

Pokemon has different natures that affects their overall attitude, Mine just happens to be.....mischievous?

Susan_Tandog · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Trainer facility

2 days later we arrived at an island with purrloin on my shoulder

All things consider I finally felt my heart being calm around purrloin

"Nya" the purrloin looks around curiosly dropping off my shoulder

Having bonded with her on the ship and plus the fact that I'm her food supplier the purrloin loosened up to me

Though she has a habit of ordering me around....

"Attention students please head to the main hall for our program" a voice was heard through a speaker

"Let's go" I muttered following some of my peers to the main hall

Entering in a large building I arrive at a theater like place and took a seat on the middle

While purrloin entered her pokeball

"Good morning students as you may all know this is the regional trainer facility tasked with training all of you" a guy dressed in a suit said

"We are located on a inhabited island to prevent some disturbances...."

So we're just here locked up in an unknown island to train mystical beasts?


Tuning out the guy infront of me I wait till the speech was over and finally

"You may head off to your dorms now" the guy said

It's over!

Stretching my arms I once again followed my peers to the dorms located at the far right of the island

Arriving in, My eyes was looking down at a slip of paper given to me

'Room 12'

Nice I got the first floor

Smiling at my luck I head to my room

Unlocking it I put my stuff at a bed and looked around

it was pretty small compared to my old room but it is manageable

I let out purrloin and let her be comfortable at my new room

Time skip (next day)

Dressing myself up I head to my classroom not wanting to be late

"Nyaa" purrloin followed along

At the way there I noticed two students fighting each other with their pokemon

It was a Zubat and a Sandshrew

At first I thought Sandshrew would be losing since type disadvantage and all

but to my surprise it's winning!

Using sand attack the Sandshrew hurls sands at the Zubat which countered with gust

Then the Sandshrew digs to the ground before Zubat could attack

It stayed quiet for a few moments but since Zubats have good hearing hiding underground won't work

Suddenly the ground trembles and Sandshrew appeared spinning it's body rapidly

As if expecting this the Zubat flapped it's wings and a huge gust appears

unfortunately for Zubat the Sandshrew only slowed down before getting hit by rapid spin

The Zubat was knocked backwards but manages to stabilize itself

Taking this opportunity the Sandshrew rushed forward and it's claws glow bright

Reacting quickly the Zubat flew away and used absorb

The absorb hits and managed to take back most of the hp it lost

This time the Zubat moves first and uses supersonic and it screeches loudly making Sandshrew grabs its head in pain

Zubat then swoops in and uses astonish making Sandshrew flinch

The Sandshrew looks annoyed but can't do anything as it clutches its head

The Zubat continues to attack with supersonic and astonish and later on wins....

That was just...dirty

"Grrh fight me fairly!" The Sandshrew's trainer looks as much annoyed as his pokemon

"You just can't handle tactics" The zubat's trainer shrugged

"Ring~ ring~"

"See you never" The zubat's trainer leave

"Oh right class!" I exclaimed and rushed to class

Arriving while panting I moved my gaze infront

"...late" A old uptight lady said

putting my head low I sit in a random seat

"As we were talking I am gonna arrange you into your official classes" Saying that the old lady tooks out a crystal looking ball

"Starting from alphabetical order take out your pokemon and have it touch the glass" The old lady continued


"First, Arlet!"

"Here!" A student stands up and I recognized him as the zubat's trainer just a while ago!

Arlet moved confidently and released his pokemon from the ball with a flash

Zubat appeared and Arlet gestured to the glass

Zubat didn't hesitate and touch the crystal ball

It glowed with a bright light effectively blinding us

After a while the bright light calmed down revealing the crystal ball now with a blue color!

"Hmm good potential, Rayquaza" The old lady said


Oh it works a bit like my system but it just shows the potential

"Next, Sid"

The old lady then continued with the next one until it was my turn

"...Nameless" The old lady muttered loudly and the students looks suprised

Smiling wryly I released Purrloin, I didn't look nervous as I already know her potential

Purrloin looks confused at first but I explained and she then touches the crystal ball

The crystal ball glows then calmed down to reveal a light green color


Oh same class as that Zubat trainer

"Ring~ ring~"

"Ok you may go now, Real classes starts tomorrow" The old lady said

Going outside I decided not to return Purrloin but instead explore the facility with her