

Another beautiful morning comes, the sun starts to show itself, lots of hiding Oddish are going out from the ground where they buried themselves, nocturnal pokemons went back to their own home to rest after searching for food the whole night. Viridian City is starting to become livelier again.

Joseph and all of his pokemons are having breakfast, like the usual Joseph was eating toast, eggs and coffee for his breakfast.

After the breakfast, Joseph took a lukewarm bath in the cold morning to freshen himself and start a new day of idling in the shop.

Finally, all of the things Joseph needed to do this morning are all done. Joseph was now sitting on his favorite comfy chair while waiting for customers.

On the front of Joseph's store, there was a parked van with two napping persons.

The man on the driver's seat suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the direction of Joseph's shop then the man's expression became energetic.

"Sandra! The store is finally opened! Wake up! Wake UP!!" The man shaked the napping woman.

"Wha.. what is it? Mom I'm tired I need to sleep more." The woman rubbed her eyes, she looks good even though she have a messy hair and a small amount of saliva on the corner of her mouth.

"Joseph Johnson's shop is opened!!" The man increased the volume of his voice then the woman finally snapped out from her drowsiness.

Sandra looked at the direction of Joseph's Store then she finally smiled. "I need to do a quick retouch."

"Quick?" The man has the expression of doubt all over his face.

"Yeah." Sandra opened her bag and took her make up kit.

The man facepalms and he sighed.

An hour later the two entered Joseph's shop.

The man that holding a professional video camera while having a irritated face, a beautiful looking woman also entered after the man.

Joseph's attention was caught by the ringing sound of the bell on the top of the door, indicating that a customer or visitor entered his store.

Joseph put down the magazine he's reading and greeted the two persons.

"Hello Mr. Johnson, I'm Sandra Summers from Kanto News and Entertainment Network." Sandra gave her best smile as a greeting to Joseph, she was surprised that the new gym leader of Viridian City is more handsome than his picture on the internet.

"Hello Mr. Johnson, I'm Aaron Miller a cameraman from the same network." The man with Sandra named Aaron also politely introduced himself.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Joseph already figured out what this is all about when he heard Sandra's introduction and the professional video camera that Aaron was holding.

"Can we interview you Mr. Johnson? It's fine to decline if you're busy right now, we will come back another day if you have free time." Sandra politely said with a beautiful smile on her face.

"As you can see I don't have any customers so, you can interview me right now let's just pause the interview if a customer came here to shop, is it okay for you guys?" Joseph suggested.

"Thank you." Both of the media personnel lightly bowed at Joseph.

Aaron found the best angle to film the interview then he started to roll the camera.

The interview started, Sandra just asked some frequently asked questions during an interview and Joseph confidently answered them one by one.

"Mr. Johnson, what's your thoughts about the "Theories" in the internet about you?" Sandra asked.

"Well, I don't really care about those things. The first time I read those theories made me amazed at the creators of those, with their vast imagination they can become a great novelist or a scriptwriter in film industry." Joseph smiled and answered like a polite gentleman and frequently rubbing the fur of Mew in Eevee form.

"I was given this position because I have the ability, if you are still doubting me I will wait you at the 8th Gym." Joseph followed up with a serious tone. Joseph was pleased on the 8th Gym nickname since number 8 is considered to be a symbol of creation and new beginnings also a symbol of a new order which is Joseph actually doing since he transmigrated on this world.

"The 8th Gym... this is the first time I heard this name for the Viridian City, seems like there will be a gym ranking in the future and the 8th will be the strongest." Sandra gave a joke. Little did Sandra know this sentence will make the trainer's badge collection in this region more difficult.

Joseph just answered a smile and didn't say anything.

"Mr. Johnson can you give us some hints about your team in Viridian City Gym?" The interviewer immediately followed up because of Joseph became quiet again.

"Bunch of Ground types like what the special typing of the fired gym leader used but some those ground types are not from this region, since a lot of challenger this year came from different regions I won't limit my self on using Kanto only pokemons." Joseph stared at the camera while saying those lines.

Meanwhile, Raichu and Pikachu found a way to sneak out of the store when the interviewers came.

"This city is great but there's some local gang running here huh?" Raichu said with his deep voice and stared at the almost unnoticeable gang symbol, the gang symbol is a tree.

Passerby might thought that this is a fine artwork but for the guys like Raichu, this big tree graffiti is a gang symbol.

"How did you recognized it Aniki?" Pikachu whose standing beside Raichu was so curious.

"It's written here." Raichu pointed at the painting's name. "Green Gang."

"Wow as expected of aniki!" Pikachu nodded.

"Let's find more about this lame sounding gang and we need to find our new gang artist since brother Da Vinci is still resting in the home with others." Raichu walked towards the busy area and pikachu followed him.

On the side of the tree painting a silhouette of a lizard pokemon suddenly appeared after Raichu and Pikachu left.

"Another gang sprouted out of nowhere? I must go and report this to Boss." Kecleon hurriedly left the area to report his findings.

The interview of Sandra to Joseph ended and they politely gave their farewell to Joseph and left the store to go back in their Network's building to edit the clips they filmed from the interview.

Joseph stretched his arms and lightly yawned, staying in a quiet and peaceful place makes him really sleepy.

Joseph stood up and brewed a cup of coffee to energize himself, he is also thinking about the VR training equipments but when he analyzed that this invention will make the things change because of the NPC's harsh battling style that will surely train someone and their pokemon's battling skill more powerful in just few months or years battling a champion level trainer like cabbages in the streets will surely gather the attentions of the persons with personal and evil interests, His peaceful days will end.

Joseph doesn't like to be disturbed on his quiet time like this, he just scrapped this project and think of other ways.

"The only problem in my first project is the champion level NPCs, hmmm... what if I will make it as player vs player to balance this Wolrd's system... a MOBA?" Joseph was staring outside the window. Making a 5v5 battle arena seems pretty fun. "Alexa let's set the new project, Pokemon Unite! This time only trainers can choose pokemons inside the game and level up to evolve just like the Pokemon Unite in my old world. With this game the trainers battle experience will be capped based on their opponents and their real pokemons can't gain battle experience since they are using computer generated pokemons."

Joseph sipped his coffee. "In the end, my project became your typical VR game."


I'm busy these past days.