
Pokemon Master(Translated)

Why do Pokemon fight each other in the college entrance examination? Why are they attacking you when you go out? Can anyone tell me what happened to the earth... Don't touch me, I don't want medicine, I'm not crazy! After accepting the setting, Fang Yuan was determined to become an excellent trainer. (The beginning of the novel will be like a slice of life novel but it gets heated up pretty fast, so bear with it for the first 10-15 chapters) (Updates will be sporadic. As said in the title, I am not the author. I'm just a guy with a lot of time and a desire to share this excellent book with my fellow readers. I am unable to contact the author due to language problems but if the author wants to talk with me just leave a comment anytime.)

Fang_Yuan56 · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Chapter 10 : Pokeball

  Outside the Pokemon center--

  Fang Yuan and Eevee came out.

  After waiting for a long time, it was finally over.

  At this time, Fang Yuan was still holding a red and white Pokemon Ball in his hand.

  This was bought by Fang Yuan after activating his trainer ID. Like the Pokemon, the purchase of the Pokemon ball is also regulated. Although the price is not expensive, the quantity that each trainer can purchase is regulated.

  It's like limiting the number of Pokemon that everyone holds.

  Of course, there will be shadows under the light, black markets, smuggling, and other things also exist, but they have violated the law, and once they are found, they are destroyed.

  The information of this Poke Ball has been bound to Eevee, and it can be regarded as the "new home" of Eevee. In the future, during the security check of some subways and airplanes, the security personnel only need to scan the Poke Ball to connect to the Pokemon center network.

  Although the important things are finished, Fang Yuan is a little disappointed now.

  "It's a pity, it seems that there are only ordinary Poke Balls on the market." Fang Yuan looked at Little Eevee in despair.

  "Vee..." Little Eevee also said listlessly.

  Now Eevee's mentality is that although I don't know why I should be lethargic, since the trainer is not happy, I also end up being upset.

  Fang Yuan is sad to put away the Poke Ball. Don't forget that Eevee's evolutionary branches, Espeon and Umbreon, are evolutions based on intimacy, and the type of Poke Ball is an effective way to increase intimacy.

  In games and animations, there are two types of Poke Balls.

  Friend ball, the effect is that the Pokemon that are subdued will immediately become intimate with the trainer, which is reflected in a numerical value.

  The Luxury ball is very comfortable to live in, and the effect is that the conquered Pokemon will become more intimate with the trainer, which is reflected in the efficiency of improving intimacy.

  These two kinds of Poke Balls are amazing, and they are what Fang Yuan wants, and they want to use for Eevee.

  However, it seems that it has not been discovered in this world, or it has been researched out, but it has not been sold.

  The Poke Ball can be said to be a very magical prop. It can be changed in size. When it is large, it has a large palm and is easy to handle. It is reduced to the size of a ping-pong ball and is easy to carry. The main function is that it can make even larger than Human Pokemon can easily enter it, and it is with it that trainers can develop.

  "Forget it, Eevee, let's go." Fang Yuan was tangled for a while, but said helplessly, there will be opportunities in the future.

  Most people may not know what the Poke Ball is made of, but Fangyuan knows that the Poke Ball is just made of different types of berries or alloys, and the Poke Balls made with different types of berries have different effects, the Poke Ball made of mixed metal also has many functions. The most common Poke Ball is the red and white color in his hand, which is the most basic function.

  If Fang Yuan remembers correctly, the core of making Friends Ball is green apricorns.

  As for the luxury ball, he is not clear about it and has not paid attention to it.

  He also knows a little about the materials used for Poke Balls with other effects.

  Moreover, although berries were only produced in secret realms at the beginning, they have now been planted in large numbers, and Fang Yuan is unlikely to miss them.

  "It's just not easy to explain. I don't know the other processes of Poke Ball manufacturing. It would be great if I could cooperate with someone I trust. It would be less troublesome..." Fang Yuan found that a lot of things he knew were restricted. It cannot be transformed into resources to strengthen his Pokemon. It is because the cultural differences between the two worlds are too great. These advantages may only be used after he has a certain status.

  "Don't worry, I will give you a more comfortable Poke Ball sooner or later." Fang Yuan rubbed Eevee's head while walking.

  Next Fang Yuan plans to take it for a walk.

  When many new trainers' Pokemon hatched, they wouldn't be allowed to immediately throw them into training and fighting, and Fang Yuan was no exception. For training, fighting, or something, he felt that at least he had to enjoy his new life. At least until it was the time when the Pokemon was about to complete its newborn stage.

  Although Fang Yuan didn't plan to let Eevee start training and fight in the near future, this does not prevent him from watching other people fight.

  Unconsciously, the two of them came to the public battlefield in Pingcheng.

  Fang Yuan stood in the front-row auditorium near a battlefield. Instead of sitting down, he leaned on the railing and looked at it with interest. At the same time, Eevee's eyes widened, very curious.

  Since the registration of the newcomer trainer status has just ended, many newcomer trainers have gathered here, and there are even newcomer trainers who are already fighting.

  Although these battles are clumsy, they are very capable of touching the hearts of the newcomers, causing them to invest in them.

  Fang Yuan is a trainer. You can come in and watch the game for free if you show your trainer ID. If you are not a trainer, you need to pay an entrance fee.

  However, if Fang Yuan wants to fight, he has to spend money, and he has to pay for renting the battlefield.

  It should be noted that if you want to fight between trainers in the city, you can only go to the public battle venues and the battle halls and clubs approved by the Trainers Association. You will be punished if you play against the roadside for no valid reason or let the Pokemon release moves. The status of the trainer may be revoked for serious cases.

  Of course, you can't play casually in the wild. Every battle between trainers must be registered with the trainer's ID, so most of the battles are conducted in regular venues. These laws are later improved. Yes, although cumbersome, it makes society more stable.


  On the field, a Bellsprout was fighting a Nidoran, Eevee showed a happy expression instantly, as if it had won.

  Um...Eevee is interested in fighting?

  "Like it?"

  Fang Yuan rubbed Eevee's forehead again. He liked this action. Not only did he enjoy it, but Eevee was also very comfortable.

  "Bud~~" Eevee nodded, but then showed a distressed expression, knowing that the end of the match might be another scene.

  "It seems that I think too much, but you are very smart." Fang Yuan smiled bitterly.

  "It doesn't matter, when you grow up a little bit, I will develop a detailed special training plan for you, and then we will defeat everyone."

  "Boo~" Eevee nodded expectantly this time and then continued to look at the battlefield.

  Fang Yuan glanced at the sky and then watched it too. He might have to spend an afternoon here.

  However, he can't flatter the level of these new trainers.

  "Hurry up!" "I believe you!" "Don't give up!" "Stand up!" "Hold on!"

  These instructions are all magical skills...

  Fang Yuan smiled inwardly. Of course, these instructions must be based on the Pokemon's own qualities and the bond between the Pokemon and the trainer.

  Looking at it, Fang Yuan thought about how he should develop a special training plan for Little Eevee...

  Since he has the ability to conceive a set of cultivation plan for grass Pokemon, there is no reason to be stumped by a special training plan.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Fang_Yuan56creators' thoughts