
Pokemon: lazy new life

A typical Australian dude finds himself being reincarnated into the medieval Pokémon world where his new life begins. If you enjoy the story leave a review and some stones are always appreciated I don’t own Pokémon and also don’t own the cover art, if it’s yours and don’t like it up here let me know

Love_dem_fanfix · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Let’s get this over with….

As I was walking back I'd finally started to get my bearings, from the moment I'd woken up I've gone from shock to amazement to anger to fear and finally joy and all this happened so quickly that I feel drained….

Everything just happened so fast…. No time to think how I died…. Or to realize everything I knew is gone, I wasn't upset that it was, it's just I haven't processed my situation or had time to think yet….. about everything.

As I slow my walking speed and see a shady tree and moved toward it, and suddenly stop, pull out a Pokeball from my pocket, and pressed the release… with a pop and some light azumarill came out with a bit of a jiggle.

Gideon" hey mate, can you shake that tree make sure something isn't in it, and then keep a look out I need to sit down and think…

With a "Zuu" and a nod it walks up, punches the tree and all I see are some pidgeys fly off in a huff, I had him do that because, well this is a dangerous world, and I'm not taking any chances with some bullshit luck, like a weedle falling down and spearing me through the head, paranoid I know but better safe than sorry.

As I sit down I pull my knees to my chest and just go over everything that happened to me from start to end, for about 2 hours I sat there in my own head figuring things out.

I then lean back and stare at the sky and watch a couple starly just flying around, and across the dirt path a couple of wurmple, just chilling looking at me, I didn't notice any Pokémon at all on my way to find Magikarp, I guess I was in too big of a hurry, but now I have a bit of a safety net and some time to think…..

I start thinking about what I want and how to achieve it and come up with a list of what I want.

I guess I'll end up with some land being a noble and all which is cool, I would request it near the sea for Magikarp, and later on Gyarados, need some land for houndour to have space to run and a close-by mountain so beldum can have a decent habitat when he evolves, I have so much knowledge on how to build and create things….

But the problem is... None of the tools exist to make the most of it, and I know how to make the tools as well but I need to make more tools just to make those tools….

This world is medieval, with no glass yet, and all food is boiled, yes people eat Pokémon but regular animals exist as well but Pokémon taste way better, but only certain species are eaten like tauros, Pidgey, and swinub, Pokémon mostly leave normal animals, but they do eat them from time to time when there is nothing else….but they mostly leave them alone unless they wander into their territory, same with humans, there are some aggressive species that cause a lot of human death like ariados, gyarados, beedrill, and other predator species, but for the most Pokémon are chill unless you piss them off.

And again, oh god the medieval era!, people are dumb as shit, no indoor plumbing, and for entertainment, pretty much pokemon battles and fucking.... but i'd bet Pokémon battles would get old after a while I think, well no use crying over spilled milk I guess.

Gotta think positive, got my crew who will be beasts in no time, got the knowledge to really have whatever I want if I actually try, but again my goal is a chill life so trying is kinda the opposite of chill, but at least I'm a noble so that's good, the unlimited resource thing is dope as well.

I do understand in this world noble titles are great and all but without any powerful mons to back it up, it doesn't mean shit, luckily I got an amazing crew, and I'll have to recruit a couple more but I got time.

Alright, gotta head back and get this family shit sorted, I'm gonna see if pops will let me build a house by where I caught Magikarp, at least I'll be able to build something half decent, and by me I mean draw up the blueprints and make other people do it while I chill.

So I got up and started to head back home, it's a lot longer when I wasn't sprinting in excitement…..and when I was getting closer just over the hill I saw something I completely forgot about, I live in a mid-sized city, about 100,000 people, I didn't even think of it before but here we are

As I walk through town you can really feel that medieval air, and by that I mean shit and piss, apparently grimer are used for that sort of thing but they smell worse so, it's not much better, no sewage systems in these times huh.

I see people walking around some with a Pokémon, some without but it's comfortable and people seem generally happy, stores are bustling and people are dressed like... saying it kindly medieval cosplay and less nice is they look like hobos, some sort of material that doesn't seem very comfortable and very brown….. different shades of brown….

Pokémon can literally make unlimited silk, why are people dressed in rags? I know nobles use silk clothes, and it's amazing silk as well, breathes well, is durable, and is easy to dye…. So why isn't everyone wearing it? Is it a status thing? Well, what they wear looks like cotton but is poorly handled…and so very brown…

Well whatever, not my problem, I head to the castle and as I walk up I see a guard out and ask him where my father is and he responds with

Guard " he's in the dining hall with his wives and your brothers, young lord"

Fair enough, I head in and as I get to the big double doors I think of something that could be fun, as I suddenly kick in the door with my life-juice strength, and it flies open with a Big Bang.

Gideon " alright old man, I'm back and by now I'm assuming that those two little twat nuggets and their servipers they call mother have made me out to be some sort of wild animal, it's time for my defense, oh and someone bring me some food I'm starving, oh and I'm no longer a vegetarian, give me 3 tauros steaks"

Let's get this over with...