
Pokemon Hunter

A man reincarnated in Pokemon world with infinite possibilities. Follow his journey. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon. I do not own the cover either.

Skye12_ · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs


Ice Island.

A large rock was flying across the sky at breakneck speed. Salamence pricked up his ears when he heard the loud bang. Just as he was about to turn his head, the rock was already close by.

The rock landed right on Salamence's head, sending him flying away.


Salamence was struck to the ground hard. After the dust settled down, Salamence's miserable figure appeared lying down in the middle of the crater.

Shaq and Barry were stunned. They didn't know where the rock came from, but they were grateful that someone was helping them.

They immediately got up, took back their Pokemon, and ran away. Though faint, they could still hear Salamence's weak groan coming from the crater. They didn't want to stay here any longer in case Salamence woke up.

But when they finally rushed out of the forest, they suddenly heard the sound of a gun being fired. Then, a large net rushed toward them. Before they knew it, they were already trapped in the net.

"Captain, we caught two more people."

While they were struggling to break free from the net, they heard someone talking near them, followed by hurried footsteps. A few moments later, they saw more than twenty guys in the same clothes walking toward them.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking us?"

Shaq looked at them in a puzzled manner. He had already given up trying to break free. Meanwhile, Barry, next to him, was still trying to escape.

"If you want money, I will give you all I have. Just please let us go."

Haas looked at the two people struggling in the net thoughtfully. A few minutes ago, they had just landed on Ice Island when they suddenly heard a loud commotion in the forest ahead of them.

Wanting to learn what had happened, he crouched in front of them.

"Do you want to live?"

"Yes! Please let us go."'

Shaq pleaded. Barry also stopped struggling as he looked at him with eyes full of hope.


He nodded in satisfaction.

"Now. I want to know what happened in the forest just now. Don't try to lie to me. You will regret it if I find out that you are lying."

"There is a crazy Dragon Pokemon in the forest. I think it has lost its mind. It tried to kill us just now."

Shaq quickly replied.

"Is that so?"

He hummed in a thoughtful manner. He didn't think these guys would lie to him under his threat.

"Is it a Salamence?"

He continued to ask.

"Yes. That was the Pokemon that attacked us just now."

They both answered at the same time.

After getting what he wanted, he was no longer interested in these two guys. Standing up, he ordered his men to lock them up. He then headed back to the airship while his men patrolled around the forest.

"Captain, we found that there is a crazy Salamence in the forest. We haven't seen Sigana yet."

He reported what he saw earlier to his captain, Dave.

Dave nodded and said.

"That Salamence must belong to her. She's the only one I know who owns a Salamence on this island at this moment. Something must have happened to her."

"Or maybe she just turned off her communication radio?"

Haas cut in.

They both fell silent. Dave shook his head. They had no idea what had happened to Sigana. He then waved his hand and said.

"Send a few men to the forest. Tell them to be careful. Don't get too close to that Salamence."

"Yes, Captain!"


Somewhere near the mountain on Ice Island.


After Salamence recovered from the attack just now, he quickly found Hisoka and his Pokemon.

In anger, he fired a powerful Hyper Beam at them.

The orange beam struck the mountain with a thunderous roar. The large explosion that was caused by the Hyper Beam quickly spread to the surroundings.

As soon as the explosion ended, snow started rolling down the mountain.

Seeing the avalanche heading toward him, Hisoka took a few steps back in fear.

Gardevoir, who was standing beside him, hurriedly grabbed his hand.

"Wait, Gardevoir! Don't use Teleport now."

Just before she could Teleport them away, he quickly stopped her and told her not to use Teleport immediately. Although the avalanche was already close to them, he didn't think they would be able to teleport away safely.

He knew that Salamence was closely watching them. He had no doubt that as soon as they teleported away, Salamence would catch up with them.

Letting out an angry roar, Salamence started to prepare another Hyper Beam within his mouth.

"Hide in the hole!"

He turned pale when he saw that. In haste, he pulled Gardevoir and jumped into the hole dug by Rhyperior earlier. As long as they hid in the hole, they would be safe from the avalanche and Salamence's Hyper Beam.


As soon as Rhyperior entered the hole, Salamence fired his second Hyper Beam toward them, followed by the avalanche.

Under Gardevoir and Rhyperior's power, they barely managed to survive.

Meanwhile, Salamence was enraged after seeing Hisoka and his Pokemon disappear again. He flew around the sky and breathed fire at his surroundings.

The surrounding temperature was getting high as the snow and ice on the mountain were rapidly melting down.


A loud cry resounded at the top of the clouds. Along with that, snow started falling down from the sky.


A gust of cold breeze swept over. Sigana looked at the snowflakes falling on his hand.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and in the blink of an eye, the entire island was covered in snow.

'Is this your plan?'

She thought in worry. She didn't expect that guy to lure out one of the legendary birds this way.

As the guardian of Ice Island, she knew that Articuno would not sit idly by as Salamence destroyed the island.

Articuno had the power to control ice at will. With its Ice-type attacks, Salamence would not be able to resist it.

What's more, as a legendary Pokemon, it was much stronger than her Salamence.

As Articuno began to fly down, an aurora appeared in the sky. With a shriek, a large avian Pokemon covered in snow appeared above the island. It had a sky-blue plumage and wings that looked like it was made from ice.

On its head was a crest that consisted of three different shaped feathers, and it had a long, streamer-like tail.

Its red eyes were looking around the island before they finally landed on Salamence.

However, it became mad when it saw that Salamence was ignoring it and continued to destroy the island with his fire.

After he found the person who was destroying its home, it spread its wings and rushed down from the sky with a cry full of anger.

Its feather made of ice gleamed under the sun. With every flap of its wings, ice and snow fell.

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