
Pokemon: Pallet Town's Genius

A 17 year old guy called Colson from Earth gets a second chance at life, but in a completely different world with different customs and new creatures. Lets see what his journey will bring us and what he will achieve as the twin of Green in Pallet Town ______________________________ This fanfic is made by me on this account. If seen anywhere else, it's a copy and paste. Colson will not limit himself to the gyms in Kanto and will join another league! But you will have to find out your self :) Pokemon is owned by Pokemon co, and the only thing I own are the MC and my OCs. Im a busy boy so don't expect a stable upload schedule but I will try my best to upload a few chapters a week. Also no colour or talent system. This story will be based on the anime with a sprinkle of the games and a pinch of au. Things like ways of evolving, the age of some characters, move mechanics, and what Pokemon can mega will be different. Comment if I made a grammar mistake as it's my first time writing any stories outside of the quick narratives I wrote at school.

Cabrera4 · Others
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48 Chs

Lucario [41]


300 Stones = 1 chapter

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Deleted all of the old notices incase you guys wondered why the chapters seemed to have lessened!


Just before Caitlin's butler which I found out was named Darach while talking, could teleport us to Caitlin's place. I lock the door and retrieve my Clefairy and Duskull, which I have no idea what they were doing or where they were as my house was getting broken into by the way.

"Everyone, stand next to Gallade." Darach says as Gallade started to build up psychic energy


"Gabite, Dragon claw!"

I shout as a Houndoom can be seen charging at a Riolu with its mouth conducting electricity.

Gabite quickly hearing my command, uses its full speed to interrupt Houndoom and hits it with a Dragon claw sending it back a decent distance.

Houndoom now a little hurt from the attack starts to position itself to attack.

"Houndoom, foul play"

"Gabite, mud-shot then dragon claw!"

Gabite quickly using a mud-shot, starts to send over ten mud-shots in the direction of Houndoom. Houndoom dodging the mud-shots with flame charge, starts to use its superior speed to get next Gabite and start to attack it with foul play making a small smoke cloud.

"Metang, meteor mash."

An irritated voice can be heard instructing her Pokemon.

"Riolu, Vacuum wave against the ground into an aura sphere!"

Riolu getting the memo quickly uses a vacuum wave to propel itself upwards dodging the incoming attack while channelling aura into its palms.


The blue Pokemon shouts as it descends on top of Metang with an aura sphere creating a huge shock wave.

A few metres away, a small smoke cloud starts to dissipate as two Pokemon can be seen wrestling with vigour.

"Gabite, use aerial ace to escape and use sand-attack!"

"Houndoom, pursuit!"

Houndoom now in a rough state because of rough skin starts to channel dark energy.

An exhausted Gabite uses aerial ace to make distance while using sand-attack at the same time.

Houndoom now engulfing itself with a black hue starts to chase after Gabite like a tracking missile. Unfortunately for Houndoom though, it gets hit with multiple sand attacks while in pursuit causing it to panic and release its state of speed.

"Gabite Rock-Tomb!"

Houndoom now in an awkward position of being out in the open with not a lot of stamina left, could only dodge a few boulders before getting hit by one it couldn't dodge at the left side of its body sending it a few metres away.

"Metang, use psychic"

Caitlin shouts as Metang starts to get a pink hue in its eyes.

Psychic energy starts to engulf Riolu and Gabite as they're sent crashing at each other making both of the Pokemon flinch.

"Houndoom, dark pulse!"

"Metang, confusion!"

Seeing that Riolu is tired, I get Gabite to cover for him.

"Gabite, get infront of Riolu and use Protect!"

Gabite making a protective barrier gets a direct dark pulse being engraved into it. The confusion in the mix gets cancelled out by Houndooms attack, but before anything else can happen a sudden bright glow starts to surround Riolu.


The emanation Pokemon shouts as a bright white circle starts to emerge from its body covering the Pokemon.

The evolution taking place made such a strong shock wave, that it sent all three Pokemon away in a sudden burst making Gabite and Houndoom faint.

After a few more seconds, the bright glow starts to dissipate as a taller and stronger Pokemon can be seen standing there with its arms crossed.


It shouts using indimidate.

'Amazing.' Everyone thought inside their head when they saw the new form of Cynthia's Pokemon.

"Lucario, use vacuum wave in your feet then use aura sphere!"

Cynthia shouts, getting out of her stupor.

Lucario nodding immediately uses a vacuum wave at the bottom of its soles, catches Metang off guard and finishes it with another loud explosion.

"Metang!" A girl shouts shortly after the attack, running towards the downed metal robot "You cheater. You evolved your pokemon and caught me off guard!" Caitlin shouts as she starts to use a full restore on the poor Metang.

Ignoring the annoying bug, I started to scan Lucario.

[Species: Lucario (The aura Pokemon)

Intermediate Tier (lvl 38)

League: None

Gender: Male

Type: Fighting/Steel

Ability: Steadfast (Raises speed when the Pokemon flinches due to either an attack or surprise because its feet start to channel more energy due to stress), Intimidate (When sent out it lowers the opposing Pokemons will/physical attack without the opposing Pokemon knowing.)

Basic Information: This Lucario is currently extremely healthy and has been trained in multiple ways, one of these ways is through aura training. It's 0.8 times the size of the average Lucario and is very flamboyant due to it being pampered a lot. It is cloaking itself in aura to quicken and improve its training speed on instinct.

It also has taken E, D, C, B and A grade supplements.]



Beginner: Life Dew,

Intermediate: Iron tail, Brick break (TM).

Mastered: Endure, Feint, Metal Claw, Counter, Work-up, Rock Smash, Nasty-Plot, Screech, Quick Guard, Force Palm, Bullet Punch (Egg Move).

Enhanced: Vacuum Wave (Egg Move), Quick Attack, Swords Dance, Agility (Egg Move), Protect (TM), Earthquake (TM).

Signature Move: Aura Sphere (Natural SM)


Coordination: A-

Strength: B+

Endurance: B-

Agility: A-

Core Capacity: B

Core Potency: B-


[A/N: Incase you guys are wondering why Lucario isn't in a league, it's because the Sinnoh season of the gym circuit has ended, making it possible for Cynthia's Lucario to join other leagues.]

Looking at the monster in front of me, a cold sweat starts to go down the side of my face.

'Damn, what type of luck is this. Not only is this thing a practical monster, It's also a natural healer which makes its normal value sky rocket past a champion level Pokemon. It also is a natural aura user.'

I curse inwardly as I see the Lucario flexing its new body.

But because of this new information, I just got a new idea on how to use my aura. It should be possible for me to coat my aura around my Pokemon as they train to increase their growth, but the problem is how to achieve that.

Retrieving Gabite after healing the poor guy, I silently make my way back to my house as I think to myself on how to improve my aura. It's something extremely useful but unexplored for me because I haven't been fiddling around much with the power.

'Maybe I could buy some aura manuals from rota or something.' I snicker to myself


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