
Pokemon : My Journey

Reincarnated in Pokemon. Living his life to the fullest and enjoying every moment in it. Making his way towards fulfilment. Going on a journey to see his childhood favorite characters. Pokemon is the best. Release schedule: Every Monday and Thursday. I Do not own pokemon The fan art is not mine.

Sumanth_693 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


"Thank you for the trip Captain".I said to the ship captain.

" Take care kiddo".I took my first step on the Kanto region as he waved at me from the ship.

Currently I am in a port few miles away Pallet town.This world was like in the anime a very big one. Although the population was very less, the size of a region was nothing to scoff at. The distance between each city or town would range in between tens to hundreds of miles.

The whole region at most only had a few million in numbers of population. So there were few major cities. The games depicted the region the best. Although population was less it wasn't as less in the game. There were settlements with people ranging from 100,000 to a few hundreds.

Pallet town was also a town with only a few hundreds in population. It only got it's recognition because of Professor Oak. He set up his Laboratory here because it could become a ranch and provide living space for a wide variety of Pokemon.

Professor Oak studied the Pokemon caught by trainers in his lab. I really wanted to meet him as he was the OG professor and looked like quite the funny and knowledge Old man to be with.

After two hours of walking In finally arrived at Pallet town.I finally arrived here. Hehehe, It looked quite beautiful, it naturally blended into the lush green woods surrounding it.

I looked at the Laboratory in front of me as it was the biggest I have seen till now. I quickly made my way to the door and rang the door bell.

"Hello,what do you want? " said a boy with spiky brown hair who was none other than Grandson of Professor Oak, Gary Oak.

"My name is Brendan Birch, I am here to meet professor Oak".I said to him.

"Come in and wait for a while".He said and lead me towards the living room area. Apparently Professor was out and would be back in an hour or so.

" My name is Gary Oak, professor Oak's grandson".He introduced himself and brought some refreshments for both us.

"I know, I saw you bickering with a black haired kid when my dad called professor Oak".I told him that I saw him bickering with Ash.

" Who is your Dad? "Gary asked seemingly intrigued about my father.

" My Dad is the famous Professor Birch of Hoenn region "I said to him.

" So, why are you here? ".

" I am here to start my journey and get a Charmander and deliver some things to professor ".we continued to chat for a while and got know each other. He was not like the prick showcased in the show and was quite fun to talk with.

" Come out Torchic, Ralts".Ralts and Torchic were quite happy to be outside again.

"Raaltss~"" Torchicc~".they snuggled up to me upon seeing me.

"What Pokemon are they? ".Gary asked me with sparkles in his eyes.

"Here see for yourself" I gave him the hoenn pokedex I received from dad. After learning what Pokemon they were his curiosity receded. He also tried playing with them. But upon seeing that Torchic was about to attack him when it saw Gary coming near her, He first tried to calm her down only then did he touch her. It showed that he was quite experienced in taking care of Pokemon.

"Now, I really can't wait to get my first Pokemon" Gary clearly envious said.

"When are you going to start your journey?"I asked him.

" The next batch of starters will come in the next few days, so I will receive my first Pokemon next week with everyone else".So I would have to wait until next to receive my starter huh.After a while Professor Oak came back.

"Grandpa you have a guest".Gary said to him

" Oh, Are you Brendan?, Professor Birch's son".He asked while looking at me.

"I am Brendan Birch ,Son of professor Birch".I introduced myself.

"Wait for a while ,I will be right back after cleaning myself up".He was indeed quite dirty .Must have been snooping around the ranch looking at Pokemon.He came back after a while.

"You would have to wait a while for your Charmander to arrive,You will get it with everyone else .Until then you can stay here as I really would like to study these two little one's here". Professor Oak said.

I stayed in his lab for the next week.I learnt a lot from him. I took care of some of the Pokemon in his ranch. I called Home daily so that Mom and May wouldn't worry too much about me.

He also taught me about Pokemon food and how it should cater to the needs of Pokemon. Pokemon are Herbivores. I repeat Pokemon are mostly Herbivores. why did I say that two times?Because they mostly eat berries and some plants .If they are trained by trainers they mostly get thier food from Pokemon centres or specially prepared food for them prepared by thier trainers.

I honestly don't get why many fics in my past life don't mention it and call them animals that eat other animals. The show and the games clearly mention all the Pokemon eating berries and plants. Heck there are even many episodes in the anime that show them snacking on berries,veggies and fruits. Well whatever.

I already learnt from my dad on how to prepare Pokemon food .So professor Oak only taught what type of tastes and nutrition is required for kanto Pokemon as I mostly took care of Pokemon native to Hoenn region in my dad's lab.

I Met Ash when he came to play with some Pokemon in the Lab. He was continuously babbling about how he was going to be a Pokemon Master. Gary who was present at the time couldn't take it anymore and they started thier catfight.

I let Torchic and Ralts relax this week doing only light training as they would have to go through lot of tough battles and prepared them mentally for it. Professor Oak was also studying them as it was quite rare to see Pokemon from other regions. He also added the Kanto and Jhoto Dex to my pokedex .

Finally the day to officially start my journey came. I was wearing a black pants with a grey hoodie I also tried wearing gloves like Ash did but instantly regretted it and threw them away . Because it wasn't comfortable wearing them all the time. I honestly couldn't understand how the hell he even wore them all the time in the anime.

"Ready to receive your Pokemon Brendan?".Professor Oak asked me.

"Yes, professor I really can't wait to get Charmander". Professor Oak just nodded seeing my enthusiasm.

"All of you will be starting your journey today and receive your first Pokemon which will be with you throughout your whole journey or maybe even your whole life. Remember Pokemon's aren't tools for battle but living beings with intelligence. The better your bond with them the stronger they become. Good luck on your Journey".He gave a small speech to encourage everyone.

"Now go choose your starter".And everyone started choosing thier first pokemon.Gary like In the anime chose squirtle. The other two chose the remaining Charmander and Bulbasaur.

Professor Oak gave me a pokeball containing a Charmander. He had asked the Pokemon league for a Charmander for me specifically. So I was quite grateful to him.

"Come out Charmander". "Charmander~". Charmander stood there looking at me. I could see that he was checking me. It looked quite smart.

"Charmander , I want to become the strongest champion and I hope you will be part of my team".I said looking straight at it.

"Hohooho, you have quite the aspirations Brendan " said professor Oak. After thinking for a while Charmander looked at me agian .

"Chaaar" It said pointing at the pokeball in my hoodie pockets near my waist. Even though they were in my pocket if one observed closely they could tell they were pokeballs.'Hehehe,looks like I struck gold'.

"You want me to battle you and prove it .Ok let's do it". I said as we made our way to professors backyard. Gary also followed us as he wanted see what my Pokemon could do .

"Come out Torchic". "Torrchicc" upon seeing an opponent it looked battle ready as this would be it's first battle outside of training with Ralts.

"Are both sides ready?Now start". Professor Oak became the referee of our match

Upon hearing the professor say start Charmander's claws glowed and started running towards Torchic.

"Torchic Growl" I issued a command and waited until Charmander was near Torchic.

"Now jump and use Peck on it's head". Charmander fell backward upon receiving the attack but regained it's balance by doing a backflip. And used Metal Claw at point blank range which Torchic easily evaded. After training with Ralts who used teleport to attack from any direction almost instantly it was already used to receiving attacks at point blank range and dodging them came to it instinctually after a lot of trashing it received from Ralts.

"Torchic Ember ".Which Charmander tried to dodge."Now scratch" But what it didn't expect was to receive an attack while trying to dodge one and got hit by Torchic.

"Finish it Ember".Charmander fainted after receiving the attack right at it's face.

"Good work Torchic".I praised her and she was quite happy about her first victory outside of training.

I gave both Charmander and Torchic's Pokeballs to Professor to heal them and it would take some time to heal them completely which was mostly Charmander as it was the only one who received damage and Torchic was a little tired after the battle. So it would be fine after a quick rest.

"Congratulations Brendan. See you in the Indigo League". Gary congratulated at went ahead with his journey fire burning fiercely in his eyes after saying farewell to his Grandfather.

"Here , Charmander and Torchic are all healed up. Good Luck on Journey do call me if you need any help" Professor Oak said.

"Thank you professor, I will call you if I need something"I said and looked at Charmander after bringing Torchic back to its pokeball .

"Ready to start our journey Charmander" ."Chaarr" and happily went into it's pokeball.

"Professorrrrrrr" Ash came barging in his pajama's as he looked towards professor Oak with hopeful eyes. I already knew what was going to happen so I didn't stay anymore.

"Good Luck Ash "."Good Luck to you too Brendan".After wishing him I went on with my journey.



I will try to upload atleast 5 chapters per week but don't count on it.

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