
Pokemon Hunter

A man reincarnated in Pokemon world with infinite possibilities. Follow his journey. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon. I do not own the cover either.

Skye12_ · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Winning The Tournament

"Alakazam has lost its ability to fight. The winner is Weavile and its trainer, Hisoka!"

The host announced the result with an excited expression on his face.

"The S.S. Anne Pokemon Tournament, which has lasted for eight hours, has finally come to an end. Now, let's welcome Mr. Hisoka to receive his prize on the stage," he continued.

The crowd applauded as Hisoka and Weavile slowly walked to the front under everyone's envious eyes.

"Congratulations, Hisoka!" Maggie winked, standing next to the host. She was chosen as the award presenter for this tournament.

Hisoka's opponent in the final was a researcher from Saffron City. Despite not being a professional Pokemon trainer, the researcher still possessed a fairly strong Pokemon.

He had to admit that the man was a powerful trainer, managing to cause problems for Weavile. Being able to win sixteen matches in a row and standing out from the three hundred trainers was enough to prove his strength. If it wasn't for Weavile's Dark-type that restrained Alakazam's Psychic-Type, it would be hard to determine the winner between them.

Alakazam's strongest offensive move, Psybeam, was completely useless against the Dark-type Weavile. However, even at such a disadvantage, the Alakazam's Teleport to weave through Weavile's attack. The occasional Recover coupled with the Tri Attack of the Normal-type, in particular, caused a lot of damage to Weavile. Fortunately, the goddess of luck was standing at his side today.

Although he won the championship, Hisoka did not feel any pride in winning the tournament. To be honest, the tournament held on S.S Anne wasn't fair to many trainers. He was only able to win this tournament due to the rules of S.S Anne.

Maggie was holding a tray filled with an Egg Incubator and Mystic Water. After reaching the podium, she smiled and handed the incubator in her hands to Hisoka.

Hisoka took the egg incubator with a curious look. The blue Pokemon egg with black stripes was sitting quietly inside the transparent glass. Also, the incubator was made from special material, which has a shock-absorbing effect.

Hence, the Pokemon eggs incubated inside the incubator would not suffer any damage, such as falling from a certain height.

Then, she took the Mystic Water necklace and handed it to Hisoka with a smile.

"Actually, I knew that you would definitely win the tournament," Maggie suddenly whispered in Hisoka's ear.

"Looks like the ticket that I gave you before wasn't in vain."

Maggie still doesn't know that Hisoka didn't use the ticket she gave to board S.S Anne as a tourist but as security.

After taking the Mystic Water, he gently put his arms around Maggie's shoulder and gently hugged her under everyone's eyes.

After that, applause, cheers, and whistles resounded throughout the deck. Everyone was grateful to Hisoka for showing them fantastic Pokemon battles.

After the awards presentation, he and Maggie went to the entertainment deck to have a few drinks at the bar and exchange their contact information. An hour later, they bid goodbye to each other and went back to their rooms to rest.

After battling sixteen matches today, Hisoka was exhausted both physically and mentally. Although the battle was done by Weavile, it still took a lot of toll on his mind to command the battle from the sidelines.

He was lying inside the hot tub filled with hot water, too lazy to climb out from the bath. Then, a few minutes later, he walked out of the toilet and changed into a pair of pajamas before lying on the large queen bed.

As the winner of the two prizes, Hisoka was very satisfied. Of course, it would be even better if a talented Pokemon hatched out of the egg. Still, gifted or not, it doesn't matter that much to him. Because the rarity of Pokemon didn't represent their final strength.

Besides that, the Mystic Water can increase the power of the Water-type move. So when Feebas evolved into Milotic later, this item was just right for her. It could improve her strength in a short time and gain combat experience that she was not able to in during her Feebas period.



At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, there was a knocking sound on the front door when everyone else on the ship was almost asleep.


Hisoka shot up from the bed abruptly.

"Who the fuck would disturb someone in the middle of the night!" he grumbled.

Hisoka was too tired after battling in the tournament before. No one would feel good after being awakened from their nice dream.

Hisoka didn't open the door immediately. He wasn't sure about the person knocking on the door at this time of the night. It was still necessary to maintain due vigilance.

Through the peephole, Hisoka saw a woman in a halter top dress with black stockings hanging on her long legs. Although she was wearing heavy makeup, he could still recognize the woman was Lisa, the hunter who had applied for the security task with him.


'There's something wrong with this woman's brain!' Hisoka laughed secretly.

If you think about it carefully, there was really something wrong with this situation. A sexy woman dressed up standing at the front door of his room in the middle of the night? Yeah, even an idiot knew that the woman was up to no good.

Hisoka was thinking about the various reasons for the woman's presence in his mind. The most likely reason was that the Rocket member named Dwayne had watched his battles and felt that he might be an obstacle to their operation later and decided to get rid of him first.

'So, do you really think it is that to kill me?' Hisoka sneered.

He had seen this kind of routine a lot. Did Team Rocket really think of him as an ordinary boy? He used to do a lot of missions back in the Viridian Forest, and there were many people who had schemed for his gains.

Furthermore, his actual age was different from his current appearance. He might look like a boy, but he was still a reincarnated person. He had seen these kinds of things back in his previous lives.

Not opening the door will definitely cause the woman to notice his wariness toward her. So it was better to ask the other party first and deal with her now rather than later.

When he opened the door, Lisa was leaning against the door with a flirty smile and said, "Hye, may I come into your room?"

But before Hisoka could reply, the woman was already half-stepped into his room.

Hisoka's body stepped forward, blocking the opponent's progress with a stern look. Lisa then put one hand on Hisoka's chest and caressed it slowly.

"Why? Aren't I invited into your room? It's cold outside. We can do something fun tonight," she whispered hotly.


The night shrouded the entire sea in pitch black color. The S.S. Anne was slowly sailing against the waves, rocking from side to side. Even though Captain Iron sailed this route every year, he still did not dare to relax his vigilance. It was better to be careful while sailing on the sea.

About two miles away south of S.S. Anne, a speedboat was traveling at high speed. There were more than a dozen motorboats around the speedboat, following one after another. The people standing inside the boats were wearing black tight-fitting uniforms with a huge red R on the front.

This was Team Rocket's official logo.

On the speedboat, a member of Team Rocket who was steering the boat looked at the faintly visible lights in the distance and loudly said, "Boss! We are nearing S.S. Anne!"


Behind the Rockets member was a rough man in a blue-gray uniform. He had short brown hair and tanned skin. His muscles bulged against the uniform, showing his powerful strength.

He was one of the high-ranking members of Team Rocket, Tyson, a wanted criminal of the Kanto League with a bounty reward of two million dollars.

"Inform all the crew members to catch up with the ship as fast as possible. We need to head to the ship before dawn. Dwayne has been waiting for us for a long time."

After Tyson issued the order, he took out two Pokemon balls from his belt and threw them toward the sky. After that, two giant bird Pokemon with a wingspan of more than three meters appeared in the air.

With their powerful and broad wings, they move the surrounding air at high speed, creating a hurricane-like effect. They had brown feathers and vulturine necks, but the most striking thing was their sharp pink beaks that were more than twenty centimeters long. Their narrow eyes were full of the murderous intent as if they were ready to catch their prey at any time.

This is the final evolution of one of the two common bird Pokemon in the Kanto region, Fearow. Their character is irritable, full of aggressiveness, and is good at using the long pointed beak to perform drill-based moves such as Drill Peck and Drill Run.

In the wanted order of the Kanto League, these two magnificent Fearow of Tyson were clearly noted. They were the trump cards that he usually used when performing a task.

These Fearow were much larger than a normal-sized Fearow and were extremely aggressive. In addition, both of them were specially trained to act together to conduct airstrikes on the enemy, which can produce an outstanding effect.

Tyson stood on the speedboat with his arms crossed and said to the two avian Pokemon in the air, "Fearow! You two head to that big ship first and rendezvous with Dwayne as planned. If he encounters any troubles, help him solve the problem first."


The two big Fearow nodded and let out two piercing cries at the same time.

Then, they spread their giant wings and took off, flying at high speed toward S.S. Anne.

The task of raiding S.S. Anne was assigned to Tyson by Ariana, one of the four executives of Team Rocket.

Due to the rapid development of Team Rocket in recent years, they had been hit by the Kanto and Johto League forces. As a result, most of the large enterprises secretly controlled by Team Rocket were closed overnight.

Team Rocket industries in many cities in the two regions were also banned and confiscated by the League. This blow had a significant impact on Team Rocket's finance.

However, a major experimental project at Team Rocket headquarters that cost Boss Giovanni many years of hard work had come to the most critical time. At this time, in order to ensure the safety and continuity of the experiment, the amount of money that needed to be invested was huge. On top of that, the experimental project took an exorbitant amount just for daily maintenance.

Since Tyson saw this project, he realized that it was a truly money-burning undertaking. The experimental project, which lasted for five years, had burned almost all of Team Rocket's funds. And it was still unknown how much more money needed to be poured into the project.

Ariana, the only female member among the Team Rocket's executives, was the most trusted person by Giovanni. She was also in charge of Team Rocket's economic affairs.

To help Boss Giovannie to reduce his worries naturally falls on her head. Since it was impossible to raise a large amount of money in a short period of time and slowly start a company for development, they could only use the crudest means, such as terrorist attacks and kidnapping.

There were more than a thousand passengers with good family conditions onboard the S.S. Anne cruise ship, among which there were hundreds of wealthy people. After they were all kidnapped, they could be held for ransom. If the raid was successfully completed today, they could get an astronomical sum from the League, enough to tide them over.


"What's your name?"


"Why are you looking for me?"

"Kill you and get half a million dollars from Dwayne."

"How are you going to kill me?"

"Seduce you and kill you with a poison needle when you are unaware."

Lisa murmured these words in a monotone voice, her eyes looking dull. And behind her, a lightly colored Gengar was pressing Lisa's head with its tangible ghosty hand. A reddish light flashed in its eyes from time to time. Apparently, the reason Lisa was in such a state now was due to the Gengar floating behind her back.

"Where did she place the poison?" Hisoka asked curiously.

He wanted to see where the poison needle was hidden in her body. Lisa then stuck her tongue out and pushed it upward. Sure enough, a thin transparent needle was faintly visible under her tongue.

"This thing is called blood toxin. It is synthesized toxic made from many materials. It is a quick-acting poison."

Matthias stood up and explained, "I guess this black widow wants to kill you when both of you are rolling under the sheet."

Is she crazy?

Hisoka asked curiously: "Is she not afraid of stabbing herself when hiding the poison needle under her tongue?"

Matthias rolled his eyes at him and sneered, "You don't know anything about the poison before. This shows that this woman is quite confident in her own skill. Well, do you want to try it now? I can prepare a new grave for you if you want, free of charge."

Hisoka ignored the man's mocking and asked, "Well, what's their plan now?"

Matthias snapped his fingers, and the Gengar then removed its hand on Lisa's head. After that, a purple light flashed in Gengar's eyes, and Lisa soon fell asleep, snoring loudly.


Gengar used hypnosis to control Lisa's mind, which was an advanced use of hypnosis. It was a common police interrogation method, but it can easily cause irreparable sequelae to the prisoner's brain if used frequently.


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