jenny looked at Joy to confirm, then said, "Well I appreciate that you two decided to help but next time try not to approach actual criminals."

As Officer Jenny finished up her report, everyone decided to go to their room provided by the pokemon center for the night. As Ash got into his room he put Pikachu on his bed and handed him some Ketchup.

"Here I think you'll like this." Pikachu seemed suspicious but as soon as he tried it he loved it. "I'm glad you like it, but do you mind staying alert in case Spearow decides to be aggressive," he said as he pulled out the bird's Pokeball.

As Pikachu nodded, Ash sent out the aggressive bird, "Spearow!" As he came out Spearow stared at Pikachu, seemingly still angry at him for beating him. And Pikachu continued licking some Ketchup.

"Ok, that's enough." Ash decided to step in, "You lost and I caught you so I'm your trainer now, and as your trainer you need to get along with everyone."

Spearow did not look too happy, it was obvious so Ash continued, "Of course, if you don't want to be my Pokemon I'll release you." Spearow looked genuinely confused after that and didn't know how to respond, "But of course, if you decide to come with me I will help you train and turn you so strong no one will be able to beat you again. So what do you say?"

Spearow looked at Ash then back at Pikachu then back at Ash and nodded, "Spearow" seemingly wanting to even the score between him and Pikachu more than anything.

"Great to have you on the team, so for now it's time to feed you guys," Ash said pulling out Pokemon food, he didn't have a way to prepare their specific diets in the Pokemon center, but he did bring a few bags of pokemon food, he was expecting to catch a Pidgey or Pidgeotto so Ash did stock up on bird food.

As he gave them their food and some Pokéblocks, he said, "It's too late for training right now, we will begin training tomorrow in Viridian Forest, and hopefully get ready for the first Gym."

As Ash and his Pokemon finished their food they all got ready to go to bed. As Ash was lying in bed he was looking through his Pokedex, it worked similarly to a phone and he could look things up with it. He notes all Gym battles are actually recorded and uploaded online, which is good for him he could look up each Gym battle to find some strategy.

'Well I'm probably going to stay in Viridian Forest for a day or two for training and looking for Pokemon, there are a few I want to get, might look for a Magikarp as well, thoughts for later but for now sleep.' And that is what he did.

Ash, Gary, and Green were talking in front of the Pokemon Center the next day. Misty went back into Route 1 to keep fishing, not sure what she thinks she is going to find but more power to her. But for now, the trio was going their separate ways.

"So what are you guys gonna do, you already know I am probably gonna stay in Viridian Forest for a day or two" Ash was the one to start the conversation.

"Well, I am going to go to Pewter City to test my luck and do some training on the way. I probably have the best chance to beat it as we are now." Green said as she was holding her Pokemon Bulbasaur.

"I'm probably going to go get a car or something, it will speed things up by a lot," Gary said as he received a blank look from Ash and Green.

"Alright Mr.Grandpa is funding my bad habits, what next are you going to go pick up those cheerleaders that were basically begging to sit on your lap" Ash responded.

"Wh- first off Gramps is sponsoring all three of us, and secondly I just might. They will probably be better company than you two." Gary responded

"Sure, Sure, buddy. But for now, this is where we split up until we see each other again, Green it was great traveling with you, and Gary it was great taking your money, so bye guys" Ash said as he walked off watching Gary want to yell something at him but he was too far gone.

As Ash went into the forest he sighed and started moving towards the deeper part of the forest to try and find a few Pokemon. Pikachu was sleeping in his bag since it was pretty early, and Spearow was released and flew on Ash's shoulder.

As they got deeper into the forest he eventually got to a place where a lot of Pokemon were around; there were Mankeys, some Sandshrew, Butterfree, Beedrill, and some Doduos.

'Well, it's time to start looking around' Ash thought as he pulled out his Pokedex and started scanning everything until he found something interesting.


First battle, tell me what you guys think and what I can improve on.

Also, I should clarify a few things, firstly not all of Ash's Pokemon will have some kind of mutation, also a mutation doesn't mean it will naturally be stronger than another Pokemon, it just means something is different than another of the same species, it might make it stronger or it might give them something different.

Also, there is no 4-move limit, but when looking at moves I will just delete moves that he just will never use. For example, after Pikachu learns Thunderbolt he will never use Thundershock again.