
Pokemon: Mischief

I'm crazy in the eyes of everyone but i lower it to blend with the sheep pack. I die because of my adventure but i did not regret it because it's the one that gave my life a meaning the one that makes my blood boil and reveal my true self, being close to death. Now that i am once again reborn and this time unchain by the civilization, let's make the world roll.

Maku_Mark · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


The taming sesion last for a whole night and after the massacre only a quarter of the people are alive among hundreds of participants.

Mark sleep most of that time while having Houndour guard him by his side, the cry of pain around him only act as a luluby improving his sleep.

A whole night of death just a wonderful day for Mark to sleep all the way dreaming about the deaths of those weaklings.

After a while the sun once again shine in the field inside the forest of Island of Misery giving its warm to those people who survive the night.

Grunts started moving around cleaning all the corpse and returning the untame pokemon back at their pokeballs, bringing those who are wounded in the clinic that was inside of a tent as for why no one knows maybe they would be use to do slave work like mining.

The Elite Member with the Victreebel once again speak up to the crowd

"Congratulations for everyone who pass, but dont celebrate to early because we still have 2 more test before you guys became an official member of Team Rocket that would put you on the strongest villainous group of Kanto and Johto region and would be the strongest villainous group in the world soon now for the rankings of the people who tame their pokemon the fastest.

Rank No.1 - Mark 10,000 Merits Point

Rank No. 2 - Sam 8,000 Merits Point

Rank No. 3 - Andrew 5,000 Merits Point

As for the people who past but not rank each of you would obtain 1,000 Merits Point to spend on the things you need in order to survive for the time of the test.

"You can use the Merits Point to buy thinks at the market in every Team Rocket base TM, Pokemon, Evolution Stone, Assassination, Etc anything you put your mind into you can get it as long as you have points"

"Now for the 2nd test, Survive the forest of the Island of Misery for 3 days without dying and if you past this test you would be the lowest member of Team Rocket even if you fail the 3rd Test, Now for those who want to spend your merit point go to the register and for the others go to the forest.

And don't even think avout cheating we have Crobats around watching your every move and if you are caught cheating, your dead" The Elite Member said before walking inside one of the tents.

Mark look at the retreating back of the Elite Member before heading to the register to buy somethings with his Merit Point.

He recall Houndour back to his pokeball and made his way to the grunt that was responsible for the Merit shop.

"Give me the list of the items"

After receiving the list from the grunt he look to the available stuff most of them are TM and Potion some basic needs you need to survive in the wild.

'I don't need any TM for now because Houndours move set was already strong i should just buy some PokeBalls and Potion along with a Tent, Food, And Drinks' Mark Thought while looking at the list.

'Most of the items here are just connected for the accomplishment of the test maybe the other Team Rocket branches have a better list to buy somethings that i need' Mark thought disappointed

"I'd like to buy this things 5 Pokeballs,

10 potions, 3 Antidote, 1 Tent, 5 Days worth of food, bag, and 5 Days of pokemon food." Mark said giving the list back to the grunt.

5 pokeballs - 500 Merit Point

10 Potions - 1000 Merit point

1 Tent - 200 Merit Point

1 Bag - 500 Merit Point

5 Days Food (Human) - 300 Merit Point

5 Days Food (Pokemon) - 500 Merit Point

Total: 3,000 Merit point

Paying the total Mark left the register back on the tree he slept and arange the reward item he receive and the newly bought one in his new bag.


10 - Pokeballs

10 - Potions

1 - Tent

5 Days worth of Human Food

5 Days worth of Pokemon Food

Author: The food already include the drinks if you're confuse.

Ill train Houndour until level 20 before i catch a new pokemon in my group maybe here in the Island because im pretty sure that it have both of the Kanto and Johto pokemon living here maybe even some from Hoenn to build my team, as for the timeline I'll worry about that later when I'm already a Team Rocket member.

After making sure that everything was ready he set off to thee forest going deeper until he was stop by a girl with pink hair and green eyes follow by a little green spider, A Spinarak.

"Hello there, Im Sam and if my guess is right your name is Mark the first person that tame his pokemon" introduce by the pink hairr girl while looking at Mark with eye's filled of curiosity.

"Yes it's me, do you have any business for me?" Mark answer looking at the girl full of interest.

"Nothing really, I just want to see and meet the person who beat me when i train my whole life just for this time, Nice to meet you Mark be sure to survive and lets meet up at the 3rd test of this exam" Sam said before moving past Mark and walking inside the jungle.

"What an interesting girl, is she going to be my new playmate or partner? we will see im really excited for the future, Lets have a lot of fun" Mark said before also moving towards the forest in the opposite direction sam just went on.

He throws the pokeball out revealing Houndour which stand beside him looking cautiously in the trees foor any danger.

"Are you ready Houndour? lets take our first step here in making this world roll and spreading the mischief that i spread before in the Pokemon world"

Mark said while looking at his new partner


Houndour howl in delight looking forward to the adventure she would face along with his new trainer.