
Pokemon: I'm King

Meeting Mew who was injured and accidentally crossed to Earth, and with the power of Mew, he come to the Pokémon world and start an adventurous journey. Friendship, Love, Bonds, Battle, Conquer. Let's see how Alex embarks on the road of king with the help of various special psychic talents unlocked by the leaf of the world tree brought by Mew and the talent to see through Pokémon's qualifications! After Alex reached the peak, he turned around and saw the beautiful faces of a group of girls. -------------- A/N: The main theme of this book is Pokemon battles. The heroine are all important characters. It will be collected slowly but not less! --------------- [Update Schedule: 1 Chapter/Week] --------------- Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/vsKywcFPfP

HarukiSensei · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Fleeting Figure

Alex's figure slowly emerged at near building which had a white round roof, tightening the backpack in his hand as he made his way to the door with a hint of excitement.

A big man with a red hat and a scar at the corner of his eye suddenly emerged from the door as Alex was making his way to it.

The backpack in their hands was thrown quite a distance away, and the Union money inside the bag were also dispersed all over the place because Alex was unable to avoid the collision in time.

The man's eyes twitched and his eyes could not conceal his greed as soon as he saw the money.

Alex had a horrible hunch when he saw this and as he slowly stood up and apologized first, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"You don't have to apologise but you compensate to me anyway."

"Why did you think?"

The man  asked  mockingly  but  after  not  hearing his  response,  he asked  again,  "Is  this  not  good?" He  then  turned  to  glare  at  Alex.

Alex  frowned and after  taking  a  deep  breath,  he  calmly  remarked,  "Looks  like  I  didn't  make any  sense  with  you,  so  we  can  only  solve  this  with our  fists."

As he had finished speaking, Alex's eyes  narrowed, he  noticed a defect in his stance,  and he  immediately  punched him.


The man felt a sharp pain between his chest and fell to the ground all at once since he was unprepared for Alex's sudden attack.

The man became angry out of embarrassment after being knocked to the ground by a child.

He suddenly sprang up and waved his fist while roaring, "Boy, this is not what you should do."

Seeing this, Alex sneered, and also threw a punch.

He was confident that with the skills he had cultivated in extreme sports in the past few years, he would never lose to this man.

Yet the next instant, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

He unconsciously took a few steps back as he felt the force on his fist before he was able to steady himself.

Alex recalled that his physique had appeared to be "minimised" now.

Without giving him a time to react, the man used the momentum created by his first strike to pursue him with a second punch.

Alex thought the man's actions were a little slow in his eyes and wondered if it was a hallucination of some sort.

When the man's fist was ready to strike Alex in the nose, Alex tilted his head just enough to avoid being struck.

After Alex evaded his blow, the man became even more enraged and continued to punch him recklessly.

However, as time went on, Alex became increasingly adept at dodging the blow.

Alex decided to win with speed after perceiving some changes in his body and realising that his strength was insufficient at the moment. He dodged the man's punch once more, narrowed his eyes, assumed a neutral position, and kicked backwards and hit the man's abdomen precisely.

The latter quickly turned over down while clutching his stomach in despair.

After taking a deep breath and considering the situation, Alex paid no attention to him.

He moved silently over the scattered Union Coins, crouched down, and started to gather them.

However, at this moment, a furious voice came from behind him.

"Boy, you are underestimating me to much!"

As he spoke, the man took out a Poké Ball, threw it into the air, and roared.

"Go, Mightyena!"

"Use [Sucker Punch]!"


As the man yelled. The Poké Ball shot a red light in midair, and a black figure appeared on the ground.

The next moment, that figure didn't stop for a moment and with a force on his feet, he rushed towards Alex with a strange force on his body.

Hearing the movement behind him, Alex instinctively turned around. What came into view was just a black figure that had already come in front of him.

Before Alex could react at all, he only felt a burst of huge power suddenly collided into his chest.

The next moment, he flew upside down and hit the wall heavily.


Alex tackled heavily against the wall all of a sudden, but what made him feel strange was that he didn't feel any pain at this moment, it seemed that a strange force appeared on his body to protect him.

But at this time, in the clouds, a fleeting figure flashed away, seems to be laughing playfully!

Seeing that Alex was about to stand up without any damage, the man frowned, and immediately planned to ask Mightyena to give him another fatal blow, but in the next moment, his ears jerked, and he heard the sound of an alarm .

Knowing clearly that his previous actions had been discovered, the man's heart tightened.

"You're lucky, kid!"

Cursing at Alex, the man put away the money on the ground in his interspatial ring temporarily, and then run away from their without ever looking back.

Seeing the man escaping, Alex immediately wanted to get up and chase after him, but at this moment, an inexplicable stabbing pain came in his mind, and he fainted eventually!

Not long after the man's figure disappeared, a blue-haired Pokémon suddenly appeared beside Alex, looking at the latter with a touch of worry in her eyes, and at the same time, its perception slowly dissipated, and she began to pay attention to surroundings. It was obviously to protect the unconscious Alex.

||A/N: The money that was robbed will be returned with interest, and Mew is actually by the protagonist's side all the time but the protagonist doesn't know yet! And lastly now, Alliance coin would be changed to Union coin.||

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