A typical Australian dude finds himself being reincarnated into the medieval Pokémon world where his new life begins. If you enjoy the story leave a review and some stones are always appreciated I don’t own Pokémon and also don’t own the cover art, if it’s yours and don’t like it up here let me know
As the ref on the sides was getting ready to announce the start of shuckles first "real" battle I couldn't help but think a couple of things, first would be how to play this match out.
I could end this match almost instantly if I wanted, which is tempting because I want to show shuckles greatness to the world, I hate people laughing at him because he's my lil homie, a quick power split into power trick and my turtle bug becomes a little juggernaut, he doesn't buff up or anything, it's just an energy shift so he doesn't look any different, but his power is off the charts for his power stage, I watched him physically overpower one of my peoples advanced stage ursarings in a grappling match, and he had only just hit intermediate at the time…..he was so small compared to it, it was hilarious….granted he was maxed out on defence before power trick.
But if I do that... I won't be able to milk much gold out of this..…..I'll play the long game for this fight I think, well as long as I can make it, that little fire monkey looks undertrained, I doubt it will take long to finish this even playing it slow…..I want them to think it was a fluke win
My Shuckle despite not really being a battle oriented Pokémon, he's amazing at it, he has a tactical mind perfect for slow burn strategies, I only know this because I had him "defend" his snorlax plushie from a few of my people to train his general instincts in battle and just let him do what he wanted, after I showed him a few combos he just took to it like a fish to water.
All I can say is if I had to battle shuckle in a "fair" battle with another Pokémon I would probably be fucked, but I'm getting off topic here. I'll make the fight seem as winnable as I can to try and draw in some mooks and take their coin....not that I need it I'm now filthy rich, but you never turn down some free coin, especially if it's from the hands of those uppity douche bags who laugh at my lil home boy.
Ref " are you both ready?"
We both just give a nod and the ref gives the signal at the side of the field with an arm chop "BEGIN!!"
Micheal " let's go chimchar! Finish that stupid thing with a scratch!"
.....a scratch....really….finish it off with a scratch?, I know he thinks lowly of shuckles but does he really not know anything about them?
Gideon " alright buddy I know you're looking to finish this fast to protect snorlax here but I'm going to need you to drag it out as long as possible, I won't let 'em touch him so don't worry about that, so let's start it off with a set up"
We use code words for little combos, saves time because unlike in the anime I don't have 30 minutes to think and speak between attacks, everything is fast paced, that's the main reason I don't normally order my mons and just teach them how to fight.
Shuckle withdraws into his shell for a rollout and charges straight at chimchar, but his goal isn't to hit chimchar, no rollout is more for mobility because shuckles are slow as shit, as chimchar and shuckle are charging at each other they are finally about to come into contact when shuckle just veers around him to keep moving to the middle of the field, chimchar gets a scratch off into shuckle side as a drive by but it does nothing, wouldn't even scratch his shell...
And Michael seems to think my shuckle didn't do it on purpose as he starts to gloat
Micheal " shuckle is really just a bad Pokémon all around, couldn't even hit a rollout on a target moving towards it, why don't you just give now and tell me how to evolve magmar and save yourself the embarrassment"
I just ignore him with a smirk as shuckle makes it to the middle of the arena and stops, pokes his head out for a second and ducks back in. Then he starts spinning horizontally and picks up speed and starts to rise off the ground...and white ropes start spewing out of him in rapid succession like some kind of nightmarish reverse Bukkake party blowing his loads all over the field, nothing like string shot which looks just like it's name a shot of string…..this is sticky web…..ooooo there's the money shot, one of the ropes lands right in chimchars face….gross
And after his loads have been spent he drops to the ground with a thud as a thin brownish energy wave sweeps across the field and tennis ball size rock shards start to float off the ground at random heights and then suddenly vanish...stealth rock, it works differently here, just makes invisible land mines all around the field, and it can hurt ally's if you're not careful, but never can hurt the person who used it…
So the field is set while chimchar is still trying to pull shuckles load off his face, the match was already over before it even began, so I don't see the need to add insult to injury by using everything, I could pile a sandstorm on top but that's more than over kill at this point.
Gideon " alright buddy, hit him with some Covid and then just wait for it to end"
Covid is what I like to call toxic, just a little poke at my old life, no one would understand it but me but it doesn't matter, I think it's funny... no one understands 90% of my insults and puns in this world anways so it's fine.
So shuckle forms 3 purple globs in front of him and spits one straight at chimchar who is about 40 yards away and the other 2 are delayed shot slightly to left and right of chimchar, as I said shuckle has a tactical mind and makes sure to cover his bases, not being a poison type his toxic is less potent than it could be, but it's still pretty good after getting some coaching by gengar on it, it still racks up damage fairly quickly though.
Micheal " dodge it!! And use ember!!"
Why people feel the need to tell their Pokémon to dodge is beyond me, if a Pokémon can dodge it should. That's why I like my mons a little more independent
Chimchar goes for a dodge to his right but takes a glob of poison straight to the face after he does, and now it's time for the panic to set in for Michael as I see him go pale after the toxic hit, he knows he is on a time limit now and the little fire monkey looks a little woozy already..
The monkey keeps trying to get close and shuckle just keeps his distance with rollout for the next few minutes as it drags on.
oh he seems truely desperate, he doesn't want to lose to a shuckle....but don't worry kid you may be the first but you won't be the last, I wanted to drag this out more but i guess this will do.
Chimchar immediately starts to charge to shuckle while firing a couple of embers which shuckle just casually sidesteps…..side rolls….and chimchar has found his first stealth rock as it pops with a bang
It doesn't do a whole lot of damage, but his shoulder doesn't look to flash after that…..he lands in some sticky web as well on his march to my turtle bug, which glued his foot to the ground….. *bang*…..oooo another stealth rock to the back…..they like to float around those nasty little mines…and chimchar isn't looking to hot….back and shoulder bleeding leg stuck to the ground and his face is now a deep purple...man I would say this is an evil combo, but it would only get worse with sandstorm, flash, and being peppered with venoshock powered by a power split or power trick…..
Shuckle is just a versatile nightmare to fight, especially when he gets rolling, he has so many moves to cover himself and even "rest" removes all status effects so...yeah not fun
Looks like the monkey is done as Michael keeps screaming at him to "keep going", chimchar just passes out and the match is over. I don't even look at the kid and just look to his sister who has furrowed brows looking a little upset over the outcome.
The crowd is a mixture between shock and anger….shock that a shuckle won and the anger I'm assuming is because the way people normally battle my way would seem "cowardly", but I honestly couldn't give a fuck what they think, shuckle is standing and the monkey is on the ground so I win….and the ref speaks the words I bet no one in this world has before….after he get out of his stupor of course, which takes a minute.
Ref " shuckle has won the battle"
No cheers rain down on me….only boos and jeers for fighting like a coward, again fine by me….even shuckle is unaffected just slowly making his way up to his bear for a snuggle session, I have to find another way to get him to battle, I can't keep holding his bear hostage like this…..
Micheal and his cronies start whining about how the battle should go to him because I fought like a "coward"…..what a little bitch. So I'll just say my piece and be on my way, the weed I got at home isn't going to smoke itself.
Gideon " alright fuck boy, I won and you lost, get Cynthia to pop around my place tomorrow afternoon so we can hammer out some details about what we are going to do with this deal, now go get your little chimp healed before he dies, I'm heading home for the day"
I ball shuckle and pick up the snorlax and I just turn around and make my exit to the boos and jeers of the crowd, hopefully this hate will lead to more people challenging me thinking it was just a lucky shot, or if they stop the "set up" they would win…..that's right you twats...feed me your gold and hate, I'll take it all..
Oh...there's a small section that are cheering for me, looking like a bunch of noble women with flags With my name on it...I send them a wink and and a follow me nod and start heading home, should be a fun night if I do say so myself…..
It's not like I want a harem or anything, but if I have a gaggle of free, no commitment pussy charging at me ready and eager, who am I to say no?