
Pokemon professor

John traveling to the world of Pokémon decided to become a professor

Kj5513 · Others
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5 Chs

Trouble in auraran town

It has been a few months since I have sponsored my first set of trainers. I am surprised by what they have achieved in these three months.

There are going to be the future of this generation I am pretty sure about that. Calling the system I look at their stats.

Bzzz bzzz...sponsored trainer stats

Serenity-Fame level: Town

Freire-Fame level: Town

Dracon-Fame level: City

I was surprised that dracon has had the biggest improvements. I just knew that he was gone to stand out above the rest.

System can you tell me what accomplishments each trainer has made.

Bzzz bzzzz....Analyzing data of trainers

Serenity- Has won over 5 contest ribbon throughout her time she has been a trainer.

She has caught a butterfree and plusle and minum. She has also made huge progress for you by finding a new evolution of eevee.

My jaw almost dropped at the amount of surprise I felt from this. 'System can you tell me what the Pokémon looks like that she has evolved eevee into.'

Bzzz bzzz

The Pokémon serenity has evolved eevee into is a quadruped, mammalian Pokémon covered primarily in pale cream-colored fur with pinkish feet, ears, and tail. There are two bows on its body, one on its left ear and one around its neck, from which two feelers adorn it. The bows are pale cream with pinkish centers, while the feelers are pale cream with pinkish and blue tips.

She has taking to calling the Pokémon Sylveon. Would you like me to register the Pokémon in the Pokédex for you.

Yes this will be a huge discovery this will boost our fame in the researcher world. With our poke x being half way finish we won't have to worry about funds every again.

We will be able to compete with other league researchers. We are one step closer to my dream.

I'm going to have to ask serenity to come back to my lab later on for me to run a few test on sylveon.

Now system can you show me what Freire has accomplished so far.

Bzzz bzzz... Analyzing data

Freire- has caught a riolu and chimcar and his budew has evolved into roselia.

The accomplishments he has made in his career so far is saving a few towns from rampaging Pokémon and has become a local ranger.

His biggest accomplishment was stopping a rampaging gyaradoes from flooding a town. He has appeared in a few news articles

That is good we can profit a lot off of sponsoring a Pokémon ranger.

What news do you have on dracon. I'm sure he has the most out of all of them.

I feel that he will inspire many things in the world.

Bzz bzzzz....Analyzing data

Dracon- has caught a bacon and gible. His dratini has also evolved into a dragonair.

He has saved the two legendary eon Pokémon latias and latios from death. By battling team nova and stopping them from using their power to destroy a city.

He has received the blessing of dragons. With this power he can calm down any dragon type and they become more powerful around him.

Hmm that is interesting I will have to talk to him to study up on that topic more. But anyway I have to get back on topic with what I have to do today.

There has been a recent outbreak of combee in the town far left from me called auraran town. They are known for the best honey over there.

The reason I am catching these combee is to build a honey farm inside of my forest biome. So I can make a profit off this idea.

Walking down town I took the train that would lead to auraran town. It would take 20 min to reach my required destination.

Once I arrived there I walked over to the mayors office. Knocking a few times until I heard a voice telling me to enter.

'Hello mr mayor I am the local professor John and I have come here to help you with your combee problem.'

The mayor explained to me that the combee have been terrorizing the town for a while. They are unable to go out into the forest to collect the honey they need to sell to make a living due to combee being to aggressive.

Walking out into the forest I came across quite the disturbing scene. A sworm of combee was attacking a poor kid.

Throwing out tyranitar I told him to use flamethrower. A powerful streams was sent out at the combee.

Leaving them each fainted. Throwing out a few pokeballs and catching quite a few of them for my farm.

Using the new gadget I made for the poke x. I transported each Pokémon back to my lab.

Walking over to the kid I picked him up and quickly ran to the nearest hospital. The nurse told me he would be okay the girl will wake up by next morning.

Letting out a breath of relief as I felt the worries leave my body. Getting back up I decided to venture into the forest even more to find the root of the problem.

Combee are just not aggressive like that. Unless there is a problem causing it.

Going back into the forest I walked further in until I came across quite a scene. There was a giant tree in the middle of the forest.

Seeing combee fly into the tree. I determined the root of their aggression was in there.

Deciding to take a risk I climbed the tree and entered into the nest of the combee. Inside I found a powerful looking vespequeen inside of the area.

Taking a closer look I saw she was hurt. Upon further inspection I could see that it look like burn marks on the vespequeen's body.

Trying to walk over i was surrounded by a swarm of combee. Placing my hands in the air I told them I wanted no harm.

Seeing them observe me for a few seconds to figure out my intentions I let them. Finally after they all backed off from me I walked over to the vespiqueen to try to help.

Taking out burn medicine I applied it onto vespiqueen body. Looking at her twitch in pain.

I assured her it was going to be okay it's just the medicine kicking in. After a few moments all the wounds cleared up and vespiqueen felt good as new.

Asking her how she got these wounds. She described a whole battle scene to me of how she was in this tremendous battle with a blazeken.

She had the upper hand at first until. Blazeken activated flame body and burnt down everything in its path.

Asking her could she have her combee to stop attacking the travelers. If I were to stop this blazeken.

She agreed to my suggestion. So I went out on my way to find blazeken.

After walking for about 15 min I found a blazeken resting next to a tree. Walking up to him I gently tapped him and asked him to stop harming the combee in the area.

Seeing him not wanting to listen. I threw out tyranitar and prepared for a battle.

Battle start:

Tyranitar let's start things off with earth power. A giant eruption under blazoned formed as it kicked him into the air flinging him into a tree.

Blaziken getting back up was madder than ever. Letting out a roar flames erupted around him as he rushed toward and aimed a fire punch at tyranitar.

Looking on at the sight calmly I told tyranitar to catch it. Tyranitar stretching his arm caught the punch stopping blazeken in its tracks.

Blazeken trying to pull his arm back but to no avail. Looking at the sight I told tyranitar to use brick break on blazeken.

Tyranitar building up force in his arm as he slashed blazeken. Sending him flying back into a tree.

Blazeken still thinking it had a chance to win put all of its power into a flamethrower in an attempt of harm tyranitar. I just gave out the command for him to take it.

After a few seconds the flames cleared. To show an uninjured tyranitar standing tall and mighty.

Blazeken on his last knees looked ready to faint at any moment. Tyranitar use slash on blazeken.

A whitish glow surrounded tyranitar claw as he rushed over to blazeken. Who had no time to react and was sent flying through a tree.

Battle end:

Walking over to him I took a pokeball out and threw it. Waiting for the three ticks I picked up the pokeball and made my way back to vespiqueen.

'Vespiqueen I have captured the Pokémon that has injured you.' Now you can let the rest of the travelers come in peace.'

With that said I made my way back to lab. To heal blazeken and the rest of my pokemon.

After a long day I went to my room and got ready for bed.