

Pokemon has different natures that affects their overall attitude, Mine just happens to be.....mischievous?

Susan_Tandog · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

I'm not a furry?!

"Double team!"

"Purr" Purrloin shakes it's body for a second before turning into 3 copies of itself

I say copy but it looks pretty.... horrible

the 2 copies of itself looks nothing like Purrloin with only some few resemblances what's more the copies aren't even stable and glitch out sometimes

Even Purrloin looks embarrassed

Sigh you might be wandering what I'm doing, Well after roaming around the facility I noticed a big building that said training hall

It peaked my curiosity and I haven't seen Purrloin use her moves yet so why not give it a try

Turns out her moves are quite bad betraying her shallow green potential

"How about yawn?" I said

Nodding her head purrloin opened her mouth and burst of white clouds exited her mouth

The white clouds were huge and was pretty fast as it traveled far away before bursting

Purrloin lifted her chin at this as it's the one attack she's most proud about

I then let Purrloin showed the rest of her moves which is just growl

"Nyaaa~" Instead of growling menacingly she growled in a sort of cute way which makes me feel a bit infatuated

Not in a weird way ofcourse!

[Your Purrloin learned Attract]

See it was just a move I'm not a furry...!

Looking out a window I saw the sun is still up, I guess we can go explore some more

Leaving the training hall with Purrloin I headed to the cafeteria

In my 10 years of living in this world I barely ate warm food and nutritious foods making me a bit frail and short

Thankfully the old maid takes care of me well making me not so frail

Arriving in the cafeteria I rushed to the food and put all kinds of food in a plate

For the first years, Your eating expenses are free with the addition of your Pokemon's food

So I did not hesitate to get plenty of food for me and Purrloin

After getting a lot of food I found a seat and started eating


Taking a bite of a sandwich I felt the soft tasty texture of the bread which was nothing like the old rough bread I had back in the mansion

Looking at Purrloin I saw her enjoying a sweet and soured fish

Half an hour later we both finished and I lost the motivation to explore so I just headed back to the dorms

Though halfway there I saw the Zubat's trainer and the Sandshrew's trainer again

"Fight me again b*stard" Sandshrew's trainer said

"Scurry away mouse" Zubat''s trainer gestures with his hand

"Who are you calling mouse!" Sandshrew's trainer looks annoyed by this while the Zubat's trainer looks amused by his reaction

...Get a room you two

Anyway ignoring the drama I finnaly reached the dorms and I flopped down to my bed

A lot of things happened today and I want to take a rest

Closing my eyes I drifted off to sleep

Next day

Waking up I saw Purrloin sitting up my chest and looking infront of me

Sighing I get up and opened a bottle of milk for Purrloin as for me I eat some bread

After doing all my routines I headed off to my classroom with no distractions this time

"Looks like I'm the first one here" I muttered looking at the empty classroom

Taking a seat infront I waited for the others

Couple of minutes passed by and a dark haired boy came to my sight

Zubat's trainer

With the appearance of the Zubat's trainer another boy came to sight which has blonde hair

Sandshrew's trainer

Both of their clothes looks a bit crumpled maybe they battled again

Another minute passes by and another student came, This time its a girl with light yellow hair

And like so more students came until the bell finally rang

"Good morning everyone" All of a sudden a guy teleported infront of us

Woah!...don't just jumpscare us dude

"I am your teacher Sir. Alan Olhm" Sir Alan. said causing a few students exclaim

"Sir Alan!? The best electric type trainer there is!!!"

Electric? not psychic type trainer???

"Now as today is the first day of class you must introduce yourself infront!" Sir Alan said

"Starting with you" Sir Alan pointed at the yellow haired girl

Standing up her seat she grinned and said "I'm Ena Frits!" while doing a peace sign

"Then you!" Sir Alan pointed at Zubat's trainer

"Arlet lock" Arlet said looking at all of us lowly

"Marsh Troff" Without any permission from the teacher Sandshrew's trainer introduced himself

"Good now then the rest" Sir Alan nodded not minding Marsh

And so all the students introduced themselves leaving only...me


Would they believe me if I said I'm shy?

"Nameless" Sir Alan said

"Nameless!?" The students exclaimed wxceot Arlet and some few others

"Yeah" I smiled wryly sitting back down my seat