
Pokemon: Humans And Monsters Alike

Welcome to the world of pokemon! But unlike the Pokemon you know well, this story is much different. Some Pokemon take on traits of humans and we call them Pokemen. Follow the journey of a group of Pokemen on their quest to be the very best like no one ever was. (Cover by Jegssart)

YellowKarato · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Episode 40: Kicking & Punching

Rai: Before we head to the gym I want us to check something out.

Wart: What?

Rai: A couple of years ago the gym here was fighting type but then the new psychic type gym leader Sabrina took the spot of Saffron City gym leader. I want to see the former gym leader.

Leon: Let's go then.

They arrive at the former gym and are greeted at the door by a Hitmonchan Pokewoman and Hitmonlee Pokeman.

Hitmonchan: Welcome to the fighting dojo!

Hitmonlee: Where everyone is welcome!

Hitmonchan: I'm Chan.

Hitmonlee: And my name is Lee.

Rai: Hi we're here to see the leader of this gym.

Lee: Oh, we're sorry to tell you but our master has left this dojo to us.

Chan: Yes, he doesn't visit often so we doubt you'll meet him soon. I assume you want to ask about Sabrina don't you?

Rai: Yeah thats the exact reason we're here.

Lee: How about this, we'll tell you everything you want to know if you can beat every trainer in here.

Chan: 5 trainers, 5 of you.

Leon: But there's 6 of us.

Lee: Precisely, you will be fighting me and Chan. Please follow me to the battle arena.

Wart: Good luck Leon.

Leon leaves with the 2 Pokemen, as the rest of our heroes battle against the 5 blackbelt trainers.

Leon: So why single me out? Wanted to fight against the strongest of the group?

Chan: Oh no not at all. How could the only one of you all that isn't fully evolved be the strongest?

Lee: Saying you are the strongest of your friend group only puts your friends down.

They laugh and mock Leon, enraging him as he charges toward Chan with a Fire Punch. She counters with her own Fire Punch breaking Leon's hand.

Chan: See? How do you think you of all people could beat Sabrina?

Lee: You don't even know how to properly use your strength.

Leon: I'll show you, I'll show everyone just how strong I am!

Leon uses Dragon Breath and covers the whole battlefield with purple flames. Lee jumps over it and hits Leon with a Double Kick. He's knock away into Chan's Mach Punch. Leon uses Smokescreen to disorent them but Chan still hits him with a Thunder Punch.

Chan: I think it's far enough to say this is over, right Lee?

Lee: Not yet, look at him now.

The smoke is blown away as standing there, emerging into his new form is Leon the Charizard.

Leon: Thank you but I'll end this now.

With a single Wing Attack, he knocks out the 2 dojo masters with ease. Thanks to that training, Leon has finally reached his true potential.


Episode End.