
A talk

After spending the night with Cynthia I woke up in an upbeat mood, while she only lasted a few hours before exhaustion She was incredibly enthusiastic during the whole thing which brought a smile to my face, she might be a bit of a freak. And I love it.

I left her sleeping to have a shower and head downstairs for some early breakfast and some time with shuckle, houndoom and gengar. I'll have to set some time to spend together, the whole crew but for now I sent out a tug to metagross through our bond letting him know that I needed him, but it wasn't urgent.

It wasn't till an hour later that Cynthia came downstairs with her attendant Anna helping her a little as her legs seemed to be unsteady…..

She and Anna did their best not to moan while eating their breakfast, but I still heard it…. And after some breakfast and letting them settle a little I told them we're heading to little town to get her marmar evolved.

Cynthia seemed a lot less standoffish today but that's only to be expected, for a man, to have some good food, maybe a beer or two and some pussy…..that's a good day

And with my general experience with grumpy women, some good food and a hard dickin usually leaves them far more agreeable afterwards, call it sexist or what ever but it's true.

They looked confused when we entered the back garden, and asked if we would be flying? But that's when metagross made his entrance with minimal fanfare, Anna seemed to scream and faint while Cynthia just kinda let out a loud eep and stood frozen.

I should have warned them about metagross, I'm just so used to him popping up that it slipped my mind. Meh.... So I pick up Anna and have my big m cyborg crab teleport us to outskirts of little town, while I could have teleported straight into my mansion I wanted to walk around a little and see how little town is doing.

Man it's so much better here than at the capital, mostly due to the nobles but another big part is the smell, it's almost always present even with everything the nobles do to try and stop it...it's always faintly in the air.

And as we make our way through I get a lot of friendly waves and "good morning my lord!" And I just take it in stride and nod back at everyone, the people seem pretty lively going about their days.....

And as we make our way to my mansion I notice Cynthia is looking towards the lake...or more specifically the lapras some people are feeding, so I take her over to say hello and give him a pat.

It was about 3 years ago, gyarados brought home a pod of injured lapras of about 30 or so. I don't know why he did, but through our bond I could tel he saved them from a gyarados swarm and decided to offer them a place here, and I wasn't about to make my fish a liar so i accepted them.

They fit in pretty well, even though we had to artificially enlarge the lake and add a few man made caves for them, which didn't take to long, they were a calming salve on an already peaceful town, and I their trills were rather pleasant so again, they fit in well and the people took to them with gusto looking after them.

Over the years gyarados and metagross have brought random packs of Pokémon home that were just looking to chill, from what I know, shits dangerous out in the wild, even for Pokémon, and sometimes they lose their spot to other groups and become hobos, and they if the stumble upon metagross or gyarados and they like them, they usually get brought back to little town after being told what's up….Pokémon respect power so, they listen. But eventually they come to just enjoy being here.

In lake the lake alone there are the lapras, a herd of corsola which are great Pokémon at underwater care, like helping promote seaweed growth and other aquatic plants, there is even a small squad of shellos led by a gastrodon, they just hang around mostly without doing much.

The rest are just more common types like slowpoke and crabby, but there are a few feebass in there aswell, which are slowing bonding with a couple people from what I've told. If they bond properly I'll help them evolve, milotic is as rare if not rarer than dragons so, should be good

But I noticed my fish is home today, I can't wait to see him it's been far to long, he's been running out and fighting like crazy always coming back injured, I can't imagine what could injure him though, in a mock battle he could hold down gengar, houndoom, azumarill AND metagross, 4 on 1 and still hold his own and not lose any ground to them….. of course we had to hold said battles far into the wilderness as the destruction was bonkers.

And I few him approaching as Cynthia is squee's at all the baby lapras that were just born, I know, their cute as fuck. And as my fish buddy rises from the water like the fuck off big kaiju that he is….. I almost forgot how big he was…. Anna seemed to have woken up and passed out again at some point, and Cynthia took one look at my first Pokémon...and she's on the floor….. a bit dramatic if you ask me…

Gideon " hey big man!, it's been far to long, we need to catch up on your adventures… I'll go over you today and do a check up on your teeth as well, I know it's a little early but it won't hurt"

I can feel his joy at seeing me and me being back to take care of him...god aura feelings are heavy.... It's hard to describe being able to actually "feel" their joy and elation, but it's also pretty dope.

Hey this is an opportunity, I'll just evolve magmar real quick while Anna and Cynthia are out cold, saves the fuss.

Gideon " gengar buddy can you find a pokeball Cynthia is carrying that has a marmar in it and pass it over?"

A shadow just shoots out of my shadow and forms into gengar who hovers over her body for a second as he start smiling and a pokeball levitates from under her dress…. Weird place to keep a pokeball but what ever…

As I take the ball, I enlarge it and click the release and with a little pop and a hiss, a magmar is standing before me…..hmm blue potential, nice…..

The magmar looks around for a second and noticed Cynthia passed out and he starts to flare up about that…..until a growl from behind him sounds out, and as he turns to see what's "talking shit" he looks at my titan fish….. heh a creature "made" of lava can sweat huh?, having enough of these shenanigans I order gengar

Gideon " gengar put him to sleep so we can finish up here"

Gengar just nods with his creepy smile and...….puts the magmar in a choker hold….and as the magmars eye look like their popping out of his head and making choking noises, i stifle a laugh

Gideon" not like that you dolt, use hypnosis!"

As a look of realisation dawns upon gengar a quick wave of his hands and magmar is out cold next to his mistress…. Well easy enough

I use my gift to create a magmarizer, which is just a red metal box the size of an incubator with an opening in the middle with what looks like the light of a fire flowing out of it.

So I tap it to the unconscious magmar and he starts to glow, one this they never mentioned about in the anime is the actual sound of evolution, it's not some childish "shiny" noise, no it's the sound of bones cracking and what I can only describe as flesh growing...I will never get used to it, as cool as it is to watch them evolve, it would be better without sound.

And after 30 seconds the unconscious magmar became and unconscious magmortar, quite a lot bigger than his previous evolution…. I can say I just don't like magmar as a Pokémon, a duck faced lava lizard thing? Not my cup of tea.

So I recall Cynthia's new magmortar and stuff the ball into my pocket as I heft Anna and Cynthia up onto a shoulder each and head for the mansion, but not befor I turn back and let gyarados know that we have a crew meeting this afternoon, and to make sure everyone knew I metagross port around and pick everyone up.

As I walk into my mansion the staff come over and start making a fuss about the two unconscious girls, so I asked them to place them together in a guest room and ask them to prepare me some nachos as a snack before metagross comes back from picking everyone up.

After a quick snack, I feel the tug from metagross letting me know everyone is by the lake so I head on out to meet up, and as I arrive I notice everyone sitting by the shore a little worse for wear….a few injuries here and there and there's 2 audino and a blissey pumping them with heals as the wounds close up.

The whole crew just looks at me with joy and I smile back gesturing for them to finish healing first, and I wait for a good 20 minutes before the audino and blissey wave goodbye and head off to do what ever they do.

I make my way to a tree by the lake…..oh I forgot to release shuckle, and so I do and as he comes out he looks around, clearly looking for his snorlax.

Gideon " hey little man, snorlax isn't here right now, but I promise he's safe where he is, we'll go pick him up later alright? I gotta have a chat with the crew, and that includes you"

He looks reluctant but nods anyways, so I made my way and lay my back against it as the crew followed me here, bellossom suddenly jumps up onto my right shoulder sits down with her back against the tree as well.

Houndoom flops down to my right and lays his head across my lap, shuckle just slithers his way up next to my waste and curls up while looking up at me….. what a cutey

Gengar pops out of the shadow and does a few mid air cartwheels before he settles down to my left and sits on his butt and holds his feet. And azumarill pops out of the water and takes a seat next to him

Rhyperior just gets close enough so he would be out of the sun and flops onto his belly while looking at me, while metagross just hovers to his right.

And finally my big fish buddy stretches part of his body out of the water and flops down in front of me about 5 feet away and just looks at me expectantly.

I just hold a gentle smile as I stroke houndooms head.

Gideon " it's been far to long since we were all together like this, I know it's only been a few weeks at most but it's to long In my books, I called us together for that reason at first...but looking around I see we have another problem to address"

While all of them are healed up, I noticed they were all exhausted, not from fighting a battle, but from no rest between battles, they have been fighting and training non stop since the aura guardians incident

Gideon " look guys... I know you picked up on my anxieties about those aura pricks after the randomly pulled out two champion level mons, and you're training so I won't have to worry, but seeing you guys run ragged like this makes it worse, I can see it even in your eyes, your just plain tired..."

Most of them tried to deny is but with a quick disapproving look shut them up as they looked to the floor.

Gideon " you guys are my only family as far as I'm concerned...… the only one in my "family" that I don't despise is pops, and that's more respect than love, but you guys are different….. our bond goes deeper than blood, and I don't know what I'd do if I lost any single one of you, I know the person or Pokémon responsible would die suffering the worst pains imaginable, and my wrath probably wouldn't just go away with that, I'd probably go after their family's and loved ones as well, and I'd imagine it would be the same for you if anything ever happened to me"

As I spoke those last words, all I could feel from all of them was intense anger and hate, it even upset shuckle as he wrapped his limbs around my waste which was funny, but that's just how it is, so I try to calm them down.

Gideon " I know I know, it's just a hypothetical scenario, but that's just it…. I know any one of you would die for me and I both love and hate that…..I love it in the way that you care enough about me that you would charge into hell if it meant my safety...and I hate it that my mad dog attitude may one day force you into that situation….but I can't do much about it, you could say "well just change how you do things".....I am who I am, I respond to jabs with haymakers that's just how I do things….."

I want them all to be safe, they are part of me if that makes sense, but I also know this world is bullshit, people don't just give you things because you ask, there are no friendly neighbours to help you through a troubled time, it's a dog eat dog world with people who have magical animals called Pokémon, you either have enough power to tell everyone to fuck off or you get used or eaten….so I know why they train but I have to monitor it more...I can't let their lives be nothing but fighting and conflict.

Gideon " so from today onwards, weekends are rest time, and that's when we will all meet up and spend time together, no excuses, we will have new members soon and I'll need you guys full hands on deck for that for some coaching....we can't drift apart like this again, I won't let it happen, so today I'm going to be giving everyone a check up and a grooming!"

They all perk up with elation at that, I can feel happiness, as I see metagross and gengar take off in an instant probably to get the grooming gear, houndooms tails is wagging like crazy, even shuckle is doing a little jig of his own to my side…..not sure why though he gets more attention than all of them….. he's probably just swept up in the moment.

As gengar and metagross come back with buckets, rags, bottles and brushes with happiness radiating off them I can't help but be glad for the day that junkie slit my throat….. life was mundane at best, but here? So much more fun.

Gideon " alright who's first!?"


-Cynthia pov-

I suddenly shoot up from the bed and shout"MONSTER!!" With sweat trailing down my face as I look around frantically and noticing I'm in a bedroom of some sort.

As I look around I can see Anna passed out beside me with a peaceful sleeping face, so we weren't eaten by that monstrosity... what was with that strength, it made the other champion Pokémon I've been worrying about look like harmless lilipups...

As I search my dress for my magmars pokeball I start to panic again and search all over and then the bed looking for it as I look to the side table and see his ball sitting on a silver tray….


I let out a sign of relief….. not that magmar would even slow that monster down... I had heard rumours that Gideon had a gyarados…..but that thing?.... No rumours could prepare anyone to see such a sight….

I'll have to talk to him later about it, but for now I'll see what's going on…

As i get out of bed and open the door I notice 2 maids, each standing on one side of the door facing the opposite wall, as if they were waiting for me to come out

Maid " good afternoon lady Blaine!, is there anything we can help you with?"

She said with a cheery smile and friendly attitude and I could tell she meant it…..it's rare for servants to be this upbeat but what ever..

Cynthia " yes would you be able to take me to young lord Gideon? I have a few questions"

Maid " of course lady Blaine, it would be my pleasure!"

With a pep on her step she leads me downstairs and out of the manor and towards the lake where I see that monstrous gyarados laying flat with its head under the shade of a tree and the rest of its body in the lake….

Arceus above look at all those champion ranked Pokémon.... An azumarill, gengar, metagross, houndoom and that tyrannical sea beast…..

And I won't even mention that he's raising a ghost type…. And look at the bellossom and evolved rhydon….what was it called again?…..Rhypona?….Rhperor?…Rhy…Rhyperior…..that's the one!!, Rhyperior!!

Both of them are king ranks, but leaning heavy against champion rank…. But I think Gideon is the real monster here, to have so much power and no one knows….. he's only 15, what would he look like in 2 years…. Speaking of where is Gideon…

As the maid leads me closer to the pack of insanely strong Pokémon without a pause in her step or change of expression I finally notice where Gideon is...


Hanging upside down off some sort of tool hanging onto one of the gyarados's teeth with his feet planted on the roof of its mouth

The gyarados is making obvious sounds of discomfort as Gideon looks to be trying to pull out that tooth….good heavens that thing is going to eat him!!!!

And he screams in Between tugs on the tooth

Gideon " get….out….you…..mother...fucker!!!"

And as he finishes his last cuss word the tooth comes out with a large drizzle of blood and the gyarados's mouth snaps shut!!!!

*passes out*