
Intense Wind

"Fight!" The Elder shouted and brought his hand down with force.


Even with the signal of the judge, no one charged forward, and both just silently watched each other's movements. Blake is not overly impulsive anymore so she just won't charge at a opponent visibly stronger than her.

The dual wielding girl was slightly confused by this, judging by the personality of this person, wouldn't she charge head fist without caring? Why is she suddenly so careful? She tossed this thought aside and kept watching Blake while ready for any attack.

This stalemate didn't last for long. Seeing that Blake wouldn't take the initiative, her opponent decided to do it herself. She took a step forward and charged at full speed, watching this Blake's eyes suddenly widened.

This girl was fast! She was not as fast as Riolu on his full speed but she might match Honedge. On top of it, she moved silently and took few steps on the ground almost like she was flying, she was moving like a leaf being brought by the wind.

The girl was in front of Blake before she could even process what happened, she did a small jump and hacked at Blake with her two swords at the same time, if this its, Blake is going to instantly lose the battle.

Blake arms moved by themselves thanks to her Aura and all the combat training she had until now, she held her sword with two hands above her head. When the two slender blades hit her sword, Blake immediately came back to her senses feeling the force of the strike.

'Too Strong!!' Blake realized she wouldn't be able to hold for much longer, so she slightly twisted her body and the angle of her sword, her opponent's swords slipped out of her blade and hit the ground, causing slight cracks. If the ground wasn't made from a special material it would have made a big hole in there instead.

Blake immediately took this chance and released her sword, sending a quick jab towards her opponent's face, her hand was covered in flames. Her opponent is far faster than she is, so if she tried to slash her down with a sword at this angle, she would be the one who would be slashed instead.

Looking at the rapidly approaching fist, the girl didn't show any signs of panic and simply jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding Blake's attack. Her jump was weirdly big for her angle and the force she used, like she had less gravity applied to her. She covered a big distance with that single jump and was almost at the other end of the ring.

Blake was panting as she took her sword back. That strike earlier was far stronger than it should be considering how small her opponent's swords were, what made it so strong? She then remembered feeling strong wind when her opponent attacked, and these weird movements. Was she using a wind technique?

Blake was only at the third stage, while the girl was on the fifth. With her opponent using a wind technique, together with the difference stages, Blake being overpowered was completely normal.

The dual wielding girl didn't want to give Blake any time to think, as soon as Blake too her sword back she was already halfway there, and immediately attacked. Blake who was now ready was more less able to keep up because of her Aura, but even with the help of her Aura senses her opponent was far too fast and each strike was strong.

Her body was piling up slash wounds, as her opponents not only didn't slow down but actually became even faster. Her dual swords were moving so fast that Blake could only barely see them, she was attacking like furious whirlwind, and actual wind was coming out from her swords as all the dust and dirt in the surroundings got thrown away.

Blake knew she will not be able to keep up for long with Aura, she needs to think of a way to stop this now!

"HYAA!" Blake suddenly shouted as her sword's blade started to catch fire, her opponent hesitated a little bit because of this, and Blake for some reason flipped her sword and pointed at the ground, confusing her. Then, almost like she felt some kind of danger, she tried to jump away.

Blake's fiery blade extended, and as soon as it touched the ground something shocking happened. Like a small gasoline explosion, flames flew all around her with her sword as the center. The girl was almost caught by it, her clothes and some of her skin had burns, it hurt a lot and she got annoyed because of it.

What Blake did just now is a new move but at the same time not, while she was training in the Domineering Flame Sword Art she failed, and all the energy came out like a explosion. The purpose of the Domineering Flame Sword Art isn't to cause a fire explosion, but to precisely control the Qi so you can extend the blade and cut enemies down.

Still, she inspired by this "failure" and decided to act like it was some kind of new move, she decided to call it Fire Burst. It has two big weaknesses, the first is that releasing so much Qi like this almost empties her out, she never had a lot of Qi in the first place. The second is that the explosion doesn't happen wherever she wants. If someone or something touches the fire blade, it goes haywire and explodes with Blake as the center, not where it was touched.

Blake is still trying to work on this so it explodes wherever it touches instead, but for now its only useful for enemies in close range. She was panting heavily, her Qi has almost been depleted. Her gaze was determined, her next move would most likely her final one this match.

Her opponent meanwhile was looking at the flames, waiting for them to go out. Her vision is being blocked by it and she can't get close, so she decided that waiting the only option right now. She was also not worried about any attacks, Blake vision was also being obstructed by the flames. She can't possibly hit anything.

That's when it happened. She failed to notice it because of the flames and because she never thought Blake would somehow find her position. A orange pillar like thing came out of the flames at a high speed, straight into her. It was Blake's Domineering Flame Sword!

The wind around the girl got into turmoil, and girl evaded the blow without even moving her feet. It was like the wind was the one who pushed her out of the attack!

Even then, she didn't manage to avoid it completely and could still feel a hot sensation on her belly, where the attack almost hit, her clothes there were burned. The attack ended up hitting the ground, it left a small hole and the rocks there were somehow burned. Looking at that, she knew if that this attack had not missed she had a big chance of losing the match. She smiled.

"Well, I didn't plan on doing this but since you are going all out..." The girl look at the flames who were still covering Blake. She knew Blake had most likely used all of her Qi left on this last attack. She immediately charged at the flames at a insane speed, the air in front of her instead of giving resistance, helped her charge forward.

She reached deep into the flames, one hand in front of her and the other in the back, each holding a sword. Before the heat and flames consumed her, she shouted and started spinning.

"Rising Whirlwind!"

A mini tornado formed in the center of the flames, and strong and violent winds spread out with it as the center. The flames were put out almost instantly and Blake was tossed to the ground, a red light coming out from her.

The tornado gradually stopped, the girl looked at Blake who was on the ground and slowly walked towards her. She stopped right before her.

"You, you are interesting. I look forward to what you will do on the inner sect." She extended out her hand.

Looking at this, the tired Blake laughed.

"Thank, I guess. My name is Blake, what is yours." Blake took her hand and asked. She felt like asking for names like this was bit a impolite but she couldn't resist.

"My name is Lie Feng."

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