
Pokemon: Master of Poison

Follow a trainer who is reincarnated in the world of pokemon. A time where there are no PCs(Pokemon Storage System) invented, no other varieties of pokeballs are created except the normal pokeball, and a time where all the regions are at war. Follow this trainer as he master the art of poison type pokemon, and maybe even master every type of pokemon. P.S. The cover isn't mine, and I just took it from the internet. Did some editing, and here I have a cover. Of course, if the original owner of the cover wants me to remove this cover then I'll gladly do it. If you want a novel that is perfect, and has no mistake then this isn't for you. I'm not perfect, and I might get wrong here and there. The update rate might not always be stable. Also, this is an AU. I don't want to be blamed for a mistake in the timeline, and others telling me that this thing didn't happen in the real pokemon world, and so on. If you accept all of this then come on, and start reading the first chapter! :)

Remoon · Video Games
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78 Chs

Chapter 33

Author's Note:

Here is the extra chapter for reaching 800 votes! Thank you for the support everyone!


"This bracelet was made out of bug type pokemon, and it gives a scent which they like that's why it makes other bug types be friendly to those wearing it. But there are still some bug type pokemon that won't be affected to this bracelet though. It's still great overall." Vanessa explains.

"Thank you but I don't have anything to give in return, older sister." I said while bowing my head. Unfortunately, I can't give them anything since I don't have anything valuable that I can give them, and even if I had one, I won't be giving it to them.

These two twins are easy to control, and they actually gave me a valuable item this quick.

"Don't mention it, and don't worry about giving us anything in return since that bracelet is pretty cheap. It's only natural that we give you something. Anyway, it looks like the person we're waiting for is here." Vedalia said, and then mess up my hair after. This girl likes playing with my hair so much.

I looked at where Vedalia was looking, and found a man wearing an umanori type of clothing. The clothes was colored purple on the top while red for the hakama. The man has black hair with a serious expression while looking at us.

"Miss Vanessa and Miss Vedalia, I'm here to escort you back to the clan. The Mistress is wanting both of you two to come back immediately." The man said.

"Alright, Vane. Let's get going then so that mother won't get mad." Vanessa said, and Vedalia nodded.

Hearing them, it seems like their mother has a high ranking in their clan, or maybe their mother is the clan head. I don't know since this is only a theory of mine.

"We'll be going then, Rem. It's nice to have you as our younger brother even if we only bonded for a bit. I want to let you come with us but the clan doesn't want outsiders to visit at the moment. Anyway, this is good bye." Vedalia said as the three of them take out a pokeball. They threw it, and soon three dodrio came out. They all then rode each of it.

"Have a safe journey, older sisters!" I said while waving my hand at them. I can see both of them smiling while the other man, Vane, was frowning at this. The three dodrio soon run fast, and they're gone afterwards.

After that event, I went to the direction of the pokemon gym, and soon I arrived at the place. I showed the certificate from the buttertree tower to the receptionist, and soon I was guided inside a battle ring.

The battle ring has a bed on the corner, and a person was in there while looking at me, and it was a man. He looks like a young man with deep blue eyes, and his eyes tells me that he is sleepy. His hair was black like everyone from the butterfree tower. He is also wearing the same clothes like Vane but this time he has a different colored top which is black.

"A challenger? It's been a while since I've had a visitor. It looks like the people in the butterfree tower needs more training. Anyway, let's get the battle started. How many badges do you have, kid?" The man said.

"I have one, sir. My name's Rem, nice to meet you…" I answered.

"I'm Vhan. Anyway, this will be a two on two battle. I'll show you the power of bug type pokemon." The man said, and soon a referee arrived.

"This will be a two on two pokemon battle. The challenger Rem versus gym leader Vhan. The challenger has the right to change pokemon in the middle of battle while the gym leader is not. The fight will start in 3… 2… 1… Fight!" The referee then signalled his hand to start the match.

"Beedrill, let's do this."

"Pinsir, I choose you." Vhan said, and soon a pokemon with two giant pricked horns came out.

I looked at pinsir's stats, and found out that it has a power level of beginner level (2nd tier). Even though it's in the bracket of the 2nd tier, it looks stronger than the butterfrees that my pokemon fought in the tower.

The next thing I looked is the abilities. It has the abilities of Hyper Cutter and Mold Breaker. Hyper Cutter makes it so that other pokemon's moves that lowers it's attack stat is prevented but this ability still makes this pokemon lower it's attack stat only by using a move itself that makes it so.

While for the Mold Breaker, this is an ability that helps in ignoring ignorable abilities. For example, a pokemon has an ability which is levitate then that pokemon will be immune to ground type moves but with this ability, Mold Breaker, it will make it so that the pokemon with levitate will still be affected by ground type moves.

The two abilities of Pinsir aren't a problem with my Beedrill. This is because both of Beedrill's ability aren't ignorable abilities. Another one is because Beedrill doesn't use any moves that can lower an opponent's attack stat.

The next thing I checked is the moves that Pinsir has. It knows the moves Vine Grip, Harden, Focus Energy, Bind, Seismic Toss, Bug Bite, Storm Throw, Double Hit, Vital Throw, X-Scissor, Swords Dance, Dig(T), Protect(T), and Rock Tomb(T).

I don't have to worry about the other moves except for one which is Rock Tomb.

The match started, and Beedrill immediately used the move Agility. Pinsir on the other hand used Swords Dance.

Beedrill is much more stronger than Pinsir but the opponent can win if it lands Rock Tomb a couple of times at Beedrill.

Beedrill flew up then started to use her stats boosting moves, and Pinsir did the same by using Harden and Focus Energy.

It seems both of my technique and Vhan's technique is the same. I don't mind though since by at that time, Pinsir won't be able to follow Beedrill's speed because of Agility.