
Pokemon Modifier

Thirty years old, he is an otaku. His job is to sell custom pokemons online. He just received a big order, and before it was completed, his soul went to the real world of pokemons. With a newly modified bird with its own “picking up” feature, And a cheat that can modify the shiny, characteristics, and individual values of pokemons. But, who can tell him why the golden finger is only half? ! This is another translation fanfic. This time a pokemon fanfic. i hope you will like it.

Blaze987 · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 17 Mysterious Orb

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As Hu Yang perused the assortment of Evolution Stones, he noticed a stark difference in their pricing compared to other Pokémon items. Evolution Stones, being rare and unmanufacturable, commanded significantly higher prices. A single Normal-quality Fire Stone, for instance, could fetch up to three thousand Alliance Coins.

After carefully surveying the offerings, Hu Yang managed to acquire the items he needed: Thornberry, Bubble Rock, Big Root, and Yaojinguo. With his purchases secured, he descended the stairs, only to be drawn to a bustling area nearby.

Curious, he inquired, "What's happening over there?" A nearby staff member explained, "That's our mall's free market, where trainers can buy, sell, or trade items they've collected during their journeys."

With time to spare before returning to school, Hu Yang ventured toward the commotion, his bag in tow. In the distance, a vendor's enthusiastic call caught his attention: "Magikarp, Magikarp, Magikarp with extraordinary potential! No longer 998, just 100 Alliance Coins, and you can take one home!"

Hu Yang blinked in disbelief, muttering to himself, "Why are they selling Magikarp here?" Examining the Magikarp in a water-filled tank, he couldn't discern any remarkable qualities.

Undeterred, the vendor approached Hu Yang, grinning as he introduced the Magikarp, "These have been carefully selected. Once you bring one home, it will evolve into a powerful Gyarados without the need for breeding!"

Hu Yang raised an incredulous eyebrow, thinking, "Do they take me for a gullible child? My own Cramorant can fetch several Magikarp in a day, and I don't have to spend a single coin!"

The vendor, observing Hu Yang's lack of interest, couldn't help but appear crestfallen. Ignoring the Magikarp salesman, Hu Yang continued to explore the offerings of other vendors.

The diverse crowd included trainers of all ages, from recent adventurers to teenagers and seasoned veterans. The items on display varied greatly, from rare Berries and wild-found evolution stones to Big Pearls and Pokémon sheddings.

One peculiar item for sale was Gyarados scales, reputedly acquired from the Magikarp's body. These scales were rumored to expedite Gyarados's evolution.

Hu Yang also encountered stalls featuring antique-looking pottery, their origins steeped in mystery. Intrigued, he perused these items and employed his identification skills to learn more about their histories.

Coming to a cluttered booth, he spotted an orb roughly the size of an adult's fist. The orb exuded a dark purple hue, emitting peculiar rays beneath the mall's incandescent lights.

Turning to the stall owner, Hu Yang inquired, "Sir, what is this?"

The vendor, wearing a tattered gray jacket and sporting a rugged beard, had a rugged appearance reminiscent of a construction worker. His initial response was to bristle at the address, retorting, "Who are you calling 'sir'?" Apparently, he took offense at being addressed as such, considering he was only eighteen years old.

Hu Yang, momentarily flustered, blinked at the unexpected reaction. He had initially contemplated referring to the vendor as "big brother," but he realized it might be inappropriate for a ten-year-old child to address a man in his thirties in such a manner.

After this brief exchange, the vendor sighed and elaborated, "That item is a treasure I unearthed from an ancient ruin. Would you be interested? I'm offering it for a reasonable price—two thousand Alliance Coins."

Hu Yang was taken aback, his brow furrowing. "That seems rather expensive. You wouldn't happen to be trying to hoodwink a child due to your 'old' appearance, would you?"

The vendor, temporarily at a loss for words, eventually managed to stammer out, "I'm only eighteen! My rugged appearance is a result of my numerous adventures in the wild. As you can see, I'm a professional adventurer who excavates ancient ruins concealed in remote areas."

To support his claim, the vendor produced a document from his pocket, which Hu Yang briefly reviewed. Grudgingly, he conceded, "Fine, your background checks out. Nonetheless, your asking price is still too steep for me."

However, as Hu Yang began to walk away, the vendor hurriedly interjected, extending a hand and proposing, "Alright, alright! I'll accept a reasonable offer—how about one thousand Alliance Coins?"

Hu Yang was intrigued by the vendor's eagerness to sell. "Are you in such a hurry to part with it?" he asked, genuinely surprised.

Momentarily flustered, the vendor tried to regain his composure, smiling slyly as he replied, "Not at all. I just think it suits you."

Hu Yang squinted his eyes suspiciously. "Two hundred Alliance Coins."

"That's too low!" the vendor exclaimed, shaking his head emphatically. "At least five hundred!"

"Then I'll pass," Hu Yang retorted, unfazed. His interest in the orb stemmed from its identification: [Orb by Curse]. This ancient artifact concealed a mysterious power that attracted Ghost-type Pokémon. If a Ghost-type Pokémon spent enough time with it, there was a substantial chance it would learn potent new moves.

Even though he didn't currently possess any Ghost-type Pokémon, he foresaw the item's potential value in the future. It was one of those rare items that might only come along by chance, not through dedicated searching.

However, it seemed the vendor, in his haste to sell, had inadvertently lowered the price far below its actual worth, hoping to deceive an unwitting buyer.

True to expectations, the vendor couldn't bear to part with the orb for a mere two hundred Alliance Coins. "Alright! Two hundred it is! Take it!" he conceded, the tone of his voice laced with defeat.

Hu Yang accepted the orb and scrutinized it, half-expecting it to be a counterfeit made of glass. With a wry grin, he remarked, "You're not trying to sweet-talk me into paying more by complimenting me, are you?"

The vendor chuckled and replied, "Haha, just trying to make a friend!"

Hu Yang smirked, then turned to leave after paying the agreed-upon two hundred coins.

As he left, the vendor couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and satisfaction, quickly packing up his wares with the intent of relocating.

Hu Yang, meanwhile, returned to school and placed the orb on his desk. Following the instructions from his book, he prepared nutritious meals for Budew.

Having lived alone in his previous life, he'd honed his culinary skills to perfection. The delight evident on Budew's face affirmed that the Pokémon was thoroughly pleased with the nourishing meal.

With a breeding plan detailed on paper, Hu Yang geared up for the next step. He understood that the nutrition absorbed by the body necessitated proper training and exercise to maximize its effects, gradually enhancing Budew's overall health.

As he wrapped up the plan, evening approached, signaling the arrival of bedtime. With another day of classes ahead, Hu Yang quickly showered and settled into bed.

Unbeknownst to him, as he drifted into slumber, a dark purple mist began to emanate from the orb on his desk, gradually coalescing into a spherical, deep purple figure.

Simultaneously, the room's temperature plummeted. Budew, nestled beside Hu Yang, shivered involuntarily at the abrupt chill. Cramorant, unaffected by the change, continued to slumber soundly.


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