
Pokemon: Isekai Journey.

Rino is a person who just graduated out of college, as a celebration for getting a job he went out with his friends to drink all night, as he goes home however, he was suddenly ambushed by a god by the name of Truck-kun and immediately died, or not? he woke up one morning on the side of road and is that... is that an oddish?

zelotwo02 · Video Games
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Start of an unexpected journey.

"Ugh... My head hurts"

I said to myself as I got up from what seems to be a grassy area on the side of the road

"Outside? Damn what the fuck happened yesterday?"

Oh right, I went with my friends to drink and... The truck!

I immediately looked at my body the moment I remembered what happened last night.

"No injuries whatsoever... Am I dead?"

I said to myself as I look around

"Where the heck am I anyway? And why do I feel so short??"

I moved into a nearby pond to see my reflection... It was me but smaller, my teenage self.


As I was busy looking at my reflection, I heard a small voice to my side.

"Odd? yes it is odd- yo what the fuck are you!"

I immediately fell into my ass, A bluish circular thing with leaf for hairs and red eyes was looking at me curiously

"Od... Dish!"

The creature said as he walk passed by me, It seems like he saw me as harmless.


I said calling out to it.

"I remember now... that blue skin, that leafy head... You're an oddish right?"

"Dish!" The oddish said while nodding it's head

At that moment It suddenly made sense, the truck, my younger self, and most importantly, the cute creature before me...

I got reincarnated huh...

Wait, does that mean I get to be a pokemon trainer now?

I immediately opened my bag only to found out that I currently only have 5 empty pokeballs and some basic necessities.

Other than that, I also have a phone on my pocket, I opened it up and saw my trainer card along with a pokedex app.

"Let's see..."

"Odd?" The cute oddish also peeked on my phone as I fiddle around


Name: Rino Heathers

Money: ₱0

Badge: None

Pokemon: None


"No money, No starter...."

Dang starting from zero huh... well whatever, I have an idea on what my starter will be now.

"Hey oddish, wanna join me on my journey?"

I called out to the oddish that was chilling on my head for a while now


The oddish replied tilting it's head cutely.

"I'm a pokemon trainer, My goal is to travel the world and be the very best!"

I proudly declared, I don't even know if I'm still alive or not, but I know every pokemon fan wished to be a real life pokemon trainer, and that's what I'm just gonna do.


Dang it's raining now.

"You don't have to worry about food or shelter with me here, and I promise to train you to be the best oddish there is!"

I added trying to convince the smol oddish.


The oddish said jumping from my head towards the pokeball on my hand.

I watched the oddish get sucked into the ball, it immediately pinged afterwards, signalling the successful capture.

"I guess that's a yes"

I said as I clicked the pokemon, releasing the newly captured oddish.


The oddish joyfully jumped into my arms.

"Oh my god you're so cutee"

I said as I put the oddish on my head again.

My oddish aside, something interesting seems to be happening.


I saw large bolt of electricity nearby, the rain also stopped and a rainbow appeared.

What's really interesting is what's on the rainbow.


I can see a golden bird flying high above.

If Ho-oh showed up, then that must mean the whole fearow mess is already done, the sun is setting too so I better get to the pokemon center in viridian city.

I said as I stood up and opened my map.

Hello everyone, If you notice any mistake, feel free to comment about it and i'll get it fixed.

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