
Pokemon: Radical Redux

You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!" Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rolls No dead pokemon parts to increase strength No potential stuff Only training methods and bond ________________________ So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better. Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all

Katsu39 · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

Viridian Forest Catching spree




Ash had been looking around the forest for a few minutes, he had seen a few Pokemon but none of them piqued his interest. He also hadn't seen the Pidgeotto that Ash found in the anime, but he had seen a lot of Pidgey, but most of them had Tangled Feet which was debatably its worst ability.

So he decided to come back for one after he gets some other Pokemon. Ash decided to move deeper into the forest to try and find Bellsprout, for one part that it would be useful for the first gym, and another because it had one Ability and one Hidden ability and it wasn't even that good, so he only needed to catch the first one he saw.

Moving deeper into the forest Ash found a herd of 4 Bellsprout and 6 Oddish living among them, so Ash decided to scan as many as he could and found 3 Pokemon of interest. Two Oddish and a Bellsprout that were closer to the end of the herd.


[Bellsprout (M): A carnivorous Pokémon that traps and eats bugs. It appears to use its root feet to replenish moisture.]

[Ability: Chlorophyll Hidden Ability: Effect Spore. ]

[Current moves: Vine whip, Growth]

[Oddish (M): It may be mistaken for a clump of weeds. If you try to yank it out of the ground, it shrieks horribly]

[Ability: Chlorophyll Hidden Ability: Run Away. Hidden Ability changes to Effect Spore]

[Current moves: Absorb, Growth, Sweet Scent]

[Oddish (F): It may be mistaken for a clump of weeds. If you try to yank it out of the ground, it shrieks horribly]

[Ability: Chlorophyll Hidden Ability: Run Away. Hidden Ability changes to Healer]

[Current moves: Absorb, Growth, Sweet Scent]


Seeing this Ash had a few things to say, 'Why does that Bellsprout have a different ability, it should only have gluttony, it doesn't have a mutation so what's different with it.' Then he looked towards the two Oddish, 'Well the guy is perfect for Vileplume and the girl is good for a Bellossom, I don't want to train two of them during Kanto so I will train the guy and use the girl during Johto, so professor Oak will take care of her until then.'

As he said that he nudged the bird sitting on his shoulder, "Spearow, I need you to separate those three in the back on my signal, then use Double team to keep the rest of the Group distracted so I can catch them." Spearow nodded and flew closer. Meanwhile, Ash woke up Pikachu who was sleeping in his backpack. Sure he wasn't very effective but since when did type disadvantages matter in the anime?

Spearow waited for Ash's signal, and once he saw it he dive-bombed the point where the group breaks and flaps his wings to cause a large dust storm, then during the panic Spearow started using Double team to confuse and send a few Pecks into the group. Meanwhile, Ash and Pikachu came in from the back where the trio of Pokemon were.

"Pikachu use Thundershock on the Bellsprout." Ash commanded as he threw two Pokeballs at the Oddish, Oddish is usually weak enough to catch without fighting, the electricity was a direct hit, and the Pokeball for the female Oddish rolled 3 times with a 'ding', but the male Oddish broke out after 2 rolls. And the surprise round was over.

Spearow was doing good during the distraction, with the double team it seemed like a group of Spearow, so most of the Oddish was running away. Leaving 3 Bellsprout to try to fight alone.

The Oddish saw that his friend was captured so he wanted to attack, starting by using Growth, then Absorb, meanwhile, the Bellsprout was barely standing and paralyzed but it still tried a vine whip. Pikachu easily dodged the Vine whip but was hit with a weak Absorb, it didn't do much despite it being super effective.

Ash commanded, "Pikachu use Thunder wave on the Oddish." As he prepared 2 more Pokeballs and threw 1 towards the Bellsprout, at this point it was too weak to resist and rolled with a 'Ding'. Meanwhile, Pikachu used a Thunder wave on the Oddish leaving it Paralyzed, and Ash took the opportunity to throw the other Pokeball towards the Oddish, and it rolled 3 times followed by a 'Ding'.

Meanwhile, the battle continued with the Bellsprout and Spearow, though the Bellsprout were using Vine whip frantically, but they couldn't hit the flying bird using double team. As the dust cleared Ash saw Spearow and 3 weakened Bellsprout and a bunch of Oddish running away.

'I thought we would have to run away after catching these Pokemon, but I guess fear factor scared most of the problem away, well when in doubt beat up the rest' Ash looked at Pikachu and decided to use a move that he learned after the battle in the Pokemon center, "Pikachu use Quick attack. Spearow, don't let up the pressure."

Pikachu came running in and crashed into one of the Bellsprout knocking it out, meanwhile, Spearow dived down to take down the last two. After they wrapped up they decided to move towards the lake for some training and then food.

As they got to the lake Ash looked towards his two Pokemon, "Ok, it is time for you two to train, in case we can't get two more members to help us take down the first Gym, you need to learn a steel move." He got out some ropes and weights he had packed before he left and tied them to Pikachu's tail and Spearow's wings. "Now I want you two to try and get used to the weight and get strong enough. Once you get that far you'll be able to learn Iron tail and steel wing respectively." As he tied the weights to their appendages they nearly fell due to the weight but they continued moving.

Meanwhile, Ash decided to take care of his Grass Pokemon situation, he decided to send the female Oddish over to Oak for later. Meanwhile, he sent out his Oddish and Bellsprout who were both still injured from before, so Ash decided to heal them, mainly by using some medicine since he didn't have those fancy machines that the Pokemon center had. But he did practice using some Aura healing, he was getting better but it wasn't perfect. So they didn't wake up immediately so he sent them back to their Pokeballs for rest.

Meanwhile, Ash decided to look in the lake for some Pokemon, he could see quite a few Pokemon, including a lot of Magikarp and some Poliwag. He could find some Pokemon that would pique his interest but for now, he would prepare food and Pokeblocks for each of his Pokemon.

Pikachu and Oddish were vegetarian so it was not too hard to prepare their food. Spearow and Bellsprout are omnivores, their main diet consists of bug Pokemon, so preferably they could go catch a caterpie, but legally he can't do that. Mainly because of a law created by the league, and endorsed by the rangers that trainers weren't allowed to hunt Pokemon.

But it didn't matter he stocked up on ingredients. As he was preparing the lunch for his Pokemon many Pokemon decided to come closer due to the smell of the food, some thought it might have been a good idea to try and swoop in to take some for themselves, but they were mostly scared away by Spearow.

Speaking of which Spearow had gotten used to the weight but hadn't been able to flap his wings hard enough, it was more or less the same situation with Pikachu, able to not fall but it couldn't move its tail without falling over. Ash gave them some Pokeblokes and gave them their food.

He also decided to let out the Bellsprout and Oddish to see how they were doing and feed them as well. As soon as they came out they stared at Ash, then looked around seemingly looking for their friend. Ash handed them their Bowl of food but neither of them ate.

"Bellsprout!", "Oddish!" they yelled towards Ash as if asking where their friend was.

"Relax, your friend is fine, she is in a Pokemon Professor's care, once we get to the next town we can call them so you can see she is fine. But for now, you two need to eat, I'm your trainer so I will be making sure you become stronger." Ash said also releasing some of his Aura to try and calm them down and relax.

It seemed to work so they decided to stand down for now and decided to eat. After which they seemed to be more relaxed than before. But while he was getting ready to sit down himself, he saw a tiny Pidgey, small enough to probably fit in the Palm of his hand. He decided to pull his Pokedex out and scan it.


[Pidgey (M): Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. A Normal and Flying type. Pidgey usually doesn't like to battle, but it won't hesitate to attack if provoked.]

[Ability: Keen Eye, hidden ability Sniper. Future ability remains the same]

[Current moves: Tackle (Basic), Feather Dance, Sand Attack]


Ash was surprised, usually Pidgey's hidden ability is Big Pecks, but it is different again. Ash decided not to think about it too much and decided to try calling over the very tiny bird. He grabbed an extra bowl of the food he gave Spearow and put it in front of him and waved for the Bird to come closer.

It blew over in front of the food and started eating, it seemed like the little guy hadn't eaten in a while. After he finished eating he seemed to want some more, to which Ash responded, "You are a hungry little guy aren't you, how about you become my Pokemon, I can keep you fed and make you strong."

The bird just turned its head and jumped forward, "Pidgey!"

"Alright," Ash said as he pulled out a Pokeball and held it out, Pidgey jumped forward and head-bumped the ball. Then there was a 'ding'. Then Ash let the bird back out and gave it some more food.

After everyone was fed, and everything was packed Ash told them to continue training, Pikachu and Spearow had the same training but Ash had Pidgey join them. Bellsprout and Oddish had different training, they needed to learn sleep powder, poison powder, and stun spore. It should be easy for them to learn, they both naturally learn it very early and Bellsprout had an ability that would help them out.

After a few hours, Bellsprout and Oddish learned the powders, and Pikachu was the only one in the group to learn his steel move, Spearow was nearly there and Pidgey was not too far behind.

Ash gave each of them some special Pokeblocks to try and get better control over their energy, by the end of the series Pikachu had such good control over the electricity that he could control a 10 million-volt thunderbolt. So it would be good to try and get his Pokemon to have a pretty good level of mastery each before they evolved.

After the sun started to go down Ash set up a tent to sleep, his pokemon seemed to want to stay out and sleep so he let them, there's no reason why he wouldn't. As he laid down he had a thought, 'Pretty good turnout today, managed to get 3, technically 4 new Pokemon. But I still need more, according to the videos of Brock's battles he uses 4 Pokemon in a 4 on 4 battle. But what to catch, I'm probably not gonna catch Caterpie, it's not bad but it's not good, and I would probably release it so it can go mate with that Shiny Butterfree.'

'Well, that is a problem for the me of tomorrow, the me of now wants to sleep.'


Catching spree let's go.