
Pokemon Master of Marvel (MCU)

A man's life is tragically cut short, but in death, he is given an incredible power. Reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he discovers that he has the ability to summon Pokemon. But this power is not without its consequences, and as he harnesses his newfound abilities, he must also grapple with the weight of his own mortality. With the added ability to use Aura and his emerging psychic prowess, he embarks on a dangerous journey through the perilous world of superheroes and villains, facing unimaginable challenges and making life-altering decisions along the way. Will he be able to navigate this new world and harness his powers for good, or will the darkness hiding beneath the surface consume him? Only time will tell. Join Sam in his Journey to become the Pokemon Master of Marvel.

GJCaesar · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 7

After the situation was as in control as it could be, I made my way over to the lady to see if she was ok, when I got close it seemed that she had finally recovered some semblance of thought and ran towards her dog that was at the entrance of the alley.

"BERT! Bert, can you hear me, come on little guy don't do this to me, wake up..." Crying over the body I made my way over to her to see what I could do.

"Hey it's going to be ok, I can see he is still breathing, as long as we get him somewhere for help he should be fine." Reassuring her. She looked up with her tear stained face,

"Really? Are you sure?" With hope on her face she asked.

"Yeah but we need to act fast, who knows how serious the injury is….." pausing as I jut had a thought, I had 'potions' didn't I? how do I know that they only work on Pokémon? Could they work on a normal dog?

Confused about why I paused I could see the lady looking up at me, with a hesitant tone I responded, "so….. I have a spray that I use when my partner is injured and it works really well treating his injuries, now I have no idea how effective it is going to be, but I would be willing to give it a shot. It may very well stabilise him so we can get him to the hospital."

Getting a eager nod from the lady I secretly pulled out one of the potions I got from my basic draws and uncapped the top. Bending over I sprayed the gun shot wounds and I watched them slowly start to knit back together, it was so remarkable I couldn't look away.

I was startled out of my trance when I heard the lady next to me exclaim in surprise, "What just happened! How could something work that fast, who are you?"

"Oh uh...…ummmm…. Well the thing is…. OH SHIT WHATS THAT?!!!" pointing in the opposite direction.

Seeing her swing around I quickly recalled Charmander and booked it out of there before she could turn back around. Not stopping for another 15 mins before I was sure we had made plenty of space between us and the lady I stopped.

Checking that no one else was around I called my partner out, appearing in front of me I bent down, "so that was a great first time out little guy, we kicked ass and saved that lady and her dog it seems, or at least I hope we did, he was breathing when I sprayed the potion and it must be pretty potent to work as fast as it did. It would have to be pretty strong to work against Pokemon so for a normal animal it may have been a bit excessive, but anyway I'm glad I used it and helped the poor thing.

Lets have a little bit of a look around to see if theres anything else we could do tonight but other than that we might also start to head back, good start for our first night out, we can only go up from here. Gradually making our way back to my apartment we kept our ears out for anything else that may be going on.

Not hearing anything else we made our way into the building, I recalled Charmander before heading inside. Making my way through the apartment making myself some food and a cup of tea, sitting down to think about what happened I called out Charmander to see how he feels after tonight.

Calling out my partner I made some food for him, I had found out that he quite enjoyed spicey fried chicken, pipping hot fresh off the stove, so I had quickly turned into an expert of deep frying, yeah never thought I would see the day that that became a thing.

"So, Charmander, how do you feel after the first night out? We had an alright first night, managed to help someone and save their pet, didn't react the best way at the end there but there's plenty of room for improvement."

"Char, Charmander, char char Charmander."

"Ooo alright i'm going to try and translate, you felt happy?" nod,

"that we saved the lady?" hesitant nod,

"saved the dog?" nod,

"so you are happy we saved the lady but more the dog?" nod,

"and the man who was there?" seeing an angry scowl cross his face,

"you don't like the man and what he had done and was doing?" getting an angry nod from him.

Ah jeez that was a little bit difficult, I really need to learn how to use my psychic abilities, would be so much easier to communicate.

"So I realise I didn't ask you beforehand but do you want a nickname? I'm happy to still call you Charmander if you want but if the idea of a nickname is appealing then I'm more than happy to come up with one." Getting a nod from the little guy I start thinking.

"I'm thinking along the lines of fire related names, maybe like Pyro, or Flare, Cinder" I didn't get much further before he was jumping up and down, "Oh so there was one you liked?" getting a nod, "ok well I'm going to start listing them and you can nod when I get to the one you like."



"Cinder", he started nodding over and over.

"Hahahaha alright then Cinder it is.


LVL 5 (2/25)



BOND: 78%

HEALTH: 100%


MOVES: Scratch(BGNR), Growl (INT), Ember

NOTE: A bond of less than 40% will cause Pokémon to ignore some commands

Wow so just from that whole bonding experience with the fight tonight coupled with working out a nickname for Cinder helped bring us closer, thought I get the feeling that any further advancement will be quite difficult.

"Well then now we have been all over that, how about we get a nice night's sleep, we can rest and recharge and look at helping more people tomorrow. What do you say?" Getting a tired nod from Cinder we headed to bed.