
Pokemon: Radical Redux

You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!" Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rolls No dead pokemon parts to increase strength No potential stuff Only training methods and bond ________________________ So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better. Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all

Katsu39 · Anime & Comics
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254 Chs


5:36 PM - 2 hours before complete submersion

*cough**cough**cough**cough*The sound of coughing came from the black smoke and when it escaped through the new hole in the ship, Ash stood there with a large Barrier blocking his body, although it had a few cracks on it, and on his arms were a few scratches from shrapnel.

His Jacket got some damage as well but his hat was completely blown off, looking back the hat was currently on fire.

Ash picked it up and put out the flames, "Aw man, I liked that hat, well I guess this is a sign, I'll just buy a new hat, and maybe some new clothes."

Clefairy was already healing him which was good since he didn't have to pretend to be injured anymore, he looked over to the source of the explosion and poured Aura into his eyes, he saw a source walking forward.

Damian walked out of the smoke and flames, mostly unharmed other than his blazer that he was taking off then threw back into the fire.

Damian and Ash looked at each other and acted like things didn't just completely go horribly wrong.

As they walked over to each other Damian spoke up, "So what now?"

Ash pulled a notebook out of his bag and started writing something, "Well I guess we should go tell them we are alive, then we should try to get as many people off the boat as soon as possible."

"Ok that was a given, but the problem is we don't have enough boats to get everyone off, we have enough for most but people will still get left behind."

"Yeah, but I am always prepared for a situation like this," Ash said flipping a page and continuing to write, "I have an Abra and have been training her to teleport for, I think almost 2 months now, anyway that's not important she will be able to get a lot of people off, and as long as I stay on the boat she can come back."

Damian's eyebrow raised, "That's surprising, and vague I assume you don't want me to do deeper, well to be honest I don't care, so how should we go about it I'm sure more Team Rocket grunts are around."

Ash finally finished what he was writing and handed the notebook along with a Pokeball to Damian, "Well You should go up and tell everybody about the plan, you should all get people on the boats and have Lorelei guide them, then take people and let Abra go back and f-"

"Wait, stop right there, that all sounds good and all but what about you, you told me to go up myself what are you going to do, I'm not planning on leaving you alone unless you have a very good reason,"

"I need to stay on the ship or Abra can't come back, so I'll go through the bottom floors and look for anybody left behind, meanwhile you can go up with everybody else." 

"No, why would I do that? It is probably dangerous, you should go up and I can look for them." Damian argued.

Ash grabbed his wrist that had a small cut on it, "I'm more suitable for this kind of thing," then his hand glowed and Damian's cut healed in front of his eyes, "Don't you agree Hex Maniac."

Damian sighed took his wrist back and looked at it, "Fine I'll go up, but what's stopping anyone from coming down here to find you?"

"Well besides the fact that it is dangerous, that notebook I gave you has everything you need to say," Ash said pointing to the notebook in Damian's hands.

"But how will I know what to say and when?" Damian asked, trying to open the book.

Ash closed it before he could see the contents, "Trust me you will know, so get out of here we are taking water."

Damian looked back at the gaping hole in the wall and nodded, "Fine but you have to make sure you get out if anything happens, I trust that you can beat most grunts but if you run into an admin or anyone that looks strong you get out no questions." Damian said seriously.

"Fine, I wouldn't do something so stupid, I'm not a hero either I know My limits, we need to move," Ash said.

Damian did get a bit suspicious since he was offering to look for survivors, but he didn't say anything, they both ran separate ways, Damian went back to the top Deck and Ash through the halls.

5:41 PM - 1 hour and 55 minutes before complete submersion

Above deck things went to Hell real quick, people were running around and Panicking and screaming, and the gang was overwhelmed by the sea of people riding like headless Torchics.

After seeing the explosion they all immediately thought the worst and wanted to see if they could get down in time, but they couldn't do that with all the People swarming.

"Everyone focus if we want to do anything about what happened we need to get everyone situated," Lorelei said trying to regroup with everyone.

"Right, EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" Tempest said trying to calm people down so they could talk.

Seeing this the rest joined in,




And more things of the like, with the help of everyone joining in they managed to calm down enough people so they could hear each other clearly, but most People were still panicking and flailing around.

"We need to clear the boats so that people can safely get off this ship," Gary was the first to speak up with all the chaos.

"I do agree but currently we are about 1000 miles away from shore and with the nature of the waters that could take longer," Tempest said looking at everyone.

"And Ash is still down there, along with Damian, and the other guy is missing, '' Yellow said, still wanting to rush downstairs.

"I think the best course of action would be for Tempest to take any trainer that can fight and see if she can clear the boats to start getting people off the ship, meanwhile the rest of us can direct People and look for the stragglers," Lorelei said making the best plan she can think of on the spot.

They all agreed and were about to break off until they saw the sight of the large man with a white button-up shirt, Damian.

Tempests were the first to see him and switched to her bubbly personality again and waved her hand as she jumped, "Hey, Hey Damian, over here."

Damian saw them and ran over quickly, they all saw the soot on his white shirt and his distinct lack of his Blazer.

"You're okay, what happened, and where is that boy, Ash," Lorelei said since Ash was nowhere to be seen.

"Long story short, there was a bomb, they rigged the turbine to explode and we are now taking water, we need to evacuate everyone now," Damian said casualty.

"Wait how can you say that so casually, what happened to you and where is Ash," Brock asked

"Well I was caught in the explosion but I am fine, as for Ash he decided to look for anyone left behind on lower levels."

"Wait so we should go after him, he should be left alone especially with Team Rocket running around," Gary said from the side still trying to calm people down.

"Well he said someone would say that so he gave me instructions on what to say in this situation, " Damian said, pulling out the notebook and flipping to a marked page.

"Hey guys I'm pretty sure at this point you would be thinking about going after me, don't bother, I'll be fine, I gave Damian Abra she can teleport a few people at a time but not everybody so she needs to do multiple trips, as long as I'm on the ship she can come back." Damian relayed what was on the page and flipped to the next page.

"Also you guys should still try to get People on the boats, Abra can take everyone but she will need time to rest, time we won't have," Damian finished and didn't read a note at the bottom of the page.

"He says that but can we really let him go alone? It is too dangerous," Brock said.

Damian flipped 2 pages, "Brock you are 5 years older than us we are not children, I can be left alone I'm not stupid."

"He did not write that," Misty immediately said.

Damian flipped 3 pages, "Misty yes I did."

"If there's anything about me I'll tell them about the treehouse incident," Gary said, throwing his hat in the ring.

Damian flipped 2 pages back, "Gary the Treehouse incident was your fault, you were just jealous I was taller than you, you want to bring up that, the sandwich incident is in here, don't try me."

Gary looked like he bit into a lime, and Green laughed, "Oh I remember that one, Daisy was not happy that day."

Misty gave one more shot, "Well well Ash needs to...umm... Buy me a new shirt."

Everyone looked at Damian as he looked at a note in the book, "Nope nothing on that."

"Ha that means I win," Misty said triumphantly, but then Damian flipped a page.

"Misty I know it was you, sure I'll buy you whatever you asked for, it was probably a shirt or some pants, also tell Pikachu to put the Ketchup down."

Everyone blinked and looked back and saw Pikachu had a bottle out of nowhere, "There is no way he wrote that."

Damian flipped the book and on the page was that exact wording, and on the bottom was 'If they deny this, show them'.

"Wow, are we really that Predictable,"

Damian flipped the page in front of them, on it was a large 'YES'.

Misty sighed into her hands and Green spoke up, "Alright I'll go with Tempest to clear the Boats."

"Ok we wasted enough time doing this bit, I'll go too," Gary volunteered.

"Very well then, I'll go as well and I'll take Lapras to guide everyone to safety," Lorelei said.

"I will search for Darwin and the two gym leaders, the rest of you should calm everyone down, panicking will only make things worse, be prepared to battle some grunts," Damian said then looked at Yellow and handed her The Pokeball.

"He didn't say this but I assume he wants you to keep his Abra for this." Yellow nodded and looked down at the Pokeball and gripped it.

Meanwhile, everyone went to do their mission.

5:45 PM - 1 hour and 49 minutes before complete submersion

Two Grunts were walking through the halls looking for any valuables they could take, "Hey man there's nothing here where are all the goods, the jewelry, I'll even take some loose change at this Point."

Grunt 2 looked at his Partner and sighed looking at his antics, "Can you think about anything other than money, seriously we weren't sent here for that, we just needed to see if we could find stragglers."

"Please being a grunt pays about as good as a berry picker." Grunt 1 said flipping over a suitcase and finally finding a single ring, "Finally let's go."

Grunt 2 sighed as he went to the door and before he opened it a stream of water pushed it open and sent him flying knocking him out, Grunt 1 looked at his partner in shock then when he looked at the Door he saw a boy holding a big fish like a gun that just blasted water, before he could move a second blast shot him and knocked him out.

It was Ash he was having Magikarp use Hydro Pump, with his Special Attack of 15 it was strong enough to knock them out but weak enough to not blast their skin off, he walked to their bodies and went into their pockets to find their Team Rocket IDs, then he put them with the other ones for later use, then he took all their Pokemon.

He then picked them over his shoulders and took them to a room with about 15 other grunts. He then took an Abra that one of the grunts had and released it, when it came out it looked more bored with a blank expression.

Ash gave it its ball, "Take them to wherever, then you're free, just break the ball."

Abra looked at Ash and seemed to understand, he could almost hear a 'Thank you' before he disappeared with all the grunts.

Ash sighed and looked at his harvest, he had nearly 50 Team Rocket Pokemon and about 25 IDs, he would need them for later.

He then used his Aura to search for any more Grunts or People, no one was left below deck, and everyone else was above so phase 1 of what he wanted to do was finished.

He now had to find 'that', he released his Water Pokemon and went through a broken wall, without anyone seeing him he jumped out and into the water, then he disappeared as everyone was panicking on the Ship.