
Pokemon: Pallet Town's Genius

A 17 year old guy called Colson from Earth gets a second chance at life, but in a completely different world with different customs and new creatures. Lets see what his journey will bring us and what he will achieve as the twin of Green in Pallet Town ______________________________ This fanfic is made by me on this account. If seen anywhere else, it's a copy and paste. Colson will not limit himself to the gyms in Kanto and will join another league! But you will have to find out your self :) Pokemon is owned by Pokemon co, and the only thing I own are the MC and my OCs. Im a busy boy so don't expect a stable upload schedule but I will try my best to upload a few chapters a week. Also no colour or talent system. This story will be based on the anime with a sprinkle of the games and a pinch of au. Things like ways of evolving, the age of some characters, move mechanics, and what Pokemon can mega will be different. Comment if I made a grammar mistake as it's my first time writing any stories outside of the quick narratives I wrote at school.

Cabrera4 · Others
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48 Chs

Training The Boys [23]


Typing through phone: -Hello Green!-

I'm currently re watching the Pokemon anime! I'm currently on episode 11 as I type this. This is to help me with writing and because I genuinely loved the anime.

Everyone reading I have a power stone goal for a bonus chapter!

200 Stones = 1 chapter

Also leave a power stone and don't forget to add this story to your library!


Now with my Bulbasaur and my new team member Growlith we proceed to start making our way to Viridian City as it's still a few hours away.


It's been half an hour and I've decided to take a break from walking and start training both Bulbasaur and Growlith personally. I'm also gonna let Monferno and Gabite work on their moves more as I don't want to start upgrading their stats yet because I still need them to master their moves.

So I'm gonna be focusing on my Kanto team right now.

Finding an open space near the walk way to Viridian City, I grab four Pokeballs and proceed to release my team of four.





Quickly telling my first two Pokemon to keep working on what they were doing at our last training session, I pulled over my other two new team members on what to work on.

For my Bulbasaur I've decided for him to start upgrading his stats and core more as most of his moves are already mastered. With his only non-mastered moves being skull bash or leafstorm the rest aren't gonna be needed for now as they can just be ignored for a while.

So I'm gonna be feeding Bulbasaur a decent amount of grass and poison resources of the E grade for a good amount of time while training his stats.

Growlith is gonna be a tough one. My plans for him is for him to improve his mastery of his moves first of all, as he needs to at least be able to use moves before he can start battling seriously. I have a few notes on how to train his moves which should be able to help me for a while till I get TMs.

I'm not gonna be using him for the first two gyms anyways, so this will be a good time to try to improve his moves and then his stats. But I might still use him for low level battles to get him more experience.

So for this training session I'm gonna be making Bulbasaur work on his strength and his core, this is because hes gonna be walking around with me training his coordination anyways. With his speed being doubled by his ability with a bright sun, it's safe to say I won't need to work on speed with Bulbasaur in a while.

For Growlith it's gonna be a little bit different though. I need to help him work on his core more as he's actually gonna be decent at both physical and special attack. So I can kinda train him like Monferno.

Of course not exactly like him because he doesn't have hands, but I can almost train him the same way besides for all of the punching methods which makes my training job way more simpler. So using the training techniques I've made through trial and error training Monferno.

I helped Growlith with his effectiveness with his Ember and Bite and after a few good few minutes of effective training, his bite upgraded into an intermediate move.

While this was happening I felt a vibration in my pocket, noticing this I grabbed my Poke phone out of my pocket to see a notification on Pokebook.

Cynthia: -Hey Green, hows the first day of being a trainer so far?-

Seeing this I smile, quickly typing back.

C. Green: -I'm doing pretty well so far, I caught a Growlith for my first Pokemon. How have you been today?-

Not even a few seconds later I see a reply.

Cynthia: Your Growlith must be so fluffy I'm jealous! Besides the boredom of doing paper work because of being the Champion, I'm doing quite excellent.-

Eventually after a while of talking I start to hear something in the distance behind me. Looking towards the distance I proceed to say bye to Cynthia as I start to recognise the person in the distance.

On top of a car with multiple cheerleaders can be seen the one and only.

Gary Oak!

"Green!" Gary can be heard shouting from a decent distance away. "You bastard you had a headstart!" Hearing this I start to stiffle a laughter as his car starts closing in.

Soon after him saying this I retrieve all of my Pokemon besides my Bulbasaur as the little seed Pokemon curiously looks at the car behind my legs.

Gary's car after a few more seconds arrives in front of me.

"Hop on Green, we won't need prior training to beat the first two gyms I'd say after watching their videos" Gary says smugly. "they are pretty much push overs"

"Yeah, from what I could see the Cerulean sisters are total newbies in battling." I retort as I hop onto the car.

"How many Pokemon ya got so far?" Gary questions.

"Two so far, I'm not gonna catch too many Pokemon over the number of 8 for Kanto." I say "I mean you probably already filled your team with random Pokemon anyways." I say laughing.

A few minutes into the drive Gary randomly stops driving.

"Green I'm gonna go catch a Scyther real quick." He says.

Nodding I start to get out of the car wanting to watch this battle. Gary getting up to the Pokemon, Gary throws out a Pokeball

"Fearow!" Gary calls out as the red beams start to form a bird like Pokemon.

After a while of back and forth between the two Pokemon Gary finally is able to get Scyther low enough to catch the bug Pokemon.

"Heh, I bet Ash won't be able to catch a Pokemon on the way to Viridian City" Gary says smugly.

"What's your deal with the Ash kid anyways?" I say to Gary as the both of us walk back towards the car.

*40 minutes later*

"I'll see you later Blue I got some buisness in the Orange Islands!" I say as I start heading off to the teleport centre while waving at Gary in the distance.

"Cya green! Message me when ya get the Pokemon your aiming for!" Gary shouts back

'Next destination Sunburst Island.'


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